Hi you all,
can you suggest me the latest High Seas client I can download (and if you have it, the download link) and I can edit (upgrading graphics/maps, decrypting and hexadecimal translating the client) without any legal issue?
I'm on RunUO 2.5 (Feb.2014) so I don't know the latest fully compatible HS client I should download.

The latest official downloadable UO client is the, but I don't know if my version of RunUO is compatible with.. moreover I think it's too recent to be "customized".
I've also a, but I see that its files are dated Jul.2014.. so I think my RunUO is too old to manage them.. uhm..
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I'm downloading the (Patch 59) I've found here: https://www.servuo.com/archive/client-packs-for-download.386/
I've read somewhere the client is the most stable High Seas release before UOPs, but I don't know if it's true.. however I hope it's old enough to be fully supported by RunUO 2.5.

Do you think this is a good client or should I choose another one?
Clients post UOPs are better than the older ones? I miss something important if I use this
ran a 2.6 runuo with a client... did pretty good a few minor issues..... the housing issue went a way with this client is why i kept it!!!