
Good morning all,

I have been mulling around some ideas that will make game play easier for small shards of say less than 100 or so players, where you may manage your shard and your players may never see another person.

here are a few things that I am working on, but I would also love to hear some input or your ideas on things I can implement and release.

  • 1 repairing vendors to help players repair their armor and weapons (complete)
  • Vet that resurrects bonded pets, this would be good for people who are not tamers but have a bonded mount (basics done)
  • Self Resurrect system, allow players to self resurrect, retrieve their bodies and possibly their dead pets.
  • Add ressurecting abilities to other classes other than mage, healer and paladin
  • added resurrect ability to Animate Dead Spell in Necromancy, adds a large chunk of Karma to the necro even if locked (needs testing).
  • added Pet Banages that allow tamers to have a boost to healing / rezzing pets, and a reduced chance of healing / rezzing players (needs testing)

So questions are: what else would make life easier for small groups of players, how can I add the rez skill to other classes?[DOUBLEPOST=1380037657][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh Yeah I forgot to add
that I plan on adding New Haven Style quests / rewards for ALL skills. Maybe just make them a little more interesting and varied.
You will probably want a strong vendor system that sells resources and such. One of the biggest complaints I have always seen on lesser populated shards is the lack of player vendors.

Also, a travel system is nice. I was thinking of scripting the town and dungeon portals that OSI added to go into players houses. I still play on OSI some and its one of my favorite things they have added recently.
I'd always thought about a marketing / vendor system something along the lines of Eve Online markets (sorry about that but i'm playing it a lot) but for UO.

Able to be accessed by everyone from anywhere giving basic details like...

Item for sale / price
Location (X, Y cords or house sign locations)
Ability to place items to market from market sell stones or something so none vendor owners could access it (would need to think this part through tho).

Kind of you place items on at your home... people buy said item... then they have to travel to you / your home to collect. Where the item is placed to market is the collection point (get people moving around)

Something i'd thought about ages ago but never made.
I will release my self res system soon that should help but it dont help with your pets. However my taming craft system will feature new Pet Medicines that has a res med that anyone can use its not skill dependent.
@Ravenwolfe Wow that is pretty cool idea! I didn't know OSI had released something like that. It seems like they took the easy way out. I mean why not have a gump for it, or a map? I will have to take a look into something like that as I have been mulling something like that over, still pretty easy to train up magery and inscription to make your own rune books.

Doesn't seem like it would be too hard to implement something like this.

@RoninGT I am definitely looking forward to your self res system. I had kind of been working on one myself that would also tie into a larger more ambitious system i have in mind. Kind of like your system the players would earn points to self res themselves, retrieve their corpses and bonded pet ghosts. But in order to do so I want to make a system where players have to do things while they are dead, like haunt other players or NPCs, or even to run quests and do tasks that can only be completed when in ghost form.
But like i said that's a little ambitious and I need to work my way up to that.
@Ravenwolfe Wow that is pretty cool idea! I didn't know OSI had released something like that. It seems like they took the easy way out. I mean why not have a gump for it, or a map? I will have to take a look into something like that as I have been mulling something like that over, still pretty easy to train up magery and inscription to make your own rune books.

Well, they have the portals as a vet reward, so I would guess that has something to do with it being an item. Plus, OSI doesn't tend to use a lot of gumps unless they can do it client side. Also, the item has to be placed in a house to be used.

What I have never understood is why they did it when you can easily mark runes to the same location. The portals are very useful on Siege Perilous however, since you cannot recall or use sacred journey on that shard.
I am gonna release it right now. If you got some good ideas to mod it please do. All my new stuff will be on bitbucket.
Good morning all,

I have been mulling around some ideas that will make game play easier for small shards of say less than 100 or so players, where you may manage your shard and your players may never see another person.

here are a few things that I am working on, but I would also love to hear some input or your ideas on things I can implement and release.

  • 1 repairing vendors to help players repair their armor and weapons (complete)
  • Vet that resurrects bonded pets, this would be good for people who are not tamers but have a bonded mount (basics done)
  • Self Resurrect system, allow players to self resurrect, retrieve their bodies and possibly their dead pets.
  • Add ressurecting abilities to other classes other than mage, healer and paladin
  • added resurrect ability to Animate Dead Spell in Necromancy, adds a large chunk of Karma to the necro even if locked (needs testing).
  • added Pet Banages that allow tamers to have a boost to healing / rezzing pets, and a reduced chance of healing / rezzing players (needs testing)

So questions are: what else would make life easier for small groups of players, how can I add the rez skill to other classes?[DOUBLEPOST=1380037657][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh Yeah I forgot to add
that I plan on adding New Haven Style quests / rewards for ALL skills. Maybe just make them a little more interesting and varied.

People, please:
Can someone give me the script of Animate Dead Spell <Necromancy> Edited to be able to resurrect players and pets please?

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