Hi guys, First sorry for my bad eng and second sorry for my noobs-c#-skill.

I need to modify/create pg class,example:

Warrior. Sword cap 100
Magery cap 0

Mage. The same with other caps
And more..

Second question:

It's possible to remove/disable some skills?

I want to remove also from players gump.

Ty all
It's possible to remove/disable some skills?

I want to remove also from players gump.

Ty all

Remove skills from player gump is not possible, they are hardcoded into the client.

You can make classes without any scripting knowledge at all. Are you using xmlspawner?

for example: you can make stones, ex: Warrior stone:

when player doubleclicks the stone they get an attachment (or an invisible item) called ''warrior''.

then you can add a check on spells scripts that dont allow players with ''warrior'' attachtment / ''warrior'' item to cast spells.

Warriors wouldnt be able to use magery and so on

You can do the same to mage class, add a check in BaseWeapon.cs and dont allow mages equip weapons.

hope you get the idea
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You could also look at using skill gates, which would set the limits of a skill as well. Start your players in an area where they are forced to choose / walk through a gate to pick what class they want to be before they are added in the world.

I did this one before were players were spawned in a room that forced them to walk through a gate to exit. The gate set all the skill caps to 70.0 across the board. Then, later, they picked a 'profession' in which they walked through another gate, which allowed the skills that went with that profession to go up to 100.0 - 120.0 for caps and made all the other 'non-profession' skills revert back to 0.0. So, they had to lose any skills that they had gained in to keep increasing the ones for that profession.

It worked out, but was a lot of time and effort to setup, especially if you had a lot of professions / classes to pick from.
I thought this was posted here somewhere, but I'm having trouble finding it?

The system in question is here: http://www.runuo.com/community/threads/runuo-2-0-rc1-lokais-advanced-player-gate.70748/

It allows you to create a gate and as an admin, you can select what the skills are set to and / or the skill CAPS as well.

So, you could use it to where if someone walks through it, you can automatically set the skills for that class, or, you can just set the skill caps of what they can / can't use. I'm not sure if that version there is drop in with ServUO without any changes needed, but if I can find it posted here, I'll link to it.
I thought this was posted here somewhere, but I'm having trouble finding it?

The system in question is here: http://www.runuo.com/community/threads/runuo-2-0-rc1-lokais-advanced-player-gate.70748/

It allows you to create a gate and as an admin, you can select what the skills are set to and / or the skill CAPS as well.

So, you could use it to where if someone walks through it, you can automatically set the skills for that class, or, you can just set the skill caps of what they can / can't use. I'm not sure if that version there is drop in with ServUO without any changes needed, but if I can find it posted here, I'll link to it.
I try this, work, but after the server crash and auto-restart.

Maybe cause it's a runuo version and have problem with servuo :(
Best way would be a skillstone also something like i said at first, just dont let warriors cast spells and mages wear weapons and you are fine. Doesnt matter if a warrior lvls up magery, he wont be able to use it.

You can take a look af this script if u want, it was made for runuo 2.2


  • Race & Class System v2.rar
    6.7 KB · Views: 77
I found fixed script, run but now its only possible to set skill and not cap for each..

There's an arrow you click somewhere on there that toggles between the actual skill value and the skill cap value. (Can't remember where it is off the top of my head.)
You know what.... You are correct. I just went and dug through all of my UO files and did not realize that this was on TWO shards ago, not my last one. I realized this because I could not find the file for the gate anywhere in my scripts directory. So, i went digging through my old past shards and found it. I wasn't using ServUO at the time, I was using 'ForkUO', which was an older shard that had split off (I think) from JustUO. It's been several years ago.

So, it is quite possible that this system was never fully released for use with ServUO. The 2nd gump is the one I used (on the right.) I believe if you click to the next page, it toggles between the skill values and the actual skill caps.

I apologize for misleading you there.
Oh, I'm sure it is possible... but I have no idea of what changes need to be made to the script to make it work under ServUO. It is well beyond my scripting ability (which is basically ZERO. LOL) What you might want to do is post the crash error in the script support section and see maybe if someone can help you out there.