 public static readonly TimeSpan InactiveDuration = TimeSpan.FromDays(180.0);

        public static readonly TimeSpan EmptyInactiveDuration = TimeSpan.FromDays(30.0);

What thore method means?

i would like to disable them, dont want any account get deleted due inactivity
I suppose you could always change it from days to years, I mean it’s just a rough fix but it could work. Just anrough thought
This does not delete any accounts. It simply adds them to the admin gump as inactive accounts. You have to manually delete them.
What empty inactive duration means is IF the account does not have any characters on it, it will show inactive within 30 days on the [admin gump. If it does have characters on it, it will report in 180 days. Like @Ravenwolfe stated, only staff can purge accounts and items on those accounts. There is no script that will force do it. Probably a good thing and you have nothing to worry about!