This is another script that worked perfect in a previous edition of ServUO but no longer works since updating.

Here is the error I am getting.

+ Custom/Items/Book of Kills/KillBook.cs:
CS0115: Line 92: 'KillBook.OnRemoved(IEntity)': no suitable method found to override

Here is the section of code it's refrencing.

public override void OnRemoved(IEntity parent)
if(parent is Backpack)
if(((Backpack)parent).Parent is PlayerMobile)
((PlayerMobile)((Backpack)parent).Parent).SendMessage(1173, "**REMINDER : The Book of Kills must be in your backpack for you to receive credits for killing other players.**");

Is there a place I can find all the updates changes like this to the server? I'm not having much luck with the search function on the forums or google. Would love to find a central location where I can pinpoint any syntax changes like this. Thanks anyone for help!