The generic gump in the ( client handles the following keywords:

  1. page
  2. nodispose
  3. nomove
  4. noclose
  5. group
  6. endgroup
  7. gumppic
  8. tilepic
  9. tilepichue
  10. text
  11. croppedtext
  12. textentry
  13. textentrylimited
  14. radio
  15. button
  16. buttontileart
  17. checkbox
  18. resizepic
  19. htmlgump
  20. xmfhtmlgump
  21. xmfhtmlgumpcolor
  22. xmfhtmltok
  23. checkertrans
  24. gumppictiled
  25. tooltip
  26. mastergump
I have found matching gumpentry subclasses or settings in the basegump for every entry except mastergump. Does anyone know what the mastergump keyword does or how it works?