
Hello All!

I am attempting to merge the New OWLTR 3.01 into the ServUO core. It appears that I am having trouble and I have an inkling that it has to do with some of the SA Features, particularly gem mining.

So it appears that while mining using OWLTR the server will crash, but I think Only when Gem Mining is enabled. I tried but did not have the gem mining enabled and it did not crash.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at daat99.ResourceHelper.GetDaat99HarvestedType(Type originalType, Boolean prospected, Double skill) in c:\ServUO\ServUO\Scripts\Custom Systems\OWLTR 3.01.00\New\Resource Helper.cs:line 70
   at Server.Engines.Harvest.HarvestSystem.FinishHarvesting(Mobile from, Item tool, HarvestDefinition def, Object toHarvest, Object locked) in c:\ServUO\ServUO\Scripts\Services\Harvest\Core\HarvestSystem.cs:line 161
   at Server.Engines.Harvest.HarvestSoundTimer.OnTick() in c:\ServUO\ServUO\Scripts\Services\Harvest\Core\HarvestSoundTimer.cs:line 31
   at Server.Timer.Slice() in c:\ServUO\ServUO\Server\Timer.cs:line 425
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args) in c:\ServUO\ServUO\Server\Main.cs:line 675

I have asked the lovely creators over at RunUo as well, but I figure the problem is more with the SA mods we have here, so I am hoping some one can help me get past this so we can add this as a release for ServUO as well.



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In the past when trying to merge custom resources into SA cores I ran into issues where SA was trying to return the resource type of gem or Resource[2] when it was not defined, I think this is the same kind of issue, I just cannot track down the proper place to modify the code.

here is a thread where I had some help with a similar issues:

not sure if the two are related but it sure seems like it.

I continue to research and ask around for a solution.


EDIT: even if some one can just hold my hand through how the small gem mining works now, I really feel this is the problem.
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Never mind all I have found my issue and I believe I have resolved it!
I will work on packing up all the merged files and releasing it in the release section so that you can have Daat99's OWLTR on SERVUO as well.

I am sure there will need to be some merge issue or other bugs that I have inadvertently introduced, but it is looking good so far!
hey, i have the same problem. when player mining say me this:

10:46:01 Error:
10:46:01 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at daat99.ResourceHelper.GetDaat99HarvestedType (System.Type originalType, Boolean prospected, Double skill) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Server.Engines.Harvest.HarvestSystem.FinishHarvesting (Server.Mobile from, Server.Item tool, Server.Engines.Harvest.HarvestDefinition def, System.Object toHarvest, System.Object locked) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Server.Engines.Harvest.HarvestSoundTimer.OnTick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Server.Timer.Slice () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Server.Core.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Crash: Generating report...done
10:46:01 Crash: Backing up...done
10:46:01 This exception is fatal, press return to exit

how you solve this problem?

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