Hello ServUO Folks. I just found out about ServUO today. I followed a link from the RunUO forums. I was trying to get RunUO up and running on my local machine, and I don't know enough about Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 yet to figure out how to compile their latest svn. Fortunately, I came here, and found your latest Git repo, which already has everything in it I needed to compile. I got that up and running, with a version of Nerun's Distro I found on these boards that works with pub54. So far so good.

When I came to this site, I could read the latest announcements, but, not having been here from the beginning, they don't mean allot to me. I couldn't find any page or link that simply explains what ServUO is, like a feature list. In particular I am wondering what differences I can expect vs. having used RunUO in the past. Can anyone give me a link to a ServUO specific feature list or docs? Just as a matter of user friendliness and good web design principle, it might be a good idea to include a link to a "Features" or "About ServUO" page prominently in your top level navigation.

One specific feature question I have is that when I mouse over my char I see a "kills/deaths/rank" which I think is self explanatory, but underneath that it says "Queens Loyalty Level" and "Friend of TerMur". What is that all about?

Thanks in advance for all your help!
Hello, and welcome!

A lot of time is being spent on the project at this point, so there is not much documentation yet.

Basically ServUO is a fork of RunUO with more open development. It is also focused on a more modern era and includes some of the Stygian Abyss stuff. Queens Loyalty Level and Friend of TerMur are from the new Stygian Abyss system where you gain loyalty from the Queen by killing monsters in TerMur.

You should also know that we have a script release archive but the database is currently down.
Welcome to ServUO swordnpen :)
Feel free to ask any questions, the only dumb ones are the ones not asked, so don't worry, we get all kinds. :)
Hey, thanks for the info. I do have another question. When I was testing out my shard, I had a socketed item drop as loot. I think it was a cleaver. Is this a feature from newer UO versions, or is this a ServUO feature, and what is it?