You could check out- Scripts/Misc/LightCycle.cs

Forgot to add light level can be changed with razor or uostream etc :)
Is it possible to force "Dark Nights" option so that the day/night cycle is more pronounced?

i find this post, so i code a solution to force night and day.
i post the code here for modify if u want, adjust ecc...
My solution is modify LightCycle.cs for add command, when i sent "[ChangeDay" World go on night
when i sent "[ChangeDay #allvalue" World Light set in DayLevel
And i use RazorNegotiator for block "LightFilter"
using System;
using Server.Commands;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server
public class LightCycle
// MODIFY ---------------------------------------------------------------
public static int GoodDay = 1;
// END MODIFY ---------------------------------------------------------------
public const int DayLevel = 0;
public const int NightLevel = 26;
public const int DungeonLevel = 30;
public const int JailLevel = 16;
private static int m_LevelOverride = int.MinValue;
public static int LevelOverride
return m_LevelOverride;
m_LevelOverride = value;

for (int i = 0; i < NetState.Instances.Count; ++i)
NetState ns = NetState.Instances;
Mobile m = ns.Mobile;

if (m != null)
public static void Initialize()
new LightCycleTimer().Start();
EventSink.Login += new LoginEventHandler(OnLogin);

CommandSystem.Register("GlobalLight", AccessLevel.GameMaster, new CommandEventHandler(Light_OnCommand));
// MODIFY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CommandSystem.Register("ChangeDay", AccessLevel.GameMaster, new CommandEventHandler(Day_OnCommand));
// END MODIFY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

public static void OnLogin(LoginEventArgs args)
Mobile m = args.Mobile;


public static int ComputeLevelFor(Mobile from)
if (m_LevelOverride > int.MinValue)
return m_LevelOverride;

int hours, minutes;

Server.Items.Clock.GetTime(from.Map, from.X, from.Y, out hours, out minutes);

/* OSI times:
* Midnight -> 3:59 AM : Night
* 4:00 AM -> 11:59 PM : Day
* RunUO times:
* 10:00 PM -> 11:59 PM : Scale to night
* Midnight -> 3:59 AM : Night
* 4:00 AM -> 5:59 AM : Scale to day
* 6:00 AM -> 9:59 PM : Day
// MODIFY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// if (hours < 4)
// return NightLevel;

// if (hours < 6)
// return NightLevel + (((((hours - 4) * 60) + minutes) * (DayLevel - NightLevel)) / 120);

// if (hours < 22)
// return DayLevel;

// if (hours < 24)
// return DayLevel + (((((hours - 22) * 60) + minutes) * (NightLevel - DayLevel)) / 120);

if (GoodDay==1){
return DayLevel;
if (GoodDay==0){
return NightLevel;
return DayLevel;
// END MODIFY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// MODIFY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Usage("ChangeDay <value>")]
[Description("Day=Everything, Night=Null")]
private static void Day_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs f)
if (f.Length >= 1)
f.Mobile.SendMessage("IT'S Day");
f.Mobile.SendMessage("IT'S Night");
// END MODIFY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Usage("GlobalLight <value>")]
[Description("Sets the current global light level.")]
private static void Light_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e)
if (e.Length >= 1)
LevelOverride = e.GetInt32(0);
e.Mobile.SendMessage("Global light level override has been changed to {0}.", m_LevelOverride);
LevelOverride = int.MinValue;
e.Mobile.SendMessage("Global light level override has been cleared.");