How do I remove "Sanvtrum Viatas" from the book of runes and from the book of paladin? That it would be inaccessible to players.
Change the mana required for that spell to 1000.
Or add a return false to the OnCast method
Or remove that button from the books gumps
I did it like this.
in initializer.cs, I commented on this line.

Register(209, typeof(Chivalry.SacredJourneySpell));

In BookOfChivalry.cs find:
public override int BookCount
                return 10;

Change to:
public override int BookCount




                return 9;



I just don't know how to remove the icon from the paladin's book.
You've done the hard part, made slightly less difficult since the spell you want to remove is last in the list. Otherwise you would have also had to re-number the spells that followed it in the list.

I think now your main issue is the "Content" property of the book. This value tells the book which spells are in the book. Normally all chivalry books are full so this value never changes. I understand the theory behind how the number works but admit I don't know how to calculate it so that your book will show "SpellCount=9" when [propsed.

If someone else can do the math for that value, I think you would be all set! Oh, and be sure to delete all existing chivalry books or it'll crash the server when someone opens an old 10-spell book.
I will try to implement this. Although the most important thing is done. This magic doesn't work.

Initialized these lines in Runebookgumpm. cs
AddButton(135 + (half * 160), 176, 2103, 2104, 75 + index, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
AddHtmlLocalized(150 + (half * 160), 172, 110, 20, 1062724, false, false); // Sacred Journey
This is after all a cheat and destroys the macroeconomics of trading scrolls recall.
Interesting concept... Sacred journey takes only 15 minimum skill to cast, but it takes 70 points to get 100% chance of success. To tie 70 points into a skill is hardly a "cheat". But good luck anyway