I am looking to put uses on this pet leash so that players will need to do the quest over and it will not render the quest useless after only doing it once! I am running the latest version of serveUO. If anyone can help me put uses on this leash I would be ever grateful!


  • TonysPetLeash.cs
    1.6 KB · Views: 19
You will need to put the code for uses into the Shrink function rather than in the Leash, otherwise it will consume charges even if they are not successful. Post your Shrink function script.
Are you using Xanthos, FS ATS or something else?
Here is an example of one that has uses from FS ATS:

I am using a mix of Xanthos and FS ATS with Mercs so the humanoid body type is enabled to be shrunk.
using Server.Targeting;
using System;
using Server;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Menus;
using Server.Menus.Questions;
using Server.Mobiles;
using System.Collections;

namespace Server.Items
       public class PetLeash : Item
        private int m_Charges = 40;

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int Charges
            get{ return m_Charges; }
            set{ m_Charges = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

          public PetLeash() : base( 0x1374 )
             Weight = 1.0;
             Movable = true;
             Name="a pet leash";

        public override void AddNameProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
            base.AddNameProperties( list );

            list.Add( 1060658, "Charges\t{0}", m_Charges.ToString() );

          public PetLeash( Serial serial ) : base( serial )
          public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )

            if ( !IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042001 ); // That must be in your pack for you to use it.
            else if ( FSATS.EnableShrinkSystem == false )
                from.SendMessage( "The shrink system has been disabled. Contact your server administrator for details." );
            else if ( from.Skills[SkillName.AnimalTaming].Value > 75 )
                   from.Target = new LeashTarget( this );
                from.SendMessage( "What do you wish to shrink?" );
                from.SendMessage("You must have 75 animal taming to use a pet leash.");
                from.SendMessage( "Try using a pet shriking potion." );


          public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
             base.Serialize( writer );

             writer.Write( (int) 0 );

            writer.Write( m_Charges );

          public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
             base.Deserialize( reader );

             int version = reader.ReadInt();

            m_Charges = reader.ReadInt();

        private class LeashTarget : Target
             private Mobile m_Owner;
             private PetLeash m_Powder;

             public LeashTarget( PetLeash charge ) : base ( 10, false, TargetFlags.None )
             protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object target )
                if ( target == from )
                   from.SendMessage( "You can't shrink yourself!" );

                else if ( target is PlayerMobile )
                from.SendMessage( "That person gives you a dirty look." );

                else if ( target is Item )
                from.SendMessage( "You can only shrink pets that you own." );

                else if ( target is BaseBioCreature && FSATS.EnableBioShrink == false )
                from.SendMessage( "Unnatural creatures cannot be shrunk." );

                else if ( Server.Spells.SpellHelper.CheckCombat( from ) )
                from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink your pet while your fighting." );

                  else if ( target is BaseCreature )
                      BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)target;

                    bool packanimal = false;
                    Type typ = c.GetType();
                    string nam = typ.Name;

                    foreach ( string ispack in FSATS.PackAnimals )
                        if ( ispack == nam )
                            packanimal = true;
                    /* if ( c.BodyValue == 400 || c.BodyValue == 401 && c.Controlled == false )
                        from.SendMessage( "That person gives you a dirty look." );
                    } */
                    if ( c.ControlMaster != from && c.Controlled == false )
                        from.SendMessage( "This is not your pet." );
                    else if ( packanimal == true && (c.Backpack != null && c.Backpack.Items.Count > 0) )
                        from.SendMessage( "You must unload your pets backpack first." );
                    else if ( c.IsDeadPet )
                        from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink the dead." );
                    else if ( c.Summoned )
                        from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink a summoned creature." );
                    else if ( c.Combatant != null && c.InRange( c.Combatant, 12 ) && c.Map == c.Combatant.Map )
                        from.SendMessage( "Your pet is fighting, You cannot shrink it yet." );
                    else if ( c.BodyMod != 0 )
                        from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink your pet while its polymorphed." );
                    else if ( c.Allured )
                        from.SendMessage("You cannot shrink your pet while it is under a spell.");
                    //else if ( Server.Spells.LostArts.CharmBeastSpell.IsCharmed( c ) )
                    //    from.SendMessage( "Your hold over this pet is not strong enough to shrink it." );
                    else if ( c.Controlled == true && c.ControlMaster == from)
                        Type type = c.GetType();
                        ShrinkItem si = new ShrinkItem();
                        si.MobType = type;
                        si.Pet = c;
                        si.PetOwner = from;

                        if ( c is BaseMount )
                            BaseMount mount = (BaseMount)c;
                            si.MountID = mount.ItemID;

                        from.AddToBackpack( si );

                        IEntity p1 = new Entity( Serial.Zero, new Point3D( from.X, from.Y, from.Z ), from.Map );
                        IEntity p2 = new Entity( Serial.Zero, new Point3D( from.X, from.Y, from.Z + 50 ), from.Map );

                        Effects.SendMovingParticles( p2, p1, ShrinkTable.Lookup( c ), 1, 0, true, false, 0, 3, 1153, 1, 0, EffectLayer.Head, 0x100 );
                        from.PlaySound( 492 );

                        c.Controlled = true;
                        c.ControlMaster = null;

                        c.OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.MinValue;

                        c.IsStabled = true;

                        m_Powder.Charges -= 1;
                        if ( m_Powder.Charges == 0 )
Are you using Xanthos, FS ATS or something else?
Here is an example of one that has uses from FS ATS:

I am using a mix of Xanthos and FS ATS with Mercs so the humanoid body type is enabled to be shrunk.
using Server.Targeting;
using System;
using Server;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Menus;
using Server.Menus.Questions;
using Server.Mobiles;
using System.Collections;

namespace Server.Items
       public class PetLeash : Item
        private int m_Charges = 40;

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int Charges
            get{ return m_Charges; }
            set{ m_Charges = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

          public PetLeash() : base( 0x1374 )
             Weight = 1.0;
             Movable = true;
             Name="a pet leash";

        public override void AddNameProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
            base.AddNameProperties( list );

            list.Add( 1060658, "Charges\t{0}", m_Charges.ToString() );

          public PetLeash( Serial serial ) : base( serial )
          public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )

            if ( !IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042001 ); // That must be in your pack for you to use it.
            else if ( FSATS.EnableShrinkSystem == false )
                from.SendMessage( "The shrink system has been disabled. Contact your server administrator for details." );
            else if ( from.Skills[SkillName.AnimalTaming].Value > 75 )
                   from.Target = new LeashTarget( this );
                from.SendMessage( "What do you wish to shrink?" );
                from.SendMessage("You must have 75 animal taming to use a pet leash.");
                from.SendMessage( "Try using a pet shriking potion." );


          public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
             base.Serialize( writer );

             writer.Write( (int) 0 );

            writer.Write( m_Charges );

          public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
             base.Deserialize( reader );

             int version = reader.ReadInt();

            m_Charges = reader.ReadInt();

        private class LeashTarget : Target
             private Mobile m_Owner;
             private PetLeash m_Powder;

             public LeashTarget( PetLeash charge ) : base ( 10, false, TargetFlags.None )
             protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object target )
                if ( target == from )
                   from.SendMessage( "You can't shrink yourself!" );

                else if ( target is PlayerMobile )
                from.SendMessage( "That person gives you a dirty look." );

                else if ( target is Item )
                from.SendMessage( "You can only shrink pets that you own." );

                else if ( target is BaseBioCreature && FSATS.EnableBioShrink == false )
                from.SendMessage( "Unnatural creatures cannot be shrunk." );

                else if ( Server.Spells.SpellHelper.CheckCombat( from ) )
                from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink your pet while your fighting." );

                  else if ( target is BaseCreature )
                      BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)target;

                    bool packanimal = false;
                    Type typ = c.GetType();
                    string nam = typ.Name;

                    foreach ( string ispack in FSATS.PackAnimals )
                        if ( ispack == nam )
                            packanimal = true;
                    /* if ( c.BodyValue == 400 || c.BodyValue == 401 && c.Controlled == false )
                        from.SendMessage( "That person gives you a dirty look." );
                    } */
                    if ( c.ControlMaster != from && c.Controlled == false )
                        from.SendMessage( "This is not your pet." );
                    else if ( packanimal == true && (c.Backpack != null && c.Backpack.Items.Count > 0) )
                        from.SendMessage( "You must unload your pets backpack first." );
                    else if ( c.IsDeadPet )
                        from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink the dead." );
                    else if ( c.Summoned )
                        from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink a summoned creature." );
                    else if ( c.Combatant != null && c.InRange( c.Combatant, 12 ) && c.Map == c.Combatant.Map )
                        from.SendMessage( "Your pet is fighting, You cannot shrink it yet." );
                    else if ( c.BodyMod != 0 )
                        from.SendMessage( "You cannot shrink your pet while its polymorphed." );
                    else if ( c.Allured )
                        from.SendMessage("You cannot shrink your pet while it is under a spell.");
                    //else if ( Server.Spells.LostArts.CharmBeastSpell.IsCharmed( c ) )
                    //    from.SendMessage( "Your hold over this pet is not strong enough to shrink it." );
                    else if ( c.Controlled == true && c.ControlMaster == from)
                        Type type = c.GetType();
                        ShrinkItem si = new ShrinkItem();
                        si.MobType = type;
                        si.Pet = c;
                        si.PetOwner = from;

                        if ( c is BaseMount )
                            BaseMount mount = (BaseMount)c;
                            si.MountID = mount.ItemID;

                        from.AddToBackpack( si );

                        IEntity p1 = new Entity( Serial.Zero, new Point3D( from.X, from.Y, from.Z ), from.Map );
                        IEntity p2 = new Entity( Serial.Zero, new Point3D( from.X, from.Y, from.Z + 50 ), from.Map );

                        Effects.SendMovingParticles( p2, p1, ShrinkTable.Lookup( c ), 1, 0, true, false, 0, 3, 1153, 1, 0, EffectLayer.Head, 0x100 );
                        from.PlaySound( 492 );

                        c.Controlled = true;
                        c.ControlMaster = null;

                        c.OwnerAbandonTime = DateTime.MinValue;

                        c.IsStabled = true;

                        m_Powder.Charges -= 1;
                        if ( m_Powder.Charges == 0 )

Thank you for this but we just fixed it :)