While in Wraith Form my pet is constantly blocking me when he catches up to me, requiring me to repeatedly go backwards and around him which is super annoying. Is this working as intended? I saw the following bit of code in WraithForm.cs but I don't know C# so I'm not sure it's causing it and intended or not:

public override void RemoveEffect(Mobile m)
if (m is PlayerMobile && m.IsPlayer())
((PlayerMobile)m).IgnoreMobiles = false;

BuffInfo.RemoveBuff(m, BuffIcon.WraithForm);
In case anyone is interested I changed the "false" above to true on my server and it does allow me to walk through pets in wraith form in Fel now.

No idea why this is even a thing since it doesn't make sense you can walk through hostile mobs but allies block you and try to get you killed lol.
The section you posted is for after you've gone out of wraith form and really shouldn't change anything when your in wraith form, while in wraith form the following is in effect:

public override void DoEffect(Mobile m)
            if (m is PlayerMobile)
                ((PlayerMobile)m).IgnoreMobiles = true;     //True while in effect                                                                                           

            m.FixedParticles(0x374A, 1, 15, 9902, 1108, 4, EffectLayer.Waist);

            int manadrain = Math.Max(8, 5 + (int)(0.16 * m.Skills.SpiritSpeak.Value));

            BuffInfo.AddBuff(m, new BuffInfo(BuffIcon.WraithForm, 1060524, 1153829, String.Format("15\t5\t5\t{0}", manadrain)));

By changing it to true in the section you posted it should let a player that goes into wraith form keep walking through things even if they switch to another form.

My server doesn't do what your describing in the first post (go into wrath form and walk through anything including my pets with no issues in fel) I'm using ServUO pub 57
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I wondered if it would do that based on the RemoveEffect statement, weird that it worked though. I guess I'll change it back thanks for clarifying.