Using xmllevelitems trying to make summoned / controlled creatures give EXP to the master.
It works, just want to make sure if it is crash free or if thats even the right approach, thanks!

public static void CheckItems( Mobile killer, Mobile killed )
            if ( killer != null )
                for( int i = 0; i < 25; ++i )
                    Item item = killer.FindItemOnLayer( (Layer)i );

                    XmlLevelItem levitem = XmlAttach.FindAttachment(item, typeof(XmlLevelItem)) as XmlLevelItem;

                    //if ( item != null && item is ILevelable )
                    if (item != null && levitem != null)
                        CheckLevelable(levitem, killer, killed);
            // EDIT  trying to give summons/controlled master  exp
            if ( killer != null && killer is BaseCreature )
            BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)killer;
             if (bc.Controlled && bc.ControlMaster != null)
            Console.WriteLine("this.Controlled && this.ControlMaster != null");
           LevelItemManager.CheckItems( bc.ControlMaster, killed );
        if (bc.Summoned && bc.SummonMaster != null)
          Console.WriteLine("this.Summoned && this.SummonMaster != null");
           LevelItemManager.CheckItems( bc.SummonMaster, killed );
           // EDIT  trying to give summons/controlled master  exp