I have the number to make any creature to look clear like a shadow wyrm, but that number does not work on walls.
Would anyone out there have that number?
If you like to make walls transparent or translucent you need to set the flag in the tiledata. I am not sure if you can make something like that with items so easily.
You could use particles for that. But beware, might not be efficient xD
Take a look at the EffectController.
[set hue 0x4000

It will make items appear pure black on paperdoll, but they will be "ethereal" on the body animations.
The hue works well with all bodies (mobs), but not items placed on the floor, which will appear pure black also.

Editing the TileData entry as mentioned is the only way to achieve what you want.
Warning never hue and object that has the translucent or transparent flag in its tiledata flags. Such as a blood tile. The Ethereal hue. Crashes you and anyone who looks on the object. It creates a glitch. Trying to log back on into the area the object was hued will only crash you before it can ever draw the image. Trying to walk to the area the object was created will only crash you before it is rendered. The client cannot draw a translucent image that has been hued translucent. Creates a DOES NOT COMPUTE type error. You would have to delete the object without looking at it. Or revert shard to previous save.
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I suppose someone could make a "client crash fixer" script of some sort, that would loop through the items with that flag and reset the colors and dump the changed items serials in a log file. Or it could even be a simple prevention in the Hue setter.
Such bug could be avoided on the serverside (not sure about actual .mul maps though).
I suppose someone could make a "client crash fixer" script of some sort, that would loop through the items with that flag and reset the colors and dump the changed items serials in a log file. Or it could even be a simple prevention in the Hue setter.
Such bug could be avoided on the serverside (not sure about actual .mul maps though).
Actually discovered this years ago. Just never told anyone. I was decoration using blood as a window in a floor. Then I got curious as to what it would look like ethereal.