I´m looking for some ways to handle the not yet handled Icons for Buff\Debuff.

So far i found out :
Existing Buff-Icons on EA http://uo2.stratics.com/miscellaneous/buff-and-debuff-icons
Packet Documentation by Pol http://docs.polserver.com/packets/index.php?Packet=0xDF

Now comes the Strange thing :
while the documentation says it has the IconID 1011 (Enemy Of One), Fiddler shows the ID as 0x754E or 30030.

So coming straight to the point. Those iconid´s following up some logic?Or are they just clientsided hardcoded? Could be there a way to decode those ID´s in reference to the GumpIcon or should i invest some time farming all Packets fron EA ( by meaning farming => Packet Sniffing via Stealth Client)
