I just starting messing around with map editing for the first time last night. I got CentrED+ setup thanks to @Hank tutorial. I think I got UO Landscaper figured out now too. Last one is UO Architect that I have a couple questions on.

I found UOA 2.7, is this the latest version? Also I got it installed and working but I can't seem to figure out how to move the map around in the 'Editor'.

I'm sure I'll have more questions as I play around with these tools some more and will use this thread for them. Appreciate any help for my noob questions :).
I got CentrED+ setup thanks to @Hank tutorial
I am planning on doing more tutorial videos for CentrED+ and making a full length detailed thread on it in the tutorial section. Just another thing on my to-do list.
I'm also planning on doing a full length UOLandscaper tutorial and guide.

I can't seem to figure out how to move the map around in the 'Editor'.
To move your viewing display in the edtior, Hold shift and left click+drag the mouse.

I found UOA 2.7, is this the latest version?
This is where i Got the Zip file from.
Xandor - Lead Programmer
Khaybel - User Interface & Support
Poeharen - New Lead Programmer
Let me know if you need to know how to add things to the menus to be able to use in UOAR. like more walls, floors, static kinds of stuff.


  • uo_architect_2-7-final.zip
    1.2 MB · Views: 100
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Awesome Hank. Yeah that's the version I downloaded. Just wanted to make sure it was the latest.

Any tip on how to move the map around in Editor mode? I tried mouse buttons, WASD, arrows, numpad, ect. Can't seem to move the map around.

Awesome. Thanks Hank. I see you edited your post with the answer. I would of never of thought to hold the shift key o_O.

Looking forward to seeing your tutorials :).
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Awesome. Thanks Hank. I see you edited your post with the answer. I would of never of thought to hold the shift key o_O.
Looking forward to seeing your tutorials :).
Yeah sorry about that, sometimes i spit out a post really quick then see i made a bunch of grammatical errors. Then by the time I've fixed the message someone has posted after it. As far as the tutorials goes I just need to find sober time in between work and real life when i can really crank out the content. I have the ability to speak with both authors of the two programs though the author of Centred+, his main language is not English. But yeah, someday. I already have a bunch of stuff down on paper.

Let me know if you need to know how to add things to the menus to be able to use in uoarchitect. like more walls, floors, static kinds of stuff.
Here is a larger Toolbox.xml file you can add to your uoarchitect files that will add some more items you can use in uoar. NewItems.xml is a good example of how you can add any item from your UO art to be able to use in uoar.
Place them in your UO Architect 2.7.3/Client/Internal folder. you can overwrite the old toolbox.xml or .bac it
(don't try to use NewItems.xml as the toolbox.xml or uoarchitect will error out.)


  • uoarchitectadditionalitems.rar
    77.9 KB · Views: 353
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Let me know if you need to know how to add things to the menus to be able to use in UOAR. like more walls, floors, static kinds of stuff.
These are just added through the toolbox.xml? Looks like I'll need to spend a bunch of time filling this unless someone has one they wish to share ;).

Here are two files you can add to your uoarchitect files that will add more items you can use in uoar. These are a good example of how you can add any item from your UO art to be able to use in uoar.
Place them in your UO Architect 2.7.3/Client/Internal folder. you can overwrite the old toolbox.xml or .bac it
Thanks again Hank. I'll load these up tonight and play around with it some more.

Seems we can't get our post in sync :p
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These are just added through the toolbox.xml?
This is correct to the best of my knowledge.

In the rar I uploaded there is a file called NewItems.xml. It is nothing more then a collection of items that you can add to toolbox.xml. Just don't try to use NewItems.xml as the toolbox.xml or uoarchitect will error out.
Is this still "Plug and play" so to speak or is there a core merge that will be needed? I've still got my old UOAR folder, and I have a HUGE amount of stuff in it, including all my dungeon building design kits like my underwater dungeon set, and round wall castle design kit based off my old home from EA GL.
Is this still "Plug and play" so to speak or is there a core merge that will be needed? I've still got my old UOAR folder, and I have a HUGE amount of stuff in it, including all my dungeon building design kits like my underwater dungeon set, and round wall castle design kit based off my old home from EA GL.
no core edits required. You'll have to edit a few files though, not hard at all.