I need to find where the mobile types are defined for the client to display? For instance if I set the expansion to AOS and create an orc brute the client will show me the 3D version like this
But if I set the expansion to T2A it Displays this:
I want the expansion set to AOS with the 2D mobiles instead of the 3D ones displayed. How can I do this?
Well I've looked through the OrcBrute.cs as well as the BaseCreature.cs and don't see anything in those, so my guess is it's expansion art defined in the core. Maybe someone else can narrow it down further. I'm not real familiar with the core scripts.
I am pretty sure its the bodyconf in your client? at least one of the client confs should have that
Yea but I think he's just changing the expansion setting in CurrentExpansion.cs and getting those different results. So my hunch is there's something in the core scripts that defines BodyID 189 to be this art or that art. I could be wrong, just a theory.
I cant say I am 100% sure about this, but I think with certain expansionflags the client receives looks into these conf files and therefor replaces the art. Like how they did for example the dragon scale armor
This is controlled by files client-side like bodyconv.def.

These files are usually parsed and interpreted based on the era flags that are sent during login: CharacterListFlags and FeatureFlags.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is a way to force the body values to revert to older era's, if you don't send the AOS flags, context menus, weapon abilities, tool-tips and a few other features simply won't work.

There are two realistic options: go through all of the creatures' scripts and manually correct the body values to their older equivalents, or you can modify and redistribute the bodyconv.def file.
Personally, I'd go with the former option.