I have used the XML quest maker, but having to do it ingame is kind of klunky, to me. I end up just taking an existing npc file and editing it into a new quest...

I have Iluzio's quest creator (I shared it here: https://www.servuo.com/archive/ilutzios-quest-creator.661/). It is good, for what it does. But all it does is 'bring back item' quests.

I was looking at Gizmo's quest creator (http://www.runuo.com/community/threads/uo-scripter-beta.92132/) it looks awesome - but is terribly outdated. The scripts it outputs have numerous errors. The items and monster scripts work, but not the actual quest script. Or I just am using it wrong?

Does anyone know of a good quest script creator?
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I went through the same hoops as you and the best thing to do is create them by hand using C# or use xmlspawner in my opinion. Most of the old runuo quest generators are out of date and throw errors and even if they don't, they aren't easily linked together.
I was playing with Gizmo's creator and it better than I first thought.

I made a quest and just had to make a couple edits. The SBinfo had to be updated
//private ArrayList m_SBInfos = new ArrayList();
//protected override ArrayList SBInfos { get { return m_SBInfos; } }
private readonly List<SBInfo> m_SBInfos = new List<SBInfo>();

If I tried to make a quest giver and mark it as not a vendor... I never could get the character script to load right, so I just make them vendors. It is limited on what rewards it can give (as in no customs). So I make the quest with a random item and edit in a custom item.

Gizmo's will make Weapons, Armor, Jewelry, and Monsters. You can design the quest giver, write the quest gumps, and the quest can contain your choice (any combination or all) slay, obtain, skill gain, escort, and deliver. So you can do a lot with it. After playing with it for a while it may be just as easy to write my own... but I never knew how, and this is a good learning aid. It can give quest tokens, but I do not seem to have that in my scripts, so no worries. I accidentally made one giving tokens and got an error...

What is great about Gizmo's is it puts the quest in your Quest Log, to track it. Also the quest giver has "quest giver" in their name, and the exclamation point is over their heads.

I am having fun with the Iluzio's translating the demo quests from German to English ha ha... It is very easy to use, but more limited than Gizmo's. I decided I like Gizmo's a lot :)

On some critters and items Gizmo scripts in the wrong name. Not a very big deal, just something to edit. After you notice.
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Found a couple Gizmo issues... it makes a 'guilded dress' instead of a 'gilded dress', There is a difference between sewerrats and SewerRats. It is still a good program, you just have to tweak the scripts a little.

I am working on a quest now that has been a fun learning experience. Using Gizmo it makes a quest that goes into your quest log. Makes it easy to track, uses the character option 'mark for quest' (turns item orange) etc. I could not figure out how to add other quest NPCs using Gizmo so I just used the basic quest NPC and edited as needed. You know, the ones you click on and there is a 'talk' option. Not sure who/what makes them. I just grab the NPC and Gump file from other quests and edit the crap out of them.

The quest uses a lot of Gizmo - the base quest, the main quest giver, and a few of the items used (some items heavily edited after Gizmo). Then I used the regular quest NPCs for 2 people progressing the quest. A couple XMLSpawners that 'trigger on carried'. And finally a sequential XMLSpawner (like the mini champ) to get through a bunch of critters, and then the boss. There is also a ring that spawns (trigger on carried), you click it and get teleported to a dungeon, and the ring deletes itself, if you do not click it then it despawns after 5 minutes... I am much prouder of that ring than I should be ha ha

I also had to find an old script that spawns blue NPCs. The original script was to add blue characters as a champ spawn helper for low population shards. I made a new blue character based on that script and now spawn an 'army' to help with the boss fight. (gathering an army is part of the quest) They 'trigger on carried' and despawn after 10 minutes.

It was tons of fun to make. I learned a lot about different quest systems, the XMLSpawner, and item creation. After I make sure it is stable I will release the quest. :)

Next I need to study the Hag's Quest and the Solen Matriarch Quest - I like that quest system a lot. OSI made a great system and used it for very few quests...
Well I have good news and bad news...
The good news is that Gizmos script generator was made in C# which means it can easily be reverse engineered. The bad news is that this process will take a long time because all the forms he uses will have to be reconstructed and recoded.

The decompiled source (unmodified) is below for download.


  • Source.rar
    624.7 KB · Views: 45
Quick fix to RandomNames.cs
using System;

namespace UOQuests
	public static class RandomNames
	    public static string GetRandomFemaleName()
			string str;
				Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
				int num = random.Next(1, 2000);
				str = ((m_RandomFemaleNames)num).ToString();
				str = "Zorah";
			return str;

		public static string GetRandomMaleName()
			string str;
				Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
				int num = random.Next(1, 1400);
				str = ((m_RandomMaleNames)num).ToString();
				str = "Sorgan";
			return str;

I'm so going to play with this code, thanks for the decompile.
Well I have good news and bad news...
The good news is that Gizmos script generator was made in C# which means it can easily be reverse engineered. The bad news is that this process will take a long time because all the forms he uses will have to be reconstructed and recoded.

I guess it depends on your idea of "long time". I have been working on this using the decompiled source for only a couple days, and at least have a working (compiling) product now. My next task is to clean and update the internal code and external result files to more closely match our current Client and Server environments.

Here is my rough Project List including "[DONE]" where items are completed:

  1. Decompile Source. [DONE]
  2. Import Source files into modern .Net Solution. [DONE]
  3. Import new Ultima source files. [DONE]
  4. Make each Form Designer able to be safely viewed without errors. [DONE]
  5. Remove stale references. [DONE]
  6. Update Assembly properties with ServUO references. [DONE]
  7. Edit About page and Splash screen with new images/references. [DONE]
  8. Import AOS Attributes lists for incorporation into existing code. [DONE]
  9. Edit Male and Female name lists.
  10. Edit Monster list.
  11. Edit Weapon Creator Form to use correct Attributes.
  12. Edit Weapon list.
  13. Edit Armor Creator Form to use correct Attributes.
  14. Edit Armor list.
  15. Edit Jewelry Creator Form to use correct Attributes.
  16. Edit Jewelry list.
  17. Create Temporary Region Editor Form to stand as placeholder for existing non-working Form. [DONE]
  18. Modify Region Editor Form to use Map code similar to UO Fiddler.
  19. Edit Weapon "Script It" code for latest code updates.
  20. Edit Armor "Script It" code for latest code updates.
  21. Edit Quest Item "Script It" code for latest code updates.
  22. Edit Jewelry "Script It" code for latest code updates.
  23. Edit NPC "Script It" code for latest code updates.

Yes, I have quite a bit to do, but in the meantime, it is at least functioning pretty close to the way it should.
Here is the source for Counterfeit's Script Creator as well... this was an awesome one except it stopped reading the ultima.dll to display graphics in the app. That kind of killed it for me. It is still one of the better ones and if fixed has features the script creator by gizmo doesn't have like the ability to build books. I am posting this here because I think this can be combined with the gizmos seamlessly.


  • Source.rar
    2.6 MB · Views: 49
maybe I should create a new version of Gizmos Script UO? Don't have the source for it but still have the latest build somewhere. Thoughts?

I created the original software

Actually found a newer version i was working on. Forgot I was working on a project for a friend of mine dealing with his server. It has most the functionality of the original with updates. Things yet to work on are...

*Being able to cloth quest npcs.
*Create Custom Weapons/Armor/Jewelery
*Better Quest Reward Loot Tables

The system was set up more for his server, which has a different loot system and item generation. Id have to remove that and add in the standard loot system of items. Might pick this back up and work on it for fun if you guys want too. Maybe some thoughts on what you would like to see from the previous version added into it?
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Gizmo's is the best one I have used. I would love to see an update. It is still pretty good as is... :)

Hey, if you are the Gizmo I have a question for you. Is there a way to add more NPCs into the quest chain - like in the same quest? Or do we have to make linking quests? (if that makes sense). One NPC sends you to another NPC, they send to find/kill...
Gizmo's is the best one I have used. I would love to see an update. It is still pretty good as is... :)

Hey, if you are the Gizmo I have a question for you. Is there a way to add more NPCs into the quest chain - like in the same quest? Or do we have to make linking quests? (if that makes sense). One NPC sends you to another NPC, they send to find/kill...

The reason I didn't add in the quest chain feature is because you have to add a value to a enum in the core quest system. I was unsure if people actually added in there own chains, and writing code for that was not really in the scope of the project. You can though create the quests you want and add in the QuestChain values and edit the enum for yourself.
One of my favorite parts about the Gizmo script is that it adds the quest into your quest log. I have not seen any others that do that. Makes tracking your quests so much easier. :)
One of my favorite parts about the Gizmo script is that it adds the quest into your quest log. I have not seen any others that do that. Makes tracking your quests so much easier. :)
It just creates a ML quest script files. It is actually really easy once you understand the setup with the ML quest system. Currently got my files downloaded and project files loaded into my Visual Studios and looking through my code to familiarize myself with it. Will get some screen shots up of what its doing, or maybe I can just run my twitch.tv/MistaGizmo channel and you can just watch? lol
Wouldn't get lucky enough that you'd release the Visual Studio solution source for your quest maker when you release the app? lol See now I'm a have to figure out a conversion tool for RunUO 2.7 lol
Just asking :)
Yeah, I learned a lot from reading through the script it created. I am using the different quest creation programs as learning aids :)

Another question: When looking at the Quest Log, the Objective and Description are filled in but the Reward page is blank. I wonder if I did something wrong or does it not load in the log?
The music stopped, he disappeared! LOL Swallowed by the solution no doubt! Visual Studio is a hungry animal....
Not sure why the stream stopped. My system should handle it no biggie.
[doublepost=1465362675][/doublepost]right below the Objectives in the Quest Constructore add....

this.AddReward(new BaseReward("500 Gold"));

or whatever you want like....

this.AddReward(new BaseReward("5 random magic items"));
[doublepost=1465374682][/doublepost]Here is a screenshot of different tabs of the Monster Creator Window

Here is a screenshot of different tabs for the Quest Editor Window
I created the original software

Actually found a newer version i was working on. Forgot I was working on a project for a friend of mine dealing with his server. It has most the functionality of the original with updates. Things yet to work on are...

*Being able to cloth quest npcs.
*Create Custom Weapons/Armor/Jewelery
*Better Quest Reward Loot Tables

The system was set up more for his server, which has a different loot system and item generation. Id have to remove that and add in the standard loot system of items. Might pick this back up and work on it for fun if you guys want too. Maybe some thoughts on what you would like to see from the previous version added into it?

Good to see you have picked this up. My development has been halted by work and life situations.

I might still be able to lend a hand when needed, as far as I am able.
right below the Objectives in the Quest Constructore add....

this.AddReward(new BaseReward("500 Gold"));

or whatever you want like....
Oh, the rewards works - they just do not display in the quest log. Not that big a deal.
Those new screen shots look good :)
Oh, the rewards works - they just do not display in the quest log. Not that big a deal.
Those new screen shots look good :)

Okay so the new system will put in information in the quest logs like

2 magic items.
500 gold
Chance at rare item
[doublepost=1465431990][/doublepost]streaming the development this evening a bit on twitch.tv/mistagizmo if im logged into these forums, im streaming the development.
I was playing around with the Gizmo quest creator and I think I had some good ideas... still don't know how to have the NPC send you to another NPC... so I improvised.

It is actually 2 quests. QuestGiver1 gives you Quest1, to fetch Item1. He tells you to vocally say the magic words to spawn an IdentificationItem (because I cannot figure out how to make him give you a quest marker, like the XML questbook). You say the magic words and it triggers an XMLSpawner to produce the IdentificatioItem. You take the item, and elsewhere it is the triggering item to spawn QuestGiver2. He gives you Quest2, to kill the QuestMonster, and retrieve Item2 off his corpse. (yes those are the actual names ha ha... it is just for testing purposes) When you bring him Item2 - marked as quest item - he gives you Item1. Mark it as a quest item and return to QuestGiver1 for your reward and high praise.

The IdentificatioItem looks like a deed, and expires in 6 hours. QuestGiver2 despawns in 5 minutes (goes into hiding, if you like?), but will respawn while you have the deed. I did that so hopefully people will start the quest with the right person... Still a bit clunky, but functional. I did try to make an item to be delivered to QuestGiver2... but could not get that to work, so went with the spawning item.

Still playing around with the quest creator, but it has lots of potential.

Let me clarify... when I try to to make an objective to deliver an item to QuestGiver2, it works...kind of. I can drop the item on him, he will give me something in return - BUT it breaks him so that you cannot get his Quest from him. Double click him and nothing happens...this may need to go into script support... kind of off topic... even though I started the topic ha ha
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when you made the quest did you check the drop down box "Yes" ... saying "Can the player do this quest more then once?" that may be why you cant get the quest from him again.
Yes, I did. I added in an 'OnDragDrop' command - it was the only way I could get him to accept the item I was supposed to deliver, and that seemed to break him for giving his own quest. I remarked out the 'on drop' section (also the deliver objective from quest1) and he started working again. I figure I am adding in stuff wrong... That seems likely ha ha

When the first quest giver gives me the item it is already marked orange as a quest item. I like that. But there was nothing in the 2nd guy telling what to do with the item, so I put in a 'OnDragDrop'. I just copied the drop command from another quest and had to edit to fit... so I probably messed it up. :)
is this available for download yet or are you still working on it?

Doing my path of exile grind with buddies this evening, its path night. But working on it still yes.
[doublepost=1465534488][/doublepost]Quick update, Have the Quest Dialog, Mobile Dialog and a simple Quest Giver Dialog done, tested most of it and seems to work okay. Working on the save buttons for each dialog so that you can save your work, or change a script later if you don't like how something is working.
This will be amazing when finished. Is this a separate entitied program like Pandora's Box? What's your estimated ETA for curiosity's sake? :) I just started a new shard and itching to customize it up.
Xenophen, if you are looking at making items and are relatively new at it, this quest might be of interest to you. I did not write it and I do not know where I downloaded it. If you unzip it and look at the quest weapons (a sword and shield) you see a couple interesting scripts. Whoever made it put in a lot of available options and remarked out the lines they were not using. It looks like they have a base template and just edit as needed for each new weapon or shield.It has explanations of each area also.

You can do the same type of script for items. I have one I use for gumps.

Here is a very good list of properties. http://www.uoguide.com/Item_Properties You will probably want to find them used in an existing script to get the right syntax. That is how I learned to make items, and gumps... editing existing scripts. That is how I am learning to make quests too. (This Gizmo quest maker is a big help)

I just thought of a better idea. Download the original Gizmo Quest Creator (a link in my original post, this thread). You can use his item generator to make you own templates. The item scripter works fine.

I made a template for earrings, weapons, and armor. With some notes on how to edit as desired. I selected every option he had. Then after it was scripted I commented out the lines. You can uncomment out lines as needed. (I only put one skill, but you can see the syntax and add others). Once you get the hang of how it is done, items are quite easy to make.


  • Bill & Ted's Most Bogus Journey.zip
    10.6 KB · Views: 29
  • Item Templates.zip
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Oh, that looks very cool. An offline XML editor. I like the idea... will have to play with that one too! Thanks :)
hi, im running a runuo 2.6 + nerun's distro for a few friend.
i was able to install Uo architect and 1 or 2 script from here.
but when i try to install xmlspawner, any version seem to do error and im not able to make it work to be able for quest making.

since runuo.com seem to be down for a long time, is there a possibilty to have the gizmo script ? or maybe the new one you were talking about, if its working?
XML has been updated and there may be more in the near future- you could post your errors in script support and state your using Runuo -not sure but maybe some one could help :)
RunUO - [https://github.com/runuo/] Version
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 4.0.30319
Core: Optimizing for 8 64-bit processors
Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (3 errors, 0 warnings)
+ Custom/XmlQuest/XmlQuestHolder.cs:
CS0115: Line 491: 'Server.Items.XmlQuestHolder.OnAdded(object)' : aucune mét
hode appropriée n'a été trouvée pour la substitution
+ Custom/XmlQuest/XmlQuestToken.cs:
CS0115: Line 556: 'Server.Items.XmlQuestToken.OnAdded(object)' : aucune méth
ode appropriée n'a été trouvée pour la substitution
CS0115: Line 94: 'Server.Items.XmlQuestTokenPack.OnAdded(object)' : aucune m
éthode appropriée n'a été trouvée pour la substitution
+ Custom/XmlQuest/XmlQuestBook.cs:
CS0115: Line 181: 'Server.Items.XmlQuestBook.OnAdded(object)' : aucune métho
de appropriée n'a été trouvée pour la substitution
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.
[doublepost=1479603621][/doublepost]the most recent file i seem to find is XMLSpawner-master.zip.
it got 3 files. xmlspawner 2.1 , 2.2 and orb 2.2.
i do follow the install step in the txt file. but the 3 make the same error.
maybe its me.