+ Mobiles / PlayerMobile.cs:
CS1061: Line 149: The "Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile" does not contain a definition
and "m_DisplayTitle" not found the method of extending the "m_DisplayTitle", which takes a first argument of type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile "(or missing using directive or an assembly reference?).
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

I make a clone all of the "Rasa & Klasa" lines from my old server but not working.... someone can help me?


  • PlayerMobile.cs
    134 KB · Views: 3
no...i excepted that beacuse i'm moving that lines to other place in the script for see if that works of not
+ Mobiles / PlayerMobile.cs:
CS1061: Line 149: The "Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile" does not contain a definition
and "m_DisplayTitle" not found the method of extending the "m_DisplayTitle", which takes a first argument of type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile "(or missing using directive or an assembly reference?).
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

I make a clone all of the "Rasa & Klasa" lines from my old server but not working.... someone can help me?

Can you copy the exact text from your console? This does not appear to be correct. Are you translating from another language?

First problem seems to be "m_DisplayTitle". That variable is not defined anywhere in your PlayerMobile. If it is deriving this from Mobile, then you have to either use the public form of the property (probably "DisplayTitle") or it could be a method ("DisplayTitle()" ) in which case you need to include the parentheses.
yep i'm translating that from polish using google translate :) but i chceck the old playermobile and there are nothing else about the m_displaytitle


  • PlayerMobile(old).cs
    119.4 KB · Views: 0
How? My brain now are really dead ;D - Problem resolved :) But still i dont see that info below the name...
Last edited:
Your error message is saying that the variable m_DisplayTitle doesn't exist. So you'll need to declare it (would look something like "private Title m_DisplayTitle") in either your PlayerMobile or Mobile file. You'd also need to save/load it via the Serialize/Deserialize methods.

I hate to say it or dissuade people from doing things especially when they're passionate, but if this simple error message is tripping you up, perhaps it would be best to learn some C# or programming basics before trying to tackle a big project like this...
But still i dont see that info below the name...

If you don't see it below the name, then the DisplayTitle variable is probably "false" or the Rasa and/or Clasa are set to "None".

Try putting an "Else" statement in there to throw random junk on the name if DisplayTitle is false.
Then try this, just to make sure:
			if (this.DisplayRaceTitle)
                    list.Add(1041522, "Rasa: {0}\tKlasa: {1}\t{2}", m_RaceType == Rasa.None ? " " : m_RaceType.ToString(), " ", m_KlasaType == Klasa.None ? " " : m_KlasaType.ToString(), " ");
                catch (Exception e)
                    list.Add(1049644, string.Format("Monkey Vodoo:{0},{1}", e.Message, e.Source));
			list.Add("DisplayRaceTitle is false");
ok now it's work :) I must disable lines from xml points system ( queens royality system ) for my is not a problem because i'm using custom map and i shutdown that system
public override void AddNameProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)

			//XmlPoints a = (XmlPoints)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlPoints));

			//XmlData XmlPointsTitle = (XmlData)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlData), "XmlPointsTitle");

			//if ((XmlPointsTitle != null && XmlPointsTitle.Data == "True") || a == null)
			//	return;
			//else if (IsPlayer())
			//	list.Add(1070722, "Kills {0} / Deaths {1} : Rank={2}", a.Kills, a.Deaths, a.Rank);
			//Rasa & Klasa
			if (this.m_DisplayRaceTitle)
                    list.Add(1041522, "{0}\t{1}\t{2}", m_RaceType == Race1.None ? " " : m_RaceType.ToString(), " ", m_KlasaType == Klasa.None ? " " : m_KlasaType.ToString(), " ");
                catch (Exception e)
                    list.Add(1049644, string.Format("Monkey Vodoo:{0},{1}", e.Message, e.Source));
      //    list.Add("DisplayRaceTitle is false");   
      //End Rasa & Klasa