i`m trying make fel in one pmlist on publicmoongate.cs, and malas + termur in another, how to do both in the same pmlist?

for example:

public PMList(int number, int selNumber, Map map, PMEntry[] entries)

how to make the Map accept 2 entries ? for example Map.Malas | Map.TerMur ?
You should check out the PublicMoongate.cs - plus both Malas and TerMur are in the public moongate for ServUO
public static readonly PMList TerMur =
new PMList(1113602, 1113602, Map.TerMur, new PMEntry[]
new PMEntry(new Point3D(852, 3526, -43), 1113603), // Royal City
new PMEntry(new Point3D(926, 3989, -36), 1112572), // Holy City
Sorry, you don`t understand i want ter mur and malas in the same tab in the publicmongate. i want

Malas / Ter Mur / Eodon

in place of

Ter Mur / Eodon
I am not sure how they do the facets in the publicmoongate script. I use the Omniporter and it calls for the facet in each line. So you can have one tab with multiple facets.

      GlobalEntries.Add("Staff", new OmniEntry[]//add locations to the staff map here
         new OmniEntry("Green Acres tram", new Point3D(5445, 1153, 0), Map.Trammel ),
         new OmniEntry("Green Acres fel", new Point3D(5445, 1153, 0), Map.Felucca ),
         new OmniEntry("Jail tram", new Point3D(5296, 1173, 0), Map.Trammel ),
         new OmniEntry("Jail fel", new Point3D(5296, 1173, 0), Map.Felucca ),
         new OmniEntry("Star Room tram", new Point3D(5146, 1774, 0), Map.Trammel ),
         new OmniEntry("Star Room fel", new Point3D(5146, 1774, 0), Map.Felucca )
Well it is possible (tested it and it worked in the end) but I would recommend a proper version that supports it since using the default moongate script for that feels a bit hacky .. (a lot)
I am not sure how they do the facets in the publicmoongate script. I use the Omniporter and it calls for the facet in each line. So you can have one tab with multiple facets.

      GlobalEntries.Add("Staff", new OmniEntry[]//add locations to the staff map here
         new OmniEntry("Green Acres tram", new Point3D(5445, 1153, 0), Map.Trammel ),
         new OmniEntry("Green Acres fel", new Point3D(5445, 1153, 0), Map.Felucca ),
         new OmniEntry("Jail tram", new Point3D(5296, 1173, 0), Map.Trammel ),
         new OmniEntry("Jail fel", new Point3D(5296, 1173, 0), Map.Felucca ),
         new OmniEntry("Star Room tram", new Point3D(5146, 1774, 0), Map.Trammel ),
         new OmniEntry("Star Room fel", new Point3D(5146, 1774, 0), Map.Felucca )

ty i will try this script