
The recipe quest (Bad Company) part works fine. The 2nd quest (A Tangled Web) does not. Jaacar is apparently supposed to give the player a barrel to fill, but there is nothing there. No barrel, no *places barrel in players pack*, nothing.. From publish 54
/*                                                            .---.
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|  /  \        Contribute To The Orbsydia SA Project              |
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|\|  | /|                        By Lotar84                          |
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|      |      (Orbanised by Orb SA Core Development Team)          |
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using System;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
namespace Server.Engines.Quests
    public class ATangledWeb : BaseQuest
        public ATangledWeb()
            : base()
            this.AddObjective(new BloodCreaturesObjective(typeof(IBloodCreature), "blood creatures", 12));
            this.AddReward(new BaseReward(typeof(LargeTreasureBag), 1072706));
        /*A Tangled Web*/
        public override object Title
                return 1095032;
        /*Kill Bloodworms and Blood Elementals to fill Jaacar's barrel.
        Return to Jaacar with the filled barrel for your reward
        Will friend help Jaacar with small errand for big friend? 
        Jaacar need big barrel full of blood.  Can friend do that? 
        Best place to get blood is blood elementals and bloodworms nearby. 
        If you do, Jaacar give to you special present!  More special than favorite recipe!*/
        public override object Description
                return 1095034;
        /*Filling barrel not gross!  Filling barrel helps friend!  You think and then come back and help.  Yes, friend is big help!*/
        public override object Refuse
                return 1095035;
        /*Jaacar need barrel filled all the way to the top!  Good friend, go fill the barrel for Jaacar.*/
        public override object Uncomplete
                return 1095036;
        public override void OnCompleted()
            this.Owner.SendLocalizedMessage(1095038, null, 0x23); // Jaacar's barrel is completely full. Return to Jaacar for your reward.                           
        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)
            writer.Write((int)0); // version
        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            int version = reader.ReadInt();
        private class BloodCreaturesObjective : SlayObjective
            public BloodCreaturesObjective(Type creature, string name, int amount)
                : base(creature, name, amount)
            public override void OnKill(Mobile killed)
                if (!this.Completed)
                    this.Quest.Owner.SendLocalizedMessage(1095037); // Blood from the creature goes into Jaacar’s barrel.
            public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)
                writer.Write((int)0); // version
            public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
                int version = reader.ReadInt();
Here is what I have:

  public ATangledWeb()
            : base()
            // AddObjective(new BloodCreaturesObjective(typeof(IBloodCreature), "blood creatures", 12));    //Not used
            AddObjective(new ObtainObjective(typeof(FullBarrelOfBlood), "Full Barrel Of Blood", 1, 0xFAE));   //Obtain Objective
            AddReward(new BaseReward(typeof(LargeTreasureBag), 1072706));
        public override void OnAccept()
            Owner.AddToBackpack(new BloodBarrel());   //adds the empty barrel to PM's pack
        public override void OnCompleted()
            Owner.SendLocalizedMessage(1095038, null, 0x23); // Jaacar's barrel is completely full. Return to Jaacar for your reward.                       

I don't use the IBloodCreature portion but instead a real barrel to turn in. Look at my Blood Barrel script for the method in collecting the blood

I use the same method for the acid jar quest also. I believe it should be obtain objective, otherwise there wouldn't be barrels or jars involved.


  • BloodBarrel.cs
    4.7 KB · Views: 5
  • FullBarrelOfBlood.cs
    846 bytes · Views: 5

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Total amount