I hank did not write this and I take no credit for it what so ever. This is a direct copy and paste from runuo.
Do not message liquid-fusion for support as I (hank) did not have his consent to post this.
This post was by the user Liquid-Fusion
Source: http://www.runuo.com/community/thre...tly-patch-your-shard-using-muo-patcher.63297/

Learn how to efficiently patch your shard using MUO Patcher!

**Warning this is not a Quickie-Guide. Althought if you know what your doing, and your organized you can make items in 1 minute or less.. I suggest you read my guide thoroughly.**

*edit* Although you read that im using the verdata, that doesnt mean that this method is trying to use an older client. You can use the latest client and patch using my method* :rolleyes:


Ok, im writing this guide because I recently did this for my shard and found the most effective, fast, and easiest way to patch new stuff. The easiest thing to do (IMHO) is to make a empty (well almost) verdata.mul and load your art/gump into there.

Ok first you need to download the two tools you need.

- MUOTool from the UOG Website.
- TDV Mulpatcher
- InsideUO

Section 1: Here is how you make a empty mul:

1) Open the MUOTool. Select file---> import--->tiledata, then enter the correct paths from your UO folder. Delete ALL the entries for tiledata except 1 (doesnt matter which one) .This is preperation for your yet-to-be created verdata to just have 1 tiledata entry, to make it basically empty.

2) Tab out, and go into my comptuter and search for your directory for MUO Tool. Make a new .txt file and rename it verdata.txt. Open this up, and save it as verdata.mul (all files). **Make sure its still not a .txt**

3) Ok now go back to MUO tool and go to file ---> export. This will export the 1 tile data entry into your newly created verdata. Now copy the verdata to your desktop. Open up mulpatcher by TDV.

Section 2:How to patch your new art/gumps:

1) Make a copy of the gumpart.mul, gumpidx.mul, art.mul, artidx.mul in your UO folder and put it in a folder in your desktop or someplace else you prefer.

2) Open up mulpatcher. Load in your gump muls and the verdata file from the new folder you made just the stop before. Once they are loaded, maxamize the program so you can see the bottom tabs.

3) Go to Gump(Anim). Then click "Empty Slots Only". Scroll all the way to the bottom and work your way up.

4) Right click a empty slot you want (should be red) then select load from bitmap TO verdata. It should say like some german word and show a bar that its working.

5) Once you are done, go to the settings tab, and click save under verdata. Overwrite your old one.

Close out mulpatcher.

Section 3: How to link your new art/gumps/animations:

Ok now you have your gump's images, but how do you get them in game showing the right pictures and animations outside the paperdoll? It's Easy.

1) Copy Tiledata.mul and body.def from your UO folder into that folder you made with all the other copies.

2) Open up body.def in notepad and minimize it. Open mulpatcher and load the art files, gump files, tiledata.mul, and the verdata.mul

3) Go to the tiledata tab, and look for a good area with alot of empty #'s.

4) Now the best thing to do now is take out a sheet of paper or a notepad. Start writing down these tiledata entries.

5) What I do is for each entry, I wrote like "Custom Sword" or "Custom Shield", etc whatever you want to do. I find it's easier and much more organized to just go by types. IE: Do all your shields first, then swords, etc..

6) Ok so now you have your first tiledata written down as lets say the entry you wrote is "Custom Shield". Now remember that # you wrote down? Now you need it.

7) Go to the art (S) tab. Write the number in the search box you got from the tiledata.mul
This is where the tiledata points to to show the item in the world. Right click this and select Load from bitmap TO verdata. Same as last time.

8) Now go back to the tiledata tab, and re-click the # it is selected on. Your image should show up if you did it right.

9) Now you need to add some tags in this entry to make it work in game.

Ok *Always* Select these things (even if its clothing,armor,weapon, anything):

Weapon, A, and Wearable.

The only thing else you have to worry about is the "Quality" settings. This is the layer the client shows for the item so you have to get it right. Here is the list from the mulpatcher website:

1 One handed weapon

2 Two handed weapon, shield, or misc.

3 Shoes

4 Pants

5 Shirt

6 Helm/Hat

7 Gloves

8 Ring

9 Unused

10 Neck

11 Hair

12 Waist (half apron)

13 Torso (inner) (chest armor)

14 Bracelet

15 Unused (backpack, but backpacks go to 21)

16 Facial Hair

17 Torso (middle) (sircoat, tunic, full apron, sash)

18 Earrings

19 Arms

20 Back (cloak)

21 Backpack

22 Torso (outer) (robe)

23 Legs (outer) (skirt/kilt)

24 Legs (inner) (leg armor)

25 Mount (horse, ostard, etc)

26 NPC Buy Restock container

27 NPC Buy no restock container

28 NPC Sell container

29 Bank Box

The shield is #2. So we put 2 in the quality settings. Ok now we need to do one more thing. Link this art item to the gump animation.

10) Go to the Gump(Anim) tab, and look for the shield that matches with the art item you picked. Right click the anim and select "copy existing animation". Tab out to your desktop and open up InsideUO.

11) Open inside UO. Go to animations, then people & accessories. Look for the right shield animation that you want. Once you find it, look on the bottom of InsideUO for two numbers. (One is hexidecimal, the other is a regular number). WRITE BOTH OF THESE DOWN IN A NOTEPAD OR YOU WILL FORGET.

12) Tab back in to mulpatcher and put the hexidecimal number into the copy existing animation box you had open. (shoud look like 0x332E or something)

13) Now look at the right side of the gump where the picture is. You should see something like AnimationID:

14) Copy this number down, and then go to the Tiledata tab. Click your "Custom Sword" entry and put the animationID number where it says AnimID:

13) Now open up that file in your folder in your desktop called body.def. Scroll down to the bottom and make a new line called #CUSTOM START

14) Go back to the Gump(Anim) in mulpatcher. Look for the GumpID(the number highlighted on the left) and take note of this number.

15) Open up a calculator in windows. Go to view-->Scientific. Click the Hex button. Type in the GumpID in the calculator. Click the Dec button. Then click the - sign and type in 50000. Press ctrl+c and copy this value in the Body.Def right after #CUSTOM START. Now if you organized yourself like I said you should, you should only have to do this once. And every value from here on will be 1 less than this. (IE: if this is 11100, the next gump up would be 11099)

16) Now remember those 2 entries I told you to write down from InsideUO? You need the regular number (not hexidecimal) now. Put the number in {}.

It should look like this:

11183 {992} 0 <--- example

The 0 is the hue the animation is colored on the character. (If its 0 it will look like plain metal, or any default thing)

17) Follow steps 4-16 for how many gump's you added in section 2.

18) Once your done, save the tiledata.mul and verdata.mul to your folder and also save the body.def

Section 4: Making a MUO Patch file.

1) Go to file ---> Import. Select Verdata from the drop down list. Load your verdata you have been slaving over :p

2) Wait for everything to load up. Once its loaded, go to the tiledata section and delete that 1 entry we saved before.

3) Go to each section with files in it and right-click the right window and look for the checkmark that says "Patch to verdata". Click this to de-select it.

4) Go to file-->save as. Save it as any file name and save it to your desktop.

Close MUO patcher.

Section 5: Making the final product.

Gather up your .muo file, tiledata.mul, and body.def
Make a .RAR of this.

Upload this to your webhost (A good free host is altervista.org. It's in italian but it has 10gb bandwith)

Go to your UOG Settings and add the patch url in. Wait 30 mins for UOG to fresh itself and then your player will automatically download the patch.

Don't forget to make new script's for your new items! **The base for ANY item is located in the tiledata.mul**

UO graphics
(link dead)

From Tannis:

"I like this site www.uo-pixel.de. Unfortunately, it's not in English. The good part is though, that the different areas of the site are marked by UO type icons rather than words, so it's not too hard to find your way around. They have a ton of art on there, and 90% of it is very good stuff."


I hope you found my guide helpful and maybe made your learn something new!

[Posted on Jan 21, 2006]
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