Hello guys,

i am a programmer and scripted many many years on RunUO and a lot of free shards. Now I am back to Ultima Online and noticed that there a some client modifications or custom clients out there. In fact I also like the concept of UltimaXNA or the Enhanced client of EA.

Now into my question. I am planning creating a client based on Javascript for browsers. Now I need a bit help (because I don't have experience in this sector) how to programmically open and work with UO's map files.
Maybe you guys have some ideas?!?!
I think it's already an hard challenge for everyone to work and implement fixes on existing system then to script the "web" or javascript based uo for browsers. I suggest if you are the one you say to be to contribute wih ServUO staff to improve the features already present and/or implement new missing ones from osi.

Btw if you dont change your mind after that, here you go


Hello Sir and thank you for your quick reply.
Mainly I want to collect information about the grafic engine of the enhanced client and so on. In fact how to open and work with the uop map files inside a grafic engine like babylon js, webGL, directx and so on. Maybe there is someone out there who knows how to extract or work with these files.
I have a similar question asked already, I think there's no one and if there is, he keeps for himself. Not everyone likes to share knowledge especially from those who have big servers with a lot of players who donates.

I tryed extracting some ec client map using uofiddler btw, with no output results.
Ok, a lot of information. So I decided to start all over.
Lets say I start reading in the file.

BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(@"D:/Spiele/Ultima Online Enhanced/facet0.uop", FileMode.Open));
  while (reader.BaseStream.CanRead)
  tmp = reader.ReadInt32().ToString();

The content is some kind of a struct I think, but what kind :) and how to handle its information...
In fact I try to understand this: http://www.runuo.com/community/threads/how-are-maps-stored.472707/
Another good resource is this(but seems dead):https://code.google.com/p/kprojects/
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