How would I change the difficulty values to give peacemaking a higher success rate?


  • Peacemaking.cs
    6.5 KB · Views: 4
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I have been testing peacemaking on my T2A shard and with GM music and Peacemaking you rarely ever succeed. I am wondering which values I need to change in order to higher the chances of a successful playing.
Maybe even buff up how long the target stays calmed for? or how hard it is the break the trance.

This looks like the difficulty here at line 156.
double diff = m_Instrument.GetDifficultyFor( targ ) - 10.0;

Have you played with this value? There are other calculations as well like what your musicianship skill is and your peacemaking skills is.

I am not 100% but I'd try line 156 first.

Also see line 84
else if ( !from.CheckSkill( SkillName.Peacemaking, 0.0, 120.0 ) )//Skillcheck
and line 162.
if ( !from.CheckTargetSkill( SkillName.Peacemaking, targ, diff - 25.0, diff + 25.0 ) )

I could be way off but I would tweek those values and see what the results are.
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I seen those lines and was thinking maybe I should try them out but I wanted to see what an experienced person would say to change to make it easier.