This will be a MUL file to BMP converter. It's set up with all the fields and the source code is attached below. I need someone to help find the code (or help me isolate the code in uofiddler) to put into the Convert Maps To .bmp button click method. I've been wracking my brain so a fresh set of eyes might do the trick. Thanks.


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This is a Visual Studio Project... Full Source 10.4MB When Extracted.

For more information about the Ultima Online Map Creator:
This was in the UOFiddler code that I have, might be what you need, not sure:

        private void ExtractMapBmp(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            string path = FiddlerControls.Options.OutputPath;
            string name = String.Format("{0}.bmp", Options.MapNames[currmapint]);
            string FileName = Path.Combine(path, name);
            Bitmap extract = currmap.GetImage(0, 0, (currmap.Width >> 3), (currmap.Height >> 3), showStaticsToolStripMenuItem1.Checked);
            if (showMarkersToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
                Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(extract);
                foreach (TreeNode obj in OverlayObjectTree.Nodes[currmapint].Nodes)
                    OverlayObject o = (OverlayObject)obj.Tag;
                    if (o.Visible)
            extract.Save(FileName, ImageFormat.Bmp);
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
            MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Map saved to {0}", FileName), "Saved",
                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
Thanks a ton Lokai, I am trying to insert the code. It may take a little bit because I have to isolate the extract code from the uofiddler controls... and piece together the missing methods.
Working on a pay by method scenario.... be reasonable and maybe we can work out a long term deal. I need help with this application and if anyone has paypal and know what they're doing then contact me. Thanks.