
I'm getting a MegaCliloc errors in DefInscription for Mysticism scrolls. Error (MegaCliloc) : StringID Not Found : 1036503 (DragonBlood reagent) Publish 54. I even changed the DataPath to a fully patched client, even though I knew the muls wouldnt work. Still got the same error. MysticBook (MysticismSpellbook) gump shows Dragon's Blood as the reagent. Any ideas, suggestions, clues or even a "screw you" available (last one not really wanted or needed). :D
UOFiddler shows Dragon's Blood w/ CliLocs #'s of 1023970 & 1095375
I've even tried changing all the DragonBlood entries to DragonsBlood, still got the CliLoc error.


  • DefInscription.cs
    23 KB · Views: 3
  • DragonBlood.cs
    1 KB · Views: 2
I just looked and my dragons blood is raw fish steaks, lol. Great find! I'm going to re-write mine, but the "Error (MegaCliloc) : StringID Not Found " is due to changes in the cliloc files.

If you'd like to do this yourself then:
index = Addcraft (typeof(name of item),Other(this is gump label),Runed Prism(name of item to make), min skill,max skill, typeof (resource name ),cli# for resource , amount, clic# not enough);

index = this.AddCraft(typeof(RunedPrism), 1044294, 1073465, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);

AddRes(index, typeof(name of addition resource needed), clic# for resource, amount, clic# not enough to make)

this.AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044253);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), 1044353, 1, 1044253);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(HollowPrism), 1072895, 1, 1044253);
this.ForceNonExceptional(index);//will not allow exceptional
this.SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.ML);//expansion so players know if they can make
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There is a issue where all resources are not showing up when there are over 4 ingredients. (probably the gump needs to be increased)
I couldn't find clilocs for "Nether Bolt Scroll", if you really want to go hardcore, then you can add you're own clilocs for these ".... .... Scroll", and the "you don't have enough X ingredient".

This is for Client
              //Mysticism Scrolls
                index = AddCraft(typeof(NetherBoltScroll), 1044115, 1031678, 0.0, 0.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SulfurousAsh), 1015025, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), 1015001, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);

                index = AddCraft(typeof(HealingStoneScroll), 1044115, 1031679, 0.0, 0.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Ginseng), 1044356, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), 1044355, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bone), 1023966, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);

                index = AddCraft(typeof(PurgeMagicScroll), 1044115, 1031680, 0.0, 0.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SulfurousAsh), 1015025, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1023974, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), 1044355, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(FertileDirt), 1023969, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);

                index = AddCraft(typeof(EnchantScroll), 1044115, 1031681, 0.0, 0.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1023974, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SulfurousAsh), 1015025, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);

                index = AddCraft(typeof(EagleStrikeScroll), 1044115, 1031682, 3.5, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), 1044353, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Nightshade), 1023976, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);

                index = AddCraft(typeof(SleepScroll), 1044115, 1031683, 3.5, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bloodmoss), 1023963, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1023974, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bone), 1023966, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);

                index = AddCraft(typeof(AnimatedWeaponScroll), 1044115, 1031684, 17.8, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bone), 1023966, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), 1044353, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1023974, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Nightshade), 1023976, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);

                index = AddCraft(typeof(StoneFormScroll), 1044115, 1031685, 17.8, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bloodmoss), 1023963, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(FertileDirt), 1023969, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), 1023972, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);

                index = AddCraft(typeof(SpellTriggerScroll), 1044115, 1031686, 32.1, 100.00, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1023974, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), 1023972, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(DragonBlood), 1023970, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);

                index = AddCraft(typeof(MassSleepScroll), 1044115, 1031687, 32.1, 100.00, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Nightshade), 1023976, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Ginseng), 1023973, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);

                index = AddCraft(typeof(CleansingWindsScroll), 1044115, 1031688, 46.4, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Ginseng), 1023973, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), 1023972, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(DragonBlood), 1023970, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1023974, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);

                index = AddCraft(typeof(BombardScroll), 1044115, 1031689, 46.4, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), 1023972, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(DragonBlood), 1023970, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SulfurousAsh), 1015025, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bloodmoss), 1023963, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);

                index = AddCraft(typeof(SpellPlagueScroll), 1044115, 1031690, 60.7, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), 1023972, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(DragonBlood), 1023970, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1023974, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Nightshade),1023976, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SulfurousAsh),1015025, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(DaemonBone), 1023968, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);

                index = AddCraft(typeof(HailStormScroll), 1044115, 1031691, 60.7, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(DragonBlood), 1023970, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), 1044353, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1023974, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bloodmoss), 1023963, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);

                index = AddCraft(typeof(NetherCycloneScroll), 1044115, 1031692, 75.0, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bloodmoss), 1023963, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Nightshade), 1023976, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SulfurousAsh), 1015025, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1023974, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);

                index = AddCraft(typeof(RisingColossusScroll), 1044115, 1031693, 75.0, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(DaemonBone), 1023968, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(FertileDirt), 1023969, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(DragonBlood), 1023970, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Nightshade), 1023976, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1023974, 1, 1044253);
                SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);
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Somebody hide the code tags on me? I cant find them... or am I just blind right now from coding all night? lol:confused:
This is what I came up with... works great oddly enough.. The 1st CliLoc in each is for Mysticism, 2nd is for spell.. ie: 1031678 is Nether Bolt And had to remove the entire AddMysticSpells things above the whole Spells section..
                //Mysticism Scrolls
                index = AddCraft(typeof(NetherBoltScroll), 1079506, 1031678, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), 1044353, 1, 1044361);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SulfurousAsh), 1044359, 1, 1044367);
                index = AddCraft(typeof(HealingStoneScroll), 1079506, 1031679, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bone), 1153957, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), 1044353, 1, 1044363);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Ginseng), 1044356, 1, 1044364);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044368);
                index = AddCraft(typeof(PurgeMagicScroll), 1079506, 1031680, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(FertileDirt), 1023969, 1, "You don't have enough FertileDirt.");
                AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), 1044355, 1, 1044363);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1044357, 1, 1044365);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SulfurousAsh), 1044359, 1, 1044367);
                index = AddCraft(typeof(EnchantScroll), 1079506, 1031681, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044368);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1044357, 1, 1044365);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SulfurousAsh), 1044359, 1, 1044367);
                index = AddCraft(typeof(SleepScroll), 1079506, 1031682, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), 1044353, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Nightshade), 1044358, 1, 1044366);
                index = AddCraft(typeof(EagleStrikeScroll), 1079506, 1031683, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bloodmoss), 1044354, 1, 1044362);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1044357, 1, 1044365);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bone), 1073464, 1, "You don't have enough Bone.");
                index = AddCraft(typeof(AnimatedWeaponScroll), 1079506, 1031684, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bone), 1153957, 1, "You don't have enough Bone.");
                AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), 1044353, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1044357, 1, 1044365);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Nightshade), 1044358, 1, 1044366);
                index = AddCraft(typeof(StoneFormScroll), 1079506, 1031685, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bloodmoss), 1044354, 1, 1044362);
                AddRes(index, typeof(FertileDirt), 1023969, 1, "You don't have enough FertileDirt.");
                AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), 1044353, 1, 1044363);
                index = AddCraft(typeof(SpellTriggerScroll), 1079506, 1031686, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1044357, 1, 1044365);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), 1044353, 1, 1044363);
                AddRes(index, typeof(DragonBlood), 1023970, 1, "You don't have enough DragonBlood.");
                index = AddCraft(typeof(MassSleepScroll), 1079506, 1031687, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Nightshade), 1044358, 1, 1044366);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Ginseng), 1044356, 1, 1044364);
                index = AddCraft(typeof(CleansingWindsScroll), 1079506, 1031688, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Ginseng), 1044356, 1, 1044364);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), 1044353, 1, 1044363);
                AddRes(index, typeof(DragonBlood), 1023970, 1, "You don't have enough DragonBlood.");
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1044357, 1, 1044365);
                index = AddCraft(typeof(BombardScroll), 1079506, 1031689, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), 1044353, 1, 1044363);
                AddRes(index, typeof(DragonBlood), 1023970, 1, "You don't have enough DragonBlood.");
                AddRes(index, typeof(SulfurousAsh), 1044359, 1, 1044367);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bloodmoss), 1044354, 1, 1044362);
                index = AddCraft(typeof(SpellPlagueScroll), 1079506, 1031690, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
            //  AddRes(index, typeof(Garlic), 1044353, 1, 1044363);
                AddRes(index, typeof(DragonBlood), 1023970, 1, "You don't have enough DragonBlood.");
            //  AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1044357, 1, 1044365);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Nightshade), 1044358, 1, 1044366);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SulfurousAsh), 1044359, 1, 1044367);
                AddRes(index, typeof(DaemonBone), 1023968, 1, "You don't have enough DaemonBone.");
                index = AddCraft(typeof(HailStormScroll), 1079506, 1031691, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(DragonBlood), 1023970, 1, "You don't have enough DragonBlood.");
                AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), 1044353, 1, 1044253);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1044357, 1, 1044365);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bloodmoss), 1044354, 1, 1044362);
                index = AddCraft(typeof(NetherCycloneScroll), 1079506, 1031692, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Bloodmoss), 1044354, 1, 1044362);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Nightshade), 1044358, 1, 1044366);
                AddRes(index, typeof(SulfurousAsh), 1044359, 1, 1044367);
                AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1044357, 1, 1044365);
                index = AddCraft(typeof(RisingColossusScroll), 1079506, 1031693, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
                AddRes(index, typeof(DaemonBone), 1023968, 1, "You don't have enough DaemonBone.");
                AddRes(index, typeof(FertileDirt), 1023969, 1, "You don't have enough FertileDirt.");
                AddRes(index, typeof(DragonBlood), 1023970, 1, "You don't have enough DragonBlood.");
                AddRes(index, typeof(Nightshade), 1044358, 1, 1044366);
                //    AddRes(index, typeof(MandrakeRoot), 1044357, 1, 1044365);
Think someone can cram this into a publish (it'll fit, I promise... barely, but it will fit). ;)
Is this considered a bug report? Just want to be sure since no one has posted a problem about this-if so I can send it to the correct area of bug reports :)
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Think someone can cram this into a publish (it'll fit, I promise... barely, but it will fit). ;)
Did you have issues with the scroll pics in the craft menu? I had to change the items.
        public AnimatedWeaponScroll(int amount) : base(683, 0x2DA4, amount)//was 0x5060
Not sure if it classified as a bug or just not done right. The replacement coding I posted for DefInscription.cs works, original didnt..

Active Shards


Total amount