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I know Notepad++ isn't exactly the best UO programming tool, but its better than MS Notepad for coding purposes. And I figure one of you programming guru's knows the answer to this right off the top of your head so...

I have been reading for hours on how the old 'Customize Toolbar' plugin has been replaced in the newer versions of Notepad++. All I am looking to do, is add the trusty ole BOLD Itallics Underlined Etc Type of buttons back so I can edit things with the sort of flair that make sense to me. I have searched the ole internet for every variation of the term "CuStomize T00lb@r" in Notepad++ I could think of. Also searched the current online manual, and the documentation for how all this new Customized Toolbars work... appears to be a work in progress from what I can discern. I know there are better tools for programming. But I also scribble other non-code type stuff from time to time and Notepad++ seems to be the ticket. I just know one of you coding wizards has the hidden key to this little Chest of editing treasures. I beg of thee, impart upon this unworthy one, the secret of the NP++ Custom Toolbar.

Help me Obi-Wan Codeobi.... Your my only hope...
There is no option for that, since notepad++ doesnt support it. Apparently some language plugins had support for their files, and they used BBCode for that.

Why not use VSCode or VSCodium (the one that strips MS Stuff out, can also be edited to use the MS Marketplace but leaves other MS Stuff out) for programming, those are still rather lightweight? Same with SublimeText.

But they too do not support the styling, since they are basic text editors under the hood.

So neither of these support the rich text functions, notepad itself did back then.

For normal writing and all that? Why not use office (libre, ms, ... )

for just scribbling and taking notes and all that? Maybe also something like obsidian may be what you are looking for, even though it does not have a toolbar (didnt check the plugins)
Oh, Hey Pyro.
No option for it? *hmmm* Well. That might explain my frustration in finding it. (duh) I know I had a machine at work a few year back that had NP++ and had all the basic Text stuff. But it was prolly the BBCode thing you are referring to. Thanks so much for all the answers! Now I'm even more confused as to what I want to use! :eek: But seriously. Ya, your right. Somewhere in one of those is my answer. Somewhere....