Hello all

I am running runuo 2.6 and am set to LBR expansion. I'm trying to get power scrolls to drop on champion spawns but I'm having no luck. So far I have edited line 543 in ChampionSpawn.cs to read LBR and line 104 in PowerScroll.cs to read LBR.

Anyone know what I'm missing?
line 580 in championspawn?

#region Scroll of Transcendence
                            if (Core.ML)
                                if (this.Map == Map.Felucca)
                                    if (Utility.RandomDouble() < ChampionSystem.ScrollChance)
                                        PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)killer;

                                        if (Utility.RandomDouble() < ChampionSystem.TranscendenceChance)
                                            ScrollofTranscendence SoTF = this.CreateRandomSoT(true);
                                            GiveScrollTo(pm, (SpecialScroll)SoTF);
                                            PowerScroll PS = PowerScroll.CreateRandomNoCraft(5, 5);
                                            GiveScrollTo(pm, (SpecialScroll)PS);
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