I need someone to hook me up hecka fat... I used to work on servuo servers and still have them but im just not into it anymore... Except for lately I set my background image to the tree image i spent hours and hours on and uploaded here... It's a cool tree! I was hoping to get pointed to like an up to date tool repository with instructions clear instructions that I could reference when I cant figure it out. I just wanna edit stuff and mack a weird wacky server fulla cool wacky dungeons full of custom art and I just dont wanna jump through all the bull shit hoops again. I never kept a clean organized repository for myself so I always relied on re downloading everything and I dont think I got it in me to do it again... Maybe in a few more months... But yeah for right now I'm hoping to just get hooked up with just UpToDate tools and instructions if not instructions then the tools cause im sure i touched just about all the tools and figured them out before so... It wont be hard to figure out again.

If someone hooks it up I will post my last server up for download again. (took it down cause I forgot there was a paid plugin in there DX) It's a basic and full of cool stuff that people like to hold secret or something cause i never seen a server with yards available for dl. lol.