
So I got the nurems distro installed, and spawned and I am trying to complete the necromancers newbie quest in umbra but I cant seem to figure out what I got to do to get the horde minion to enter the vault of secrets to get the scroll of Abraxus. Ive tried spawning one on the floor, both with movable set to true and false, ive put some in both the golden boxes both movable true and false, and I have the vault of secrets barriers up. When the necromancers summon the familiar, it says you instinctively will your familiar to enter the vault and get the scroll but it never does. it just stands there. I've evern tried out running him and making him walk through it to take a short cut to get back to me, and he still doesn't retrieve it.

Ive also tried making the scroll with in reach of the necromancer so he can just pick it up bit it will not forward the quest. I've also manually put the scroll in the backpack of both the necro and hord minion and still it wont forward the quest. So what is it im missing here? the rest of the quest up too this point works fine.
I made a temporary fix or a semi permanent fix since its not important, but I got a small issue with it. and a question. I made it skip over the objective where the familiar goes to loot the scroll (which hes not picking up I figure is the issue) but when you cast the familiar spell, it spams the heck out of the message I want it to say. How do we fix that?
  public override void CheckProgress()
  if (this.System.From.Map == Map.Malas && this.System.From.InRange(new Point3D(1076, 450, -84), 5))
  HordeMinionFamiliar hmf = Spells.Necromancy.SummonFamiliarSpell.Table[this.System.From] as HordeMinionFamiliar;

  if (hmf != null && hmf.InRange(this.System.From, 5) && hmf.TargetLocation == null)
  this.System.From.SendMessage( "Upon entering the Vault you notice that the protective barrier isn't what it use to be and that you can pass right through to retrieve the scroll!" );
           //this.System.From.SendLocalizedMessage(1060113); // You instinctively will your familiar to fetch the scroll for you.
  //hmf.TargetLocation = new Point2D(1076, 450);

Also, Years ago on RunUO some one had taken a quest like this and replaced all the journal messages with I guess its called string test where you can type in it what you want to change it to. Is that still possible?
Like this part here:
public override object Message
  // <a href="?ForceTopic127">Summon your Horde Minion familiar</a> to fetch the scroll for you.
  return 1060196;
Replace 1060196 with something in string format. How does that work now? Id like to redo (and update in some of their cases like Turmoil quest) some of them but I dont know how. Have also seen it done to alter the amount of demon bones needed to enter the gauntlet.

*Edit* honestly if I can change the journal entry, Id just do away with the whole summon horde minion part altogether and use him somewhere else.

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