Hi there!

My server is growing NPCs a lot every single day. I just have less than 10 players and the NPCs still raising. It started one month ago with like 40k NPCs and now it's with more than 170k NPCs.


Anybody can help me debuging it? Can i set some config to log NPCs spawns? Can someone point me how to trace this?

Hope to hear some words. Thanks.
I'm having the same issues with a server and mobile counts going up.

There are a couple of commands which will create log files...

CountObjects Usage: CountObjects
Generates a log file detailing all item and mobile types in the world.

TraceInternal Usage: TraceInternal
Generates a log file describing all items in the 'internal' map.

ProfileWorld Usage: ProfileWorld
Prints the amount of data serialized for every object type in your world file.

Most of the commands are in the Doc folder, index.html

Hope that helps ;)
Thank's for the help guys. I found the problem with [xmlfind, isolated the problem, deleted the bad item that are causing respawns and restarted the ServUO. Took a little time to the entire delete the problematic mobs/serialized items, but now it´s running fine again.
A custom NPC we wrote inhouse. I guess now problematic mobiles scripts can lead to "infinite bad spawns".