RedBeard submitted a new resource:

Old school prisoner camps - Old school prisoner camps

Here are the old style prisoner camps. This script will randomize between 1 of 4 prisoner camps: orc, lizardman, ratman, or brigand.

It spawns with a prisoner locked in a fenced area. You must pick or magic unlock the chest to get the key to free the prisoner/escort.

This adds a little more fun and chance to raise different skills.

Like all camps put them on a spawner otherwise you will have to use
[MultiWipe command

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This reminds of me something I saw on a shard that I would love to see re-created, it goes hand in hand with this. Maybe the script is already out there I dont know about it.

So there is a message board at the bank(s) and it lists "missing people" aka the people who are in the fenced in area you can rescue/escort. It also gives coordinates of where the person was last seen. players can use a sextant to find the coordinates. basically it randomly or could be placing these enemy camps around the map and players use the coordinates to find them.
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I remember using the bulletin boards in town to find 'missing persons' on OSI shards. I loved that and hated to see it go - this was before quests. They said it was for some localization changes I think.