I've been updating our server to the latest repo. I just finished and sorted out some issues with our playermobiles and now seem to be having an issue with huntmaster system. I've tried reverting the file which doesn't seem to help either.

Delete the object? (y/n)
After pressing return an exception will be thrown and the server will terminate.
System.Exception: Load failed (items=True, mobiles=False, guilds=False, data=False, type=Server.Engines.HuntsmasterChallenge.HuntingSystem, serial=0x40000003) ---> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Ticks must be between DateTime.MinValue.Ticks and DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks.
Parameter name: ticks
   at System.DateTime..ctor(Int64 ticks)
   at Server.BinaryFileReader.ReadDateTime() in C:\Users\Brittney\Desktop\Methgair Server\Server\Serialization.cs:line 1316
   at Server.Engines.HuntsmasterChallenge.HuntingKillEntry..ctor(GenericReader reader) in C:\Users\Brittney\Desktop\Methgair Server\Scripts\Services\HuntmasterChallenge\KillEntry.cs:line 60
   at Server.Engines.HuntsmasterChallenge.HuntingSystem.Deserialize(GenericReader reader) in C:\Users\Brittney\Desktop\Methgair Server\Scripts\Services\HuntmasterChallenge\HuntingSystem.cs:line 362
   at Server.World.Load() in C:\Users\Brittney\Desktop\Methgair Server\Server\World.cs:line 661
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Server.World.Load() in C:\Users\Brittney\Desktop\Methgair Server\Server\World.cs:line 878
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\Brittney\Desktop\Methgair Server\Server\Main.cs:line 640
This exception is fatal, press return to exit
I have gotten this error before something you removed from the shard prior to the save pissed it off. You need to re-add the item then use one of your save backups go in and manually delete the item you are trying to remove and then save it again. It could also be caused by an interrupted save. If the shard to shut down in the middle of a save it will corrupt this can also be fixed by using one of your back up saves. I always zip the save I am going to use for the back up so that I still have it in case for some reason it does not work. I hope this helps!