Each monster has it's own script. In the script you would have to code it as a paragon. The other thing is every monster that has been spawned can have the admin command [Set Paragon True to make it a paragon. I also believe if you check XMLspawner commands there is a way to add that argument to your xml spawner to make it spawn a paragon. Do a google search on xmlspawner commands.

or it might be [Set IsParagon True

In Paragon.cs

If you want Paragons to spawn on more than Ilshenar you would need to change this...

public class Paragon
public static double ChestChance = .10;// Chance that a paragon will carry a paragon chest
public static double ChocolateIngredientChance = .20;// Chance that a paragon will drop a chocolatiering ingredient
public static Map[] Maps = new Map[] // Maps that paragons will spawn on
public static Type[] Artifacts = new Type[]



I am not sure if Termur can take on paragons easily.I tried it in the past and got a region error. Never pursued it to fix it. That could have been a problem if I was running Regions in a box or something.
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Experiment with the commas. The last map may or may not need the comma. I don't have my files handy for me to check and just pulled up a random paragon.cs to look at it.
i have been haveing trouble fixing this script ive asked people did what they said and got bigger errors then can some one plz help me im new to scripting

thank you
kikco76 picture of errors are below


  • [RC1] Rewards System.cs
    87.6 KB · Views: 8
  • snip_20170530191925.png
    16.8 KB · Views: 11
i have been haveing trouble fixing this script ive asked people did what they said and got bigger errors then can some one plz help me im new to scripting

thank you
kikco76 picture of errors are below

First, your errors mean you have more than one copy of this script, or a script with the same name or names that this one uses. You need to delete one, consolidate, or something so that there is only one of each thing in your Server.

Second, but probably more importantly: Please create a new thread for your last question. You are much more likely to get help with this new issue if you create a thread with an appropriate title so people know what you need help with.