I made a chest that only can be open if a player carry certain item (working)
im also trying to only let players lift items from that chest if they are carrying that item. (Not working so far)

 public override bool OnDragLift(Mobile from)
    PlayerMobile mobile = (PlayerMobile)from;
       Container pack = from.Backpack;

        Item am = from.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(Diamantenegrokey));
        if (am != null)
            return true;
            // from.SendMessage("WE HAVE THE KEY!");
                return false;
               //  from.SendMessage("WE DONT  HAVE THE KEY!");

EDIT: ahhh i realized the OnDragLift refers to the chest himself not the items inside :S
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You'll want to override CheckLift( Mobile from, Item item, ref LRReason rej ) in your Container's class to handle items that are contained inside of it. The argument 'item' should be the thing they try to lift out. OnDragLift happens after a successful item lift.