Hi, I was feeling all nostalgic the other day and stumbled across ServUO. Now I cant get enough :).
I have an instance on my PC and just looking to hack around and learn the system and hopefully offer something back.

While messing around with a few scripts I noticed strings are never used, its always an int reference which I am guessing lives in a map file somewhere but I cannot find this file.

For example context menus...

public AddToPartyEntry(Mobile from, Mobile target)
: base(0197, 12)

0197 seems to refer to the string "Add party member" but I cannot find where this string is mapped so I can add my own strings and create custom menus, items etc. Any help on where these strings live would be appreciated.

Looks like the mappings are packed up in the default UO files. I figured out you can just pass strings and set names using other methods for example SendMessage("string") and set item names by overriding the DefaultName method.

Servuo is awesome. Thanks

I'll post these questions in the right area next time. :)