
I'm a newb (or semi-newb if that's not rude) and having trouble getting a script running on my shard. The script was downloaded from Servuo and was posted by TwilightRaven a couple of years ago. It appears to be exactly what I need.

I believe the problem is my RunUO and .NET versions and the way it handles Lists but that's a guess and the solution is beyond my ability.

The shard I host uses:
RunUO - [www.runuo.com] Version 2.1, Build 6905.732
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 4.0.30319
Core: Optimizing for 12 64-bit processors

I am trying to add TwilightRaven's "Skill Gate - Boosts 7 Skills".

Here is the first Error I got:
+ Customs/Various Scripts/SkillGate.cs:
    CS0234: Line 6: The type or namespace name 'Linq' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

and . . here is the head section of the script:
#region References
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Network;

So . . . I removed "using System.Linq;" . . . and this is the next set of Errors I got:
+ Customs/Various Scripts/SkillGate.cs:
    CS1061: Line 234: 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Server.SEntry>' does not contain a definition for 'Where' and no extension method 'Where' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Server.SEntry>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Here is the complete edited script which gives the above Error (the offending line is Commented):
#region References

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Network;


namespace Server
    public class SkillGate : Item
        public const int NumberOfChoices = 7;
        public const double AmountToRaiseTo = 100.0;

        public SkillGate() : base(0xf6c)
            Name = "Enter to boost your stats";
            Weight = 1.0;
            Hue = 1462;
            LootType = LootType.Blessed;

        public SkillGate( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

        public override bool OnMoveOver(Mobile from)
            if (!IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                return true;

                from.CloseGump(typeof (GateOfCharacterDevelopmentGump));

            Movable = false;
            from.SendGump(new GateOfCharacterDevelopmentGump(this));

            return true;

        public override void AddNameProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)
            list.Add("Sets All Skills to 0, Then Lets You Choose {0} Skills To Boost To {1}", NumberOfChoices, AmountToRaiseTo);

        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );
            writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );
            int version = reader.ReadInt();

    public class GateOfCharacterDevelopmentGump : Gump
        private readonly SkillGate m_Tome;

        private static readonly List<SEntry> Skills = new List<SEntry>
            new SEntry(0, SkillName.Alchemy, "Alchemy"),
            new SEntry(1, SkillName.Anatomy, "Anatomy"),
            new SEntry(2, SkillName.AnimalLore, "Animal Lore"),
            new SEntry(3, SkillName.ItemID, "Item Identification"),
            new SEntry(4, SkillName.ArmsLore, "Arms Lore"),
            new SEntry(5, SkillName.Parry, "Parrying"),
            new SEntry(6, SkillName.Begging, "Begging"),
            new SEntry(7, SkillName.Blacksmith, "Blacksmithy"),
            new SEntry(8, SkillName.Fletching, "Fletching"),
            new SEntry(9, SkillName.Peacemaking, "Peacemaking"),
            new SEntry(10, SkillName.Camping, "Camping"),
            new SEntry(11, SkillName.Carpentry, "Carpentry"),
            new SEntry(12, SkillName.Cartography, "Cartography"),
            new SEntry(13, SkillName.Cooking, "Cooking"),
            new SEntry(14, SkillName.DetectHidden, "Detect Hidden"),
            new SEntry(15, SkillName.Discordance, "Discordance"),
            new SEntry(16, SkillName.EvalInt, "Evaluating Intelligence"),
            new SEntry(17, SkillName.Healing, "Healing"),
            new SEntry(18, SkillName.Fishing, "Fishing"),
            new SEntry(19, SkillName.Forensics, "Forensic Evaluation"),
            new SEntry(20, SkillName.Herding, "Herding"),
            new SEntry(21, SkillName.Hiding, "Hiding"),
            new SEntry(22, SkillName.Provocation, "Provocation"),
            new SEntry(23, SkillName.Inscribe, "Inscription"),
            new SEntry(24, SkillName.Lockpicking, "Lock Picking"),
            new SEntry(25, SkillName.Magery, "Magery"),
            new SEntry(26, SkillName.MagicResist, "Resisting Magic"),
            new SEntry(27, SkillName.Tactics, "Tactics"),
            new SEntry(28, SkillName.Snooping, "Snooping"),
            new SEntry(29, SkillName.Musicianship, "Musicianship"),
            new SEntry(30, SkillName.Poisoning, "Poisoning"),
            new SEntry(31, SkillName.Archery, "Archery"),
            new SEntry(32, SkillName.SpiritSpeak, "Spirit Speak"),
            new SEntry(33, SkillName.Stealing, "Stealing"),
            new SEntry(34, SkillName.Tailoring, "Tailoring"),
            new SEntry(35, SkillName.AnimalTaming, "Animal Taming"),
            new SEntry(36, SkillName.TasteID, "Taste Identification"),
            new SEntry(37, SkillName.Tinkering, "Tinkering"),
            new SEntry(38, SkillName.Tracking, "Tracking"),
            new SEntry(39, SkillName.Veterinary, "Veterinary"),
            new SEntry(40, SkillName.Swords, "Swordsmanship"),
            new SEntry(41, SkillName.Macing, "Mace Fighting"),
            new SEntry(42, SkillName.Fencing, "Fencing"),
            new SEntry(43, SkillName.Wrestling, "Wrestling"),
            new SEntry(44, SkillName.Lumberjacking, "Lumberjacking"),
            new SEntry(45, SkillName.Mining, "Mining"),
            new SEntry(46, SkillName.Meditation, "Meditation"),
            new SEntry(47, SkillName.Stealth, "Stealth"),
            new SEntry(48, SkillName.RemoveTrap, "Removing Traps")

        public GateOfCharacterDevelopmentGump(SkillGate tome) : base(0, 0)
            m_Tome = tome;

            if (Core.AOS)
                Skills.Add(new SEntry(49, SkillName.Necromancy, "Necromancy"));
                Skills.Add(new SEntry(50, SkillName.Focus, "Focus"));
                Skills.Add(new SEntry(51, SkillName.Chivalry, "Chivalry"));

            if (Core.SE)
                Skills.Add(new SEntry(52, SkillName.Bushido, "Bushido"));
                Skills.Add(new SEntry(53, SkillName.Ninjitsu, "Ninjitsu"));

            if (Core.ML)
                Skills.Add(new SEntry(54, SkillName.Spellweaving, "Spellweaving"));

            if (Core.SA)
                Skills.Add(new SEntry(55, SkillName.Mysticism, "Mysticism"));
                Skills.Add(new SEntry(56, SkillName.Imbuing, "Imbuing"));
                Skills.Add(new SEntry(57, SkillName.Throwing, "Throwing"));

            this.Closable = true;
            this.Disposable = true;
            this.Dragable = true;
            this.Resizable = false;

            AddBackground(5, 4, 718, 573, 9380);
            AddImage(679, 108, 10441);
            AddLabel(43, 7, 167,
                String.Format("Select {0} skills to raise to {1}.", SkillGate.NumberOfChoices, (int) SkillGate.AmountToRaiseTo));
            AddButton(344, 553, 247, 248, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            int checkx = 43;
            int textx = 73;
            int y = 48;    

            bool firstcolumnpassed = false;
            bool secondcolumnpassed = false;

            foreach (SEntry skill in Skills)
                AddCheck(checkx, y, 210, 211, false, skill.SkillID);
                AddLabel(textx, y, 887, skill.SkillString);       
                if (y > 491 && !firstcolumnpassed)
                    y = 48;
                    checkx = 220;
                    textx = 250;
                    firstcolumnpassed = true;
                else if (y > 491 && firstcolumnpassed && !secondcolumnpassed)
                    y = 48;
                    checkx = 393;
                    textx = 423;
                    secondcolumnpassed = true;
                else if (y > 491 && secondcolumnpassed)
                    y = 48;
                    checkx = 546;
                    textx = 576;
                    y += 30;

        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile m = sender.Mobile;

            if (m == null || m.Deleted)

            switch (info.ButtonID)
                case 0:
                    m.SendMessage("You decide not to use the Gate of Skils just yet.");
                    m_Tome.Movable = true;
                case 1:
                    if (info.Switches.Length > SkillGate.NumberOfChoices || info.Switches.Length < SkillGate.NumberOfChoices)
                        m.SendMessage("You must choose {0} skills, but you chose {1}. Please try again.", SkillGate.NumberOfChoices, info.Switches.Length);
                    Skills skills = m.Skills;
                    for (int i = 0; i < skills.Length; ++i)
                        skills[i].Base = 0;             
// Offending Line Follows: ****************************************************************
                    foreach (SEntry entry in Skills.Where(entry => info.IsSwitched(entry.SkillID)))
                        m.Skills[entry.SkillName].Base = SkillGate.AmountToRaiseTo;


    public class SEntry
        private readonly SkillName m_SkillName;
        private readonly int m_SkillID;
        private readonly string m_SkillString;

        public SkillName SkillName
            get { return m_SkillName; }

        public int SkillID
            get { return m_SkillID; }

        public string SkillString
            get { return m_SkillString; }

        public SEntry(int id, SkillName skillname, string skillstring)
            m_SkillID = id;
            m_SkillName = skillname;
            m_SkillString = skillstring;

I need a workaround that does not rely on the keyword 'Where'.

I would really appreciate any help I can get from the Community with this. Perhaps obtaining "Linq" somewhere would solve the whole problem but may then cause other problems for my existing setup. My preference would be knowing how to edit the script (above) as it stands to compile and run error free on RunUO - [www.runuo.com] Version 2.1 with .NET Framework Version 4.0.30319

Many Thanks

Okay . . I have been working away with my limitations . .

I changed this . .
       foreach (SEntry entry in Skills.Where(entry => info.IsSwitched(entry.SkillID)))
              m.Skills[entry.SkillName].Base = SkillGate.AmountToRaiseTo;

to this . .
       foreach (SEntry entry in Skills)
              if ( entry => info.IsSwitched(entry.SkillID) )
                     m.Skills[entry.SkillName].Base = SkillGate.AmountToRaiseTo;

and now I get these Errors . .
 + Customs/Various Scripts/SkillGate.cs:
    CS1660: Line 239: Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'bool' because it is not a delegate type
    CS0136: Line 239: A local variable named 'entry' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to 'entry', which is already used in a 'parent or current' scope to denote something else

My abilities working with Lists is next to none.
Try this!

foreach (SEntry entry in Skills)
              if ( info.IsSwitched(entry.SkillID) )
                     m.Skills[entry.SkillName].Base = SkillGate.AmountToRaiseTo;