

ServUO - [https://www.servuo.com] Version 0.5, Build 6562.13548
Core: Optimizing for 6 64-bit processors
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
Core: Loading config...
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Failed with: 4 errors, 0 warnings
+ CUSTOM/Vita-Nex/Vita-Nex Core
    CS0535: Line 23: 'VitaNex.Items.FireworkComponent' does not implement interf
ace member 'Server.Engines.Craft.ICraftable.OnCraft(int, bool, Server.Mobile, Se
rver.Engines.Craft.CraftSystem, System.Type, Server.Items.ITool, Server.Engines.
Craft.CraftItem, int)'
+ CUSTOM/Vita-Nex/Vita-Nex Core
    CS0535: Line 30: 'VitaNex.Items.BaseFirework' does not implement interface m
ember 'Server.Engines.Craft.ICraftable.OnCraft(int, bool, Server.Mobile, Server.
Engines.Craft.CraftSystem, System.Type, Server.Items.ITool, Server.Engines.Craft
.CraftItem, int)'
+ CUSTOM/Vita-Nex/Vita-Nex Core
    CS0115: Line 65: 'VitaNex.SuperCrafts.SuperCraftSystem.CanCraft(Server.Mobil
e, Server.Items.BaseTool, System.Type)': no suitable method found to override
+ CUSTOM/Vita-Nex/Vita-Nex Core
    CS0534: Line 24: 'VitaNex.SuperCrafts.Pyrotechnics' does not implement inher
ited abstract member 'Server.Engines.Craft.CraftSystem.CanCraft(Server.Mobile, S
erver.Items.ITool, System.Type)'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.
I'm guessing the change is BaseTool -> ITool.

What should have happened is a method with the BaseTool signature should have been kept and called the overload for the method with the ITool signature...

Changing BaseTool to ITool in the offending scripts *should* fix it.
These errors persist(supercraft and pyrothecnics at bottom) even i changed BaseTool for ITool

Scripts: Compiling C # scripts ... Failed with: 3 errors, 2 warnings
+ Ultima Live ServerSideScripts / GraphicBasedHarvestSystems / LumberHarvest / LumberHarvest.cs:
CS0108: Line 94: 'Server.Engines.Harvest.UltimaLiveLumberjacking.Configure ()' hides the legacy member 'Server.Engines.Harvest.HarvestSystem.Configure ()'. Use the new keyword if the masking is intentional.
+ UOAR OrbRemoteServer / OrbServer.cs:
CS0618: Line 200: 'System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices.RegisterChannel (System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannel)' is deprecated: 'Use System.Runtime.Remoting.ChannelServices.RegisterChannel (IChannel chnl, bool ensureSecurity) INSTEAD. '
+ UOAR OrbRemoteServer / UOArchitect / MobileSaver.cs:
CS1061: Line 345: 'Server.Mobiles.Spawner' does not contain a definition for 'SpawnNames' and no 'SpawnNames' extension method that accepts a first argument of type 'Server.Mobiles.Spawner' has been found (a directive using or is an assembly reference missing?)
+ VitaNex / Core / SuperCrafts / Framework / SuperCraft.cs:
CS1502: Line 72: Overloaded method best matching 'Server.Items.ITool.CheckAccessible (Server.Mobile, ref int)' has invalid arguments
CS1503: Line 72: Argument 1: Can not Convert 'Server.Items.ITool' to 'Server.Mobile'
CS1503: Line 72: Argument 2: Can not Convert 'Server.Mobile' to 'ref int'
+ VitaNex / Core / SuperCrafts / Pyrotechnics.cs:
CS1502: Line 49: Overloaded method best matching 'Server.Items.ITool.CheckAccessible (Server.Mobile, ref int)' has invalid arguments
CS1503: Line 49: Argument 1: Can not Convert 'Server.Items.ITool' to 'Server.Mobile'
CS1503: Line 49: Argument 2: Can not convert 'Server.Mobile' to 'ref int'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

I tried to change PyrotechnicsKit.cs line 32, BaseTool for ITool but got too many new errors.

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I'm guessing the change is BaseTool -> ITool.

What should have happened is a method with the BaseTool signature should have been kept and called the overload for the method with the ITool signature...

Changing BaseTool to ITool in the offending scripts *should* fix it.
Looks like I broke another one! ITool had to be created as certain BaseWeapons act as tools. Since the entire craft system references the base tool, the new interface that can handle functionality on both tools and weapons (or any item, really).
I just removed those items entirely and then it worked.

Could you explain what you have deleted, please? I'm getting the same 4 erros and when I change from BaseTool to ITool I got the 2 another errors:
  1. SuperCraft.cs:
  2. CS1502: Line 72: Overloaded method best matching 'Server.Items.ITool.CheckAccessible (Server.Mobile, ref int)' has invalid arguments
  3. CS1503: Line 72: Argument 1: Can not Convert 'Server.Items.ITool' to 'Server.Mobile'
  4. CS1503: Line 72: Argument 2: Can not Convert 'Server.Mobile' to 'ref int'
  5. + VitaNex / Core / SuperCrafts / Pyrotechnics.cs:
  6. CS1502: Line 49: Overloaded method best matching 'Server.Items.ITool.CheckAccessible (Server.Mobile, ref int)' has invalid arguments
  7. CS1503: Line 49: Argument 1: Can not Convert 'Server.Items.ITool' to 'Server.Mobile'
  8. CS1503: Line 49: Argument 2: Can not convert 'Server.Mobile' to 'ref int'
  9. Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
Last edited:
My issue had to do with Vita Nex core. Your issue does not. ITool had some changes. What version of ServUO are you using and what are you trying to do.
The ITool change worked for me, but now I get this message:

+ VitaNex/Network/OutgoingPacketOverrides.cs:
CS0079: Line 53: The event 'Server.Network.NetState.CreatedCallback' can only appear on the left hand side of += or -=
CS0079: Line 54: The event 'Server.Network.NetState.CreatedCallback' can only appear on the left hand side of += or -=
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.

Which refers to this bit of code:

_CreatedCallbackSuccessor = NetState.CreatedCallback;
NetState.CreatedCallback = OnNetStateCreated;
The ITool change worked for me, but now I get this message:

+ VitaNex/Network/OutgoingPacketOverrides.cs:
CS0079: Line 53: The event 'Server.Network.NetState.CreatedCallback' can only appear on the left hand side of += or -=
CS0079: Line 54: The event 'Server.Network.NetState.CreatedCallback' can only appear on the left hand side of += or -=
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.

Which refers to this bit of code:

_CreatedCallbackSuccessor = NetState.CreatedCallback;
NetState.CreatedCallback = OnNetStateCreated;

Remove all references to _CreatedCallbackSuccessor including usages.


NetState.CreatedCallback = OnNetStateCreated;

NetState.CreatedCallback += OnNetStateCreated;
I have done everything here to get down to only one error:


So I replace BaseTool with ITool and get this error:


Any help would be much appreciated!

Give the latest repo (there is a new version) a go - It compiles for me now, but i get issues due to Mono.