I just wanted to take a second and thank everyone who helps Servuo be such a great community resource. From those that code the repository or test and submit bugs or submit new resources. This last year while my wife has been very ill when she slept and I couldn't. I would come down to my laptop and work on my silly little server, adding new scripts or making existing scripts work. It was a great diversion when I needed time to relax and stop stressing about everything.

After 14 months my wife has a clean bill of health and we are adjusting to her new life with her permanent medical changes and I am still here on the weekends and late nights enjoying the site. Thank you all for helping me even when you didn't know I was in need of it. You're a great community. I was able to donate to ServUO this morning to show my appreciation, and I was happy to do so.

Thanks again you have no idea how much you have helped me.

Thank You for such a wonderful post about ServUO! :) UO can be a wonderful way to relax, happy to hear your wife will be doing so much better