hello, looking for help yet again, ok i have the evo system Milva posted here, https://www.servuo.com/threads/pet-evolution.2966/ it uses the xantos shrink system,{i also have fs-ats system if anyone can get either one to work} i have acquired this mercenary file [below] , however when i go to shrink it with the pet leash or potion, it says "this person gives you a dirty look" however i can use the [shrink command, and it works fine.. any help would be greatly appreciated..


  • Mercenary.cs
    18.1 KB · Views: 23
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It is surely because the shrink system looks for the body type of the creature, if it's human, it returns that text.
When you use the command, it will shrink regardless of what it is, because it is a command and commands are most likely issued by staff members, who would most likely shrink humanoids for various reasons (conservation, events, etc).

Try to find where that check happens and comment it out i guess.
Other than that, i think the regular hirable humanoids can be tamed, for whatever reason.
well thanks for the help, however i done alot of testing and found that if the mercenary spawns male, I cannot shrink it, only females let me shrink them.. any idea why that is? lol . i know it sounds strange but im confused now..
Perhaps there is a check for "if (BodyValue == 400)" or something.
Search the script for the error message you had, if you can't find it in the mercenary, search in your shrink system.
This can be found in ShrinkCommand.cs
else if ( ( pet.BodyValue == 400 || pet.BodyValue == 401 ) && pet.Controlled == false )
from.SendMessage( "That person gives you a dirty look!" );
I am not sure about your configuration and the systems you are using on your shard, but could it be that you are using two different shrink systems ?

I read "pet leash", from FS-ATS ?
Also, Xanthos Shrink System with the [shrink command.

So, if I am not wrong, you should have had a conflict about your "ShrinkItem" script when first adding those two systems to your standard ServUO build (unless you took the RePack ^^).

I have actually never found the best way to fix this conflict.
I used to have a ShrinkItem1 and ShrinkItem2 and having both work alongside, but then sometimes shrunk Mercs were going poof.
Maybe best option would be to disable one of the two shrink systems (I'd go for removing the [shrink command, but then you would need to be sure the PetLeash works 100% with your EVO pets).

Sidenote : maybe your shard was configured to spawn only female Mercenaries ? So that would avoid breeding them ? Just a guess ... lol
Also, I guess best way is to add EVO pets to the non breedable list (FSATSSettings.cs file), unless you eventually want GOD-like Mercs. ^^
If he is using the Xantos which I posted its named ShrinkItemX.cs but I didn't have the mercenary
Ooooh ! My bad, indeed. There is a PetLeash in FS-ATS and one in Xanthos's Shrink System.
I was a bit too fast in guessing why the command would work and not the PetLeash. :p

Thank you Milva for clarifying. :)
thanks everyone what i ended up doing, is took out both systems and reinstalled them and now it works on both male and female mercs. thanks for the help everyone.. you guys rock...