This is secretly a double question thread. I'm hoping to get both answered, without having to make all the clutter of two threads.

So I was wandering around my world, and happened to notice that my Sleeping Dragon altar was missing. Is there way to spawn just the one altar? Is there a way to respawn all altars?

Second, I'd like my Sleeping Dragon champ spawn to drop power scrolls. I've look into the powerscroll scripts, and nothing really jumps out as an easy toggle for this, but I'm still quite the notice at reading scripts. What do I need to edit to enable powerscroll drops from all champs?

Thanks to anyone and everyone who can help. If I manage to solve either of these, I'll post my solution.
So, couple weird things:

I have no [GenChampions command, and my ChampionSpawnController doesn't have a constructable element.

I'm working on trying to get those to things working, but it's turning into a bit of an annoyance.
Champ spawn setup is now done in the config files.

In game commands:
[ChampionInfo gives info about all the champ spawns setup and lets you go to the spawn directly from a menu

[add ChampionSpawn to add a new champ alter at a location you target after doing this you will need to increase the alter's Z by 20 to get it to show up properly, from there you can double click the sign and set the spawn to whatever you want.

To drop powerscrolls somewhere other than Felucca you can edit the following:
Scripts\Mobiles\Bosses\BaseChampion.cs line 149 / 150

if (this.Map != Map.Felucca)

Since Sleeping Dragon is the only spawn in Tokuno you could just change it to:

if (this.Map != Map.Felucca || this.Map != Map.Tokuno)

or if you wanted all champs to drop scrolls regardless of location you could just remove both lines.

Hope this helps.