I want to have my tree elementals drop multiple seeds, not just one.
I was looking through the scripts and found this on Kappas.
if (Core.ML && Utility.RandomDouble() < .33)

The Kappa only drops one seed never multiples. Does the above not mean it should drop up to 4 33% of the time????

I know I can just do multiple entries of
this.PackItem(new Engines.Plants.Seed());
But there should be a way to drop multiple seed and types with a single call.....maybe....I think....
OK so I can't seem to figure it out.

Any thoughts on this stupid little addition I want to make?

Assistance is appreciated!

Shazzy :confused:
RandomPeculiarSeed is a method not a constructor, and it does not accept an amount. The (4) is determining which group of seed types it should select from.

The method is only designed to create one seed, since the actual construction is inside the method and because the seed constructor does not have amount as a parameter.

You can call the method 4 times, use a loop to call the method 4 times, or re-write the method with an overload.

OreElementals actually construct the ore directly and the ore accepts amount as a parameter, so that same method will not work if you want to use a random seed.