I'm back with another random question.

Am I correct that there's an equation somewhere that determines HP to STR, MANA to INT, and STAM to DEX? I ask because I think something is off with my server.

INT and DEX appear to be a 1:1 (300 INT = 300 MANA)

STR : HP is off by 100. (200 HP = 300 STR)

If someone could point me to which file(s) control the ratio, that would awesome!

In Mobile.cs:

/// <summary>
/// Overridable. Gets the maximum hit point of the Mobile. By default, this returns: <c>50 + (<see cref="Str" /> / 2)</c>
/// </summary>
[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public virtual int HitsMax
return 50 + (Str / 2);
[doublepost=1510269675][/doublepost]Hey Ravenwolfe,

I tried changing the 50 to 100, it didn't seem to modify my hits though, is more required?

In Mobile.cs:

/// <summary>
/// Overridable. Gets the maximum hit point of the Mobile. By default, this returns: <c>100 + (<see cref="Str" /> / 2)</c>
/// </summary>
[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
public virtual int HitsMax
return 100 + (Str / 2);
Mobile.cs is in the Server folder (core). Any changes there will require a recompile. Also, a change there can impact any mobile. You should consider an override in PlayerMobile.cs if you want to only change it for players.