// InstrumentTuningBox.cs //
// by Beelzebubba //
// //
// Version 1.0 //
// //
// Put this in your custom scripts folder. Add InstrumentTuningBox as an item in //
// loot scripts, etc. or use [add InstrumentTuningBox to add the item in the world. //
// //
// When someone double clicks the InstrumentTuningBox they will get a targeting //
// cursor and a message to click on the instrument they wish to tune. When they //
// then click on a Lute, Drums, Tambourine, or Tambourine with Tassels a song will //
// play and that instrument's song will be changed. This can be done repeatedly on //
// the same instrument, and the song will cycle between any of the 4 songs available //
// for that instrument. If an instrument other than those listed above, or another //
// item is clicked on, a message will appear stating that you can only change the //
// song on Lute, Drums, or Tambourines. Additionally the instrument cannot be locked //
// down when changing the song.