Hi to all. i put in my shard a lot of scripts from this site and runuo forum.i have a lot of errors but all provides from scripts i don't touch it for nothing :S

the errors i get in this spoiler alert xD:
+ Items/Weapons/Throwing/BansheesCall.cs:
CS0246: Line 56: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'Race' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Items/Weapons/Throwing/Boomerang.cs:
CS0246: Line 124: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'Race' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Items/Weapons/Throwing/Cyclone.cs:
CS0246: Line 119: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'Race' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Items/Weapons/Throwing/RaptorClaw.cs:
CS0246: Line 47: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'Race' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Items/Weapons/Throwing/SoulGlaive.cs:
CS0246: Line 119: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'Race' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Items/Weapons/Throwing/StoneSlithClaw.cs:
CS0246: Line 54: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'Race' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Misc/DoorGenerator.cs:
CS0246: Line 452: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseDoor' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Misc/Emitter.cs:
CS0246: Line 95: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'Stack' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 96: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'Stack' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 98: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'Queue' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Misc/MondainsLegacy.cs:
CS0246: Line 317: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 329: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Misc/NameList.cs:
CS0246: Line 13: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Mobiles/AI/BaseAI.cs:
CS0246: Line 2227: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de n
ombres 'Queue' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Mobiles/Personal Attendants/Herald.cs:
CS0246: Line 38: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Mobiles/Vendors/PlayerBarkeeper.cs:
CS0246: Line 161: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 166: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 183: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Mobiles/Vendors/RentedVendor.cs:
CS0246: Line 67: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Mobiles/Vendors/VendorInventory.cs:
CS0246: Line 13: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 18: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 32: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 59: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Multis/Deeds.cs:
CS0246: Line 145: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 246: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 293: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 340: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 387: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 434: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 481: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 528: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 575: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 622: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 669: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 716: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 763: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 810: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 857: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 904: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 951: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 998: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 1045: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de n
ombres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 1092: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de n
ombres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 1139: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de n
ombres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Multis/DynamicDecay.cs:
CS0246: Line 8: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nomb
res 'DecayLevel' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 28: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'DecayLevel' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 38: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'DecayLevel' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 43: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'DecayLevel' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Multis/HousePlacementTool.cs:
CS0246: Line 521: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 554: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Multis/HouseSign.cs:
CS0246: Line 10: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 13: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 34: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Multis/HouseTeleporter.cs:
CS0246: Line 12: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'SecureLevel' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 47: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'SecureLevel' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Multis/MovingCrate.cs:
CS0246: Line 15: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 17: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 38: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Multis/NoHousingItem.cs:
CS0246: Line 13: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Quests/SA TerMur Agralem Quest/Items/AbyssReaver.cs:
CS0246: Line 138: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'Race' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Quests/SA TerMur Zosilem the Alchemist Quest/Item/InfusedGlassStave.cs:
CS0246: Line 114: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'Race' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Regions/Spawning/SpawnDefinition.cs:
CS0246: Line 17: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Regions/BaseRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 51: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Regions/DamagingRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 11: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 115: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 147: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 163: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 190: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 231: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Regions/DungeonRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 10: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Regions/GreenAcres.cs:
CS0246: Line 12: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Regions/GuardedRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 37: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Regions/HouseRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 13: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 15: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 25: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 411: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Regions/Jail.cs:
CS0246: Line 8: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nomb
res 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Regions/MondainRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 12: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Regions/NoHousingRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 12: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Regions/StygianAbyssRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 11: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Regions/TownRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 8: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nomb
res 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Regions/TwistedWealdDesert.cs:
CS0246: Line 10: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Services/BulkOrders/Books/BulkOrderBook.cs:
CS0246: Line 18: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'SecureLevel' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 52: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'SecureLevel' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Services/Doom/GauntletSpawner.cs:
CS0246: Line 25: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseDoor' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 69: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'BaseDoor' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 272: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseDoor' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Services/Help/SpeechLog.cs:
CS0308: Line 70: El tipo 'System.Collections.Queue' no genérico no se puede
utilizar con argumentos de tipo
+ Services/Plants/PlantItem.cs:
CS0246: Line 41: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'SecureLevel' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 74: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'SecureLevel' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Services/Quests/Core/Regions/CancelQuestRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 11: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Services/Quests/Core/Regions/QuestCompleteObjectiveRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 12: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Services/Quests/Core/Regions/QuestNoEntryRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 14: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Services/Quests/Core/Regions/QuestOfferRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 11: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Services/Quests/Mondain's Legacy/Regions/ApprenticeRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 12: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Services/Quests/Peerless System/Medusa's Lair/PetrifiedSnake.cs:
CS0246: Line 51: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'Race' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Services/Quests/Peerless System/Medusa's Lair/StoneDragonsTooth.cs:
CS0246: Line 53: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'Race' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Services/Reports/Persistance/PersistanceReader.cs:
CS0246: Line 36: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlTextReader' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?
+ Services/Reports/Persistance/PersistanceWriter.cs:
CS0246: Line 39: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlTextWriter' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?
+ Services/ShardControl/Settings/ClientSettings.cs:
CS0246: Line 19: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'OldClientResponse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensambl
CS0118: Line 49: 'CustomsFramework.Systems.ShardControl.ClientSettings.OldCl
ientResponse' es 'propiedad' pero se utiliza como 'tipo'
CS0154: Line 49: La propiedad o el indizador 'CustomsFramework.Systems.Shard
Control.ClientSettings.OldClientResponse' no se puede utilizar en este contexto
porque carece del descriptor de acceso get
+ Services/Staff Runebook/Load.cs:
CS0246: Line 51: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 81: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Services/Staff Runebook/Save.cs:
CS0246: Line 49: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlTextWriter' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?
CS0246: Line 60: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlTextWriter' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?
+ Services/VeteranRewards/Character Statue Maker/CharacterStatue.cs:
CS0246: Line 629: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 639: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'BaseHouse' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Services/XmlSpawner 2/XmlEngines/XmlUtils/XmlCategorizedAddGump.cs:
CS0246: Line 27: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlTextReader' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?
CS0246: Line 128: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'XmlTextReader' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado
+ Services/XmlSpawner 2/XmlEngines/SpawnerExporter.cs:
CS0246: Line 205: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'XmlTextWriter' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado
CS0246: Line 73: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 81: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
CS0246: Line 113: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de no
mbres 'XmlElement' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensamblado?)
+ Services/ShardControl/Settings/GeneralSettings.cs:
CS0117: Line 41: 'Server.AccessLevel' no contiene una definición para 'VIP'
CS0117: Line 43: 'Server.AccessLevel' no contiene una definición para 'Coown
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

i attach my list of custom systems download and installed like the descriptions in all of the systems.

Any can help me? or guide me?


  • custom systems.PNG
    custom systems.PNG
    67.9 KB · Views: 43
Wow! You should only add 1 new script at a time for this reason :/ Translated below

+ Items / Weapons / Throwing / BansheesCall.cs:
CS0246: Line 56: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'Race' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Items / Weapons / Throwing / Boomerang.cs:
CS0246: Line 124: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'Race' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Items / Weapons / Throwing / Cyclone.cs:
CS0246: Line 119: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'Race' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Items / Weapons / Throwing / RaptorClaw.cs:
CS0246: Line 47: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'Race' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Items / Weapons / Throwing / SoulGlaive.cs:
CS0246: Line 119: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'Race' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Items / Weapons / Throwing / StoneSlithClaw.cs:
CS0246: Line 54: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'Race' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Misc / DoorGenerator.cs:
CS0246: Line 452: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseDoor' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Misc / Emitter.cs:
CS0246: Line 95: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'Stack' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 96: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'Stack' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 98: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'Queue' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Misc / MondainsLegacy.cs:
CS0246: Line 317: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 329: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Misc / NameList.cs:
CS0246: Line 13: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Mobiles / AI / BaseAI.cs:
CS0246: Line 2227: You can not find the type or namespace n
ombres 'Queue' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Mobiles / Personal Attendants / Herald.cs:
CS0246: Line 38: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Mobiles / Vendors / PlayerBarkeeper.cs:
CS0246: Line 161: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 166: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 183: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Mobiles / Vendors / RentedVendor.cs:
CS0246: Line 67: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Mobiles / Vendors / VendorInventory.cs:
CS0246: Line 13: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 18: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 32: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 59: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Multis / Deeds.cs:
CS0246: Line 145: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 246: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 293: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 340: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 387: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 434: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 481: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 528: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 575: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 622: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 669: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 716: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 763: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 810: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 857: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 904: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 951: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 998: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 1045: You can not find the type or namespace n
ombres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 1092: You can not find the type or namespace n
ombres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 1139: You can not find the type or namespace n
ombres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Multis / DynamicDecay.cs:
CS0246: Line 8: Can not find the type or namespace NAME
res 'DecayLevel' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 28: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'DecayLevel' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 38: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'DecayLevel' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 43: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'DecayLevel' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Multis / HousePlacementTool.cs:
CS0246: Line 521: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 554: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Multis / HouseSign.cs:
CS0246: Line 10: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 13: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 34: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Multis / HouseTeleporter.cs:
CS0246: Line 12: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'SecureLevel' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 47: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'SecureLevel' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Multis / MovingCrate.cs:
CS0246: Line 15: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 17: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 38: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Multis / NoHousingItem.cs:
CS0246: Line 13: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Quests / SA TerMur Agralem Quest / Items / AbyssReaver.cs:
CS0246: Line 138: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'Race' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Quests / SA TerMur Zosilem the Alchemist Quest / Item / InfusedGlassStave.cs:
CS0246: Line 114: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'Race' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Regions / Spawning / SpawnDefinition.cs:
CS0246: Line 17: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Regions / BaseRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 51: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Regions / DamagingRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 11: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 115: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 147: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 163: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 190: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 231: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Regions / DungeonRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 10: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Regions / GreenAcres.cs:
CS0246: Line 12: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Regions / GuardedRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 37: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Regions / HouseRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 13: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 15: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 25: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 411: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Regions / Jail.cs:
CS0246: Line 8: Can not find the type or namespace NAME
res 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Regions / MondainRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 12: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Regions / NoHousingRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 12: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Regions / StygianAbyssRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 11: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Regions / TownRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 8: Can not find the type or namespace NAME
res 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Regions / TwistedWealdDesert.cs:
CS0246: Line 10: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services / BulkOrders / Books / BulkOrderBook.cs:
CS0246: Line 18: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'SecureLevel' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 52: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'SecureLevel' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services / Doom / GauntletSpawner.cs:
CS0246: Line 25: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseDoor' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 69: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'BaseDoor' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 272: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseDoor' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services / Help / SpeechLog.cs:
CS0308: Line 70: The type 'System.Collections.Queue' no generic can not be
used with type arguments
+ Services / Plants / PlantItem.cs:
CS0246: Line 41: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'SecureLevel' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 74: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'SecureLevel' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services / Quests / Core / Regions / CancelQuestRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 11: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services / Quests / Core / Regions / QuestCompleteObjectiveRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 12: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services / Quests / Core / Regions / QuestNoEntryRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 14: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services / Quests / Core / Regions / QuestOfferRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 11: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services / Quests / Mondain's Legacy / Regions / ApprenticeRegion.cs:
CS0246: Line 12: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services / Quests / Peerless System / Medusa's Lair / PetrifiedSnake.cs:
CS0246: Line 51: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'Race' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services / Quests / Peerless System / Medusa's Lair / StoneDragonsTooth.cs:
CS0246: Line 53: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'Race' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services / Reports / Persistance / PersistanceReader.cs:
CS0246: Line 36: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlTextReader' (a using directive or an assembly reference missing?
+ Services / Reports / Persistance / PersistanceWriter.cs:
CS0246: Line 39: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlTextWriter' (a using directive or an assembly reference missing?
+ Services / ShardControl / Settings / ClientSettings.cs:
CS0246: Line 19: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'OldClientResponse' (are you missing a using directive or reference ensambl
CS0118: Line 49: 'CustomsFramework.Systems.ShardControl.ClientSettings.OldCl
ientResponse 'is' property' but is used as' kind '
CS0154: Line 49: The property or indexer 'CustomsFramework.Systems.Shard
Control.ClientSettings.OldClientResponse 'can not be used in this context
because it lacks the get accessor
+ Services / Staff Runebook / Load.cs:
CS0246: Line 51: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 81: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services / Staff Runebook / Save.cs:
CS0246: Line 49: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlTextWriter' (a using directive or an assembly reference missing?
CS0246: Line 60: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlTextWriter' (a using directive or an assembly reference missing?
+ Services / VeteranRewards / Character Statue Maker / CharacterStatue.cs:
CS0246: Line 629: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 639: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'BaseHouse' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services / XmlSpawner 2 / XmlEngines / XmlUtils / XmlCategorizedAddGump.cs:
CS0246: Line 27: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlTextReader' (a using directive or an assembly reference missing?
CS0246: Line 128: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'XmlTextReader' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference
+ Services / XmlSpawner 2 / XmlEngines / SpawnerExporter.cs:
CS0246: Line 205: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'XmlTextWriter' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference
CS0246: Line 73: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 81: You can not find the type or namespace nom
Bres 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 113: You can not find the type or namespace not
earlier es 'XmlElement' (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Services / ShardControl / Settings / GeneralSettings.cs:
CS0117: Line 41: 'Server.AccessLevel' does not contain a definition for 'VIP'
CS0117: Line 43: 'Server.AccessLevel' does not contain a definition for 'Coown
er '
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.
You did an edit to the playermobile script? If so that script will need to be posted-
yes , there it is. ¡Thanks!
#region Header
// **********
// ServUO - PlayerMobile.cs
// **********

#region References
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Accounting;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Engines.BulkOrders;
using Server.Engines.CannedEvil;
using Server.Engines.ConPVP;
using Server.Engines.Craft;
using Server.Engines.Help;
using Server.Engines.MyRunUO;
using Server.Engines.PartySystem;
using Server.Engines.Quests;
using Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2;
using Server.Ethics;
using Server.Factions;
using Server.Guilds;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Movement;
using Server.Multis;
using Server.Multis;
using Server.Engines.Help;
using Server.Engines.ConPVP;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Regions;
using Server.SkillHandlers;
using Server.Spells;
using Server.Spells.Bushido;
using Server.Spells.Fifth;
using Server.Spells.Fourth;
using Server.Engines.PartySystem;
using Server.Spells.Necromancy;
using Server.Spells.Ninjitsu;
using Server.Spells.Seventh;
using Server.Spells.Sixth;
using Server.Engines.Quests;
using Server.Factions;
using Server.Regions;
using Server.Accounting;
using Server.Engines.CannedEvil;
using Server.Engines.Craft;
using Server.Spells.Spellweaving;
using Server.Targeting;

using RankDefinition = Server.Guilds.RankDefinition;

namespace Server.Mobiles

    #region Enums
    public enum PlayerFlag // First 16 bits are reserved for default-distro use, start custom flags at 0x00010000
        None = 0x00000000,
        Glassblowing = 0x00000001,
        Masonry = 0x00000002,
        SandMining = 0x00000004,
        StoneMining = 0x00000008,
        ToggleMiningStone = 0x00000010,
        KarmaLocked = 0x00000020,
        AutoRenewInsurance = 0x00000040,
        UseOwnFilter = 0x00000080,
        PublicMyRunUO = 0x00000100,
        PagingSquelched = 0x00000200,
        Young = 0x00000400,
        AcceptGuildInvites = 0x00000800,
        DisplayChampionTitle = 0x00001000,
        HasStatReward = 0x00002000,
        Bedlam = 0x00010000,
        LibraryFriend = 0x00020000,
        Spellweaving = 0x00040000,
        GemMining = 0x00080000,
        ToggleMiningGem = 0x00100000,
        BasketWeaving = 0x00200000,
        AbyssEntry = 0x00400000,
        ToggleClippings = 0x00800000,
        ToggleCutClippings = 0x01000000,
        ToggleCutReeds = 0x02000000,
        MechanicalLife = 0x04000000

    public enum NpcGuild

    public enum SolenFriendship

    public enum SickType


    public partial class PlayerMobile : Mobile, IHonorTarget // partial es por el ultima live
         /* Begin Captcha Mod */
    private DateTime _NextCaptchaTime;
    public DateTime NextCaptchaTime
        get { return _NextCaptchaTime;}
        set { _NextCaptchaTime = value; }
    public TimeSpan CaptchaDelay
            if (DateTime.Now >= _NextCaptchaTime)
                return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0);
            return (_NextCaptchaTime - DateTime.Now);
        set { _NextCaptchaTime = DateTime.Now + value; }
/* End Captcha Mod */
        #region Mount Blocking
        public void SetMountBlock(BlockMountType type, TimeSpan duration, bool dismount)
            if (dismount)
                BaseMount.Dismount(this, this, type, duration, false);
                BaseMount.SetMountPrevention(this, type, duration);
        public SickType m_SickType = SickType.None;
        private bool m_Sick = false;
        private bool m_Contagious = false;
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.Owner )]
        public SickType SicknessType
            get { return m_SickType; }
            set { m_SickType = value; }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.Owner )]
        public bool Sick
            get{ return m_Sick; }
            set{ m_Sick = value; }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.Owner )]
        public bool Contagious
            get{ return m_Contagious; }
            set{ m_Contagious = value; }
    #region sickness
/*GD13 Sickness System Control Start*/
    //System Control On/Off
        private bool SickSYS =         true;     //This controls the sickness system, change to false to turn off system.
    //System Chance Control
        private int MinorSickness =     2000;     //This is the chance of players catching minor sickness (high [4 to 10000] rare).
        private int MajorSickness =     20000;     //This is the chance of players catching major sickness (high [3 to 10000] rare).
    //System Time Control
        private int SickDelay =     10;     //This sets the delay in seconds between sickness damage done to player.
        private int MinSickTime =     25;    //This is the min counts for sickness to last ( MinSickTime x SickDelay = Total Second min Count )
        private int MaxSickTime =     75;    //This is the max counts for sickness to last ( MaxSickTime x SickDelay = Total Second max Count )

    //System Damage Control
        private int HeadMin =         1;     //This is the min damage done by Headache Sickness.
        private int HeadMax =         5;     //This is the max damage done by Headache Sickness.

        private int ColdMin =         5;     //This is the min damage done by Cold Sickness.
        private int ColdMax =         10;     //This is the max damage done by Cold Sickness.

        private int FluMin =         5;     //This is the min damage done by Flu Sickness.
        private int FluMax =         15;     //This is the max damage done by Flu Sickness.

        private int VirusMin =         5;     //This is the min damage done by Virus Sickness.
        private int VirusMax =         20;     //This is the max damage done by Virus Sickness.

        private int PlagueMin =     10;     //This is the min damage done by Plague Sickness.
        private int PlagueMax =     25;     //This is the max damage done by Plague Sickness.
        private int DiseaseMin =     10;     //This is the min damage done by Disease Sickness.
        private int DiseaseMax =     25;     //This is the max damage done by Disease Sickness.

    //System Feature Control
        private int ContagiousRange =     5;    //Range that a sickness can travel to infect others if contagious.
/*GD13 Sickness System Control End*/
        public bool SickSystem
            get{ return SickSYS; }
            set{ SickSYS = value; }

        public int MinorSick
            get{ return MinorSickness; }
            set{ MinorSickness = value; }

        public int MajorSick
            get{ return MajorSickness; }
            set{ MajorSickness = value; }

        public int SD
            get{ return SickDelay; }
            set{ SickDelay = value; }

        public int HMN
            get{ return HeadMin; }
            set{ HeadMin = value; }

        public int HMX
            get{ return HeadMax; }
            set{ HeadMax = value; }

        public int CMN
            get{ return ColdMin; }
            set{ ColdMin = value; }

        public int CMX
            get{ return ColdMax; }
            set{ ColdMax = value; }

        public int FMN
            get{ return FluMin; }
            set{ FluMin = value; }

        public int FMX
            get{ return FluMax; }
            set{ FluMax = value; }

        public int VMN
            get{ return VirusMin; }
            set{ VirusMin = value; }

        public int VMX
            get{ return VirusMax; }
            set{ VirusMax = value; }

        public int PMN
            get{ return PlagueMin; }
            set{ PlagueMin = value; }

        public int PMX
            get{ return PlagueMax; }
            set{ PlagueMax = value; }

        public int DMN
            get{ return DiseaseMin; }
            set{ DiseaseMin = value; }

        public int DMX
            get{ return DiseaseMax; }
            set{ DiseaseMax = value; }

        public int CTR
            get{ return ContagiousRange; }
            set{ ContagiousRange = value; }

        public int CTN
            get{ return MinSickTime; }
            set{ MinSickTime = value; }

        public int CTX
            get{ return MaxSickTime; }
            set{ MaxSickTime = value; }

        public static void SicknessCheck( PlayerMobile from )
            PlayerMobile pm = from as PlayerMobile;

            if ( pm.SickSystem == false )
            if ( !pm.Alive )
                pm.SicknessType = SickType.None;
                pm.Sick = false;
                pm.SendMessage( "You are no longer sick!" );
                SickGumpCheck( pm );
            if ( pm.Sick && pm.SicknessType != SickType.None )
            if ( pm.Sick && pm.SicknessType == SickType.None )
                SickGumpCheck( pm );
                        ChangeSickness( pm );

                    if ( !pm.Sick && pm.SicknessType != SickType.None )
                SickGumpCheck( pm );
                        ChangeSickness( pm );
            SickGumpCheck( pm );

            pm.SicknessType = SickType.None;

            switch (Utility.Random( pm.MinorSick ) )
                     case 0: pm.SicknessType = SickType.Headache; break;
                     case 1: pm.SicknessType = SickType.Cold; break;
                case 2: pm.SicknessType = SickType.Flu; break;
                case 3: pm.SicknessType = SickType.Virus; break;
                         default: break;
            switch (Utility.Random( pm.MajorSick ) )
                            case 0: pm.SicknessType = SickType.Plague; break;
                            case 1: pm.SicknessType = SickType.Disease; break;
                            default: break;

        public static void SickGumpCheck( PlayerMobile from )
            if (from.HasGump( typeof( HeadacheBlue )))
                from.CloseGump( typeof( HeadacheBlue ) );
            if (from.HasGump( typeof( HeadacheRed )))
                from.CloseGump( typeof( HeadacheRed ) );
            if (from.HasGump( typeof( ColdBlue )))
                from.CloseGump( typeof( ColdBlue ) );
            if (from.HasGump( typeof( ColdRed )))
                from.CloseGump( typeof( ColdRed ) );
            if (from.HasGump( typeof( FluBlue )))
                from.CloseGump( typeof( FluBlue ) );
            if (from.HasGump( typeof( FluRed )))
                from.CloseGump( typeof( FluRed ) );
            if (from.HasGump( typeof( VirusBlue )))
                from.CloseGump( typeof( VirusBlue ) );
            if (from.HasGump( typeof( VirusRed )))
                from.CloseGump( typeof( VirusRed ) );
            if (from.HasGump( typeof( PlagueBlue )))
                from.CloseGump( typeof( PlagueBlue ) );
            if (from.HasGump( typeof( PlagueRed )))
                from.CloseGump( typeof( PlagueRed ) );
            if (from.HasGump( typeof( DiseaseBlue )))
                from.CloseGump( typeof( DiseaseBlue ) );
            if (from.HasGump( typeof( DiseaseRed )))
                from.CloseGump( typeof( DiseaseRed ) );

        public SickTimer m_SickTimer;

              public class SickTimer : Timer
            private PlayerMobile m_defender;

                  private int cnt = 0;
                  private int m_count = 0;
                  private int m_countmax;

                  public SickTimer( PlayerMobile defender, int count ) : base( TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( defender.SD ), count )
                Priority = TimerPriority.TenMS;

                m_defender = (PlayerMobile) defender;

                      m_countmax = count;
                  protected override void OnTick()
                if ( m_defender == null )
                          m_defender.Sick = false;
                          m_defender.Contagious = false;

                if ( !m_defender.Alive )
                          m_defender.Sick = false;
                          m_defender.Contagious = false;
                    m_defender.SendMessage( "You are no longer sick!" );
                      if ((!m_defender.Sick) || (m_defender.SicknessType == SickType.None))
                if ( m_defender.SicknessType == SickType.Headache )
                         cnt += 1;
                         m_count += 1;
                         m_defender.Damage( Utility.Random( m_defender.HMN, m_defender.HMX ) );

                         if ( cnt > 2 )
                             m_defender.SendMessage( "You have a bad headache!" );
                             m_defender.Emote("*head throbbing*");
                         if ( !m_defender.Female )
                             m_defender.PlaySound( 0x42B );
                             m_defender.PlaySound( 0x31B );
                             cnt = 0;

                    m_defender.CloseGump( typeof( HeadacheBlue ) );

                    if (m_defender.HasGump( typeof( HeadacheRed )))
                        m_defender.CloseGump( typeof( HeadacheRed ) );
                        m_defender.SendGump( new HeadacheBlue() );
                    m_defender.SendGump( new HeadacheRed() );
                      if ( m_defender.SicknessType == SickType.Cold )
                         cnt += 1;
                          m_count += 1;
                         m_defender.Damage( Utility.Random( m_defender.CMN, m_defender.CMX ) );
                    m_defender.Stam -= 2;
                    m_defender.Mana -= 1;

                         if ( cnt > 2 )
                             m_defender.SendMessage( "You have a cold!" );
                         if ( !m_defender.Female )
                             m_defender.PlaySound( 0x420 );
                             m_defender.PlaySound( 0x311 );
                             cnt = 0;

                    m_defender.CloseGump( typeof( ColdBlue ) );

                    if (m_defender.HasGump( typeof( ColdRed )))
                        m_defender.CloseGump( typeof( ColdRed ) );
                        m_defender.SendGump( new ColdBlue() );
                    m_defender.SendGump( new ColdRed() );
                     if( m_defender.SicknessType == SickType.Flu )
                         cnt += 1;
                         m_count += 1;
                         m_defender.Damage( Utility.Random( m_defender.FMN, m_defender.FMX ) );
                    m_defender.Stam -= 4;
                    m_defender.Mana -= 2;

                         if ( cnt > 2 )
                             m_defender.SendMessage( "You have influenza!" );
                             m_defender.Emote("*feels feverish*");
                         if ( !m_defender.Female )
                             m_defender.PlaySound( 0x42B );
                             m_defender.PlaySound( 0x31B );
                             cnt = 0;

                    m_defender.CloseGump( typeof( FluBlue ) );

                    if (m_defender.HasGump( typeof( FluRed )))
                        m_defender.CloseGump( typeof( FluRed ) );
                        m_defender.SendGump( new FluBlue() );
                    m_defender.SendGump( new FluRed() );
                     if ( m_defender.SicknessType == SickType.Virus )
                         cnt += 1;
                         m_count += 1;
                         m_defender.Damage( Utility.Random( m_defender.VMN, m_defender.VMX ) );
                    m_defender.Stam -= 8;
                    m_defender.Mana -= 4;

                         if ( cnt > 2 )
                             m_defender.SendMessage( "You have a bad virus, you need medical attention!" );
                             m_defender.Emote("*cold chills run your spine*");
                             m_defender.PlaySound( m_defender.Female ? 813 : 1087 );
                             m_defender.Say( "*vomits*" );

                             if ( !m_defender.Mounted )
                                 m_defender.Animate( 32, 5, 1, true, false, 0 );
                             Point3D p = new Point3D( m_defender.Location );
                        p.Z = m_defender.Map.GetAverageZ( p.X, p.Y );
                             Vomit vomit = new Vomit();
                             vomit.Map = m_defender.Map;
                             vomit.Location = p;
                        cnt = 0;

                    m_defender.CloseGump( typeof( VirusBlue ) );

                    if (m_defender.HasGump( typeof( VirusRed )))
                        m_defender.CloseGump( typeof( VirusRed ) );
                        m_defender.SendGump( new VirusBlue() );
                    m_defender.SendGump( new VirusRed() );
                if ( m_defender.SicknessType == SickType.Plague )
                         cnt += 1;
                         m_count += 1;
                         m_defender.Damage( Utility.Random( m_defender.PMN, m_defender.PMX ) );
                    m_defender.Stam -= 20;
                    m_defender.Mana -= 10;

                         if ( cnt > 2 )
                             m_defender.SendMessage( "You have the plague, you'll infect others upon contact!" );
                             m_defender.Emote("*hot flashes make you dizzy*");
                             m_defender.PlaySound( m_defender.Female ? 813 : 1087 );
                             m_defender.Say( "*pukes*" );

                             if ( !m_defender.Mounted )
                                 m_defender.Animate( 32, 5, 1, true, false, 0 );
                             Point3D p = new Point3D( m_defender.Location );
                        p.Z = m_defender.Map.GetAverageZ( p.X, p.Y );
                         //    Puke.puke = new Puke();
                         //    puke.Map = m_defender.Map;
                         //    puke.Location = p;
                        cnt = 0;

                    m_defender.CloseGump( typeof( PlagueBlue ) );

                    if (m_defender.HasGump( typeof( PlagueRed )))
                        m_defender.CloseGump( typeof( PlagueRed ) );
                        m_defender.SendGump( new PlagueBlue() );
                    m_defender.SendGump( new PlagueRed() );
                if ( m_defender.SicknessType == SickType.Disease )
                         cnt += 1;
                         m_count += 1;
                         m_defender.Damage( Utility.Random( m_defender.DMN, m_defender.DMX ) );
                    m_defender.Stam -= 20;
                    m_defender.Mana -= 10;

                         if ( cnt > 2 )
                             m_defender.SendMessage( "You have a bad disease, seek medical attention!" );
                             m_defender.Emote("*feels deathly ill*");
                             m_defender.PlaySound( m_defender.Female ? 813 : 1087 );
                             m_defender.Say( "*pukes*" );

                             if ( !m_defender.Mounted )
                                 m_defender.Animate( 32, 5, 1, true, false, 0 );
                             Point3D p = new Point3D( m_defender.Location );
                        p.Z = m_defender.Map.GetAverageZ( p.X, p.Y );
                             //Puke.puke = new Puke();
                         //    puke.Map = m_defender.Map;
                         //    puke.Location = p;
                        cnt = 0;

                    m_defender.CloseGump( typeof( DiseaseBlue ) );

                    if (m_defender.HasGump( typeof( DiseaseRed )))
                        m_defender.CloseGump( typeof( DiseaseRed ) );
                        m_defender.SendGump( new DiseaseBlue() );
                    m_defender.SendGump( new DiseaseRed() );

                     if ( m_count == m_countmax )
                               m_defender.SicknessType = SickType.None;
                    m_defender.Sick = false;
                    SickGumpCheck( m_defender );

                     int randominfect = Utility.Random( 1, 99 );
                     ArrayList RI = new ArrayList();
                     foreach ( Mobile o in m_defender.Map.GetMobilesInRange( m_defender.Location, m_defender.CTR ) )
                     for (int i = 0; i < RI.Count; i++)
                         Mobile o = RI[i] as Mobile;
                    if ( o is PlayerMobile && m_defender != o && m_defender.SicknessType == SickType.Plague )
                        PlayerMobile mob = (PlayerMobile)o;

                             if ( (!mob.Contagious) || (mob.Sick == true) )
                             else if ( mob.SicknessType == SickType.None )
                                 if ( randominfect > 5 && randominfect < 95 )
                                     mob.SicknessType = m_defender.SicknessType;

                         if ( o is PlayerMobile && m_defender != o )
                        PlayerMobile mob = (PlayerMobile)o;

                             if ( (!mob.Contagious) || (mob.Sick == true) )
                             else if ( mob.SicknessType == SickType.None )
                                 if ( randominfect > 43 && randominfect < 50 )
                                     mob.SicknessType = m_defender.SicknessType;
              public static void ChangeSickness( PlayerMobile from )
                  PlayerMobile pm = from as PlayerMobile;
            int count = Utility.Random( pm.CTN, pm.CTX );
            Timer m_SickTimer = new SickTimer ( pm, count );
                  if ( pm.SicknessType == SickType.None )
                      pm.Sick = false;
                      pm.Contagious = false;
                pm.SendMessage( "You are no longer sick!" );
                SickGumpCheck( pm );
            if ( pm.SicknessType == SickType.Headache )
                        pm.SendMessage( "You feel a bad headache coming on!" );
                        pm.Sick = true;
                        pm.Contagious= false;
                    pm.SendGump( new HeadacheBlue() );
                        //m_SickTimer = new SickTimer ( pm, count );
                    if ( pm.SicknessType == SickType.Cold )
                        pm.SendMessage( "You have caught a cold!" );
                        pm.Sick = true;
                        pm.Contagious= true;
                pm.SendGump( new ColdBlue() );
                        //m_SickTimer = new SickTimer ( pm, count );
                    if ( pm.SicknessType == SickType.Flu )
                        pm.SendMessage( "You came down with influenza!" );
                        pm.Sick = true;
                        pm.Contagious= true;
                pm.SendGump( new FluBlue() );
                        //m_SickTimer = new SickTimer ( pm, count );
                    if ( pm.SicknessType == SickType.Virus )
                        pm.SendMessage( "You have been infected by a Virus!" );
                        pm.Sick = true;
                        pm.Contagious= true;
                pm.SendGump( new VirusBlue() );
                        //m_SickTimer = new SickTimer ( pm, count );
                    if ( pm.SicknessType == SickType.Plague )
                        pm.SendMessage( "You have been infected by a Unknown Plague!" );
                        pm.Sick = true;
                        pm.Contagious= true;
                pm.SendGump( new PlagueBlue() );
                        //m_SickTimer = new SickTimer ( pm, count );
            if ( pm.SicknessType == SickType.Disease )
                        pm.SendMessage( "You have been infected by a Unknown Disease!" );
                        pm.Sick = true;
                        pm.Contagious= false;
                pm.SendGump( new DiseaseBlue() );
                        //m_SickTimer = new SickTimer ( pm, count );
        #region Stygian Abyss
        public override void ToggleFlying()
            if (Race != Race.Gargoyle)
            else if (Flying)
                Animate(61, 10, 1, true, false, 0);
                Flying = false;
                BuffInfo.RemoveBuff(this, BuffIcon.Fly);
                SendMessage("You have landed.");


            BlockMountType type = BaseMount.GetMountPrevention(this);

            if (!Alive)
                SendLocalizedMessage(1113082); // You may not fly while dead.
            else if (IsBodyMod && !(BodyMod == 666 || BodyMod == 667))
                SendLocalizedMessage(1112453); // You can't fly in your current form!
            else if (type != BlockMountType.None)
                switch (type)
                    case BlockMountType.Dazed:
                        break; // You are still too dazed to fly.
                    case BlockMountType.BolaRecovery:
                        break; // You cannot fly while recovering from a bola throw.
                    case BlockMountType.DismountRecovery:
                        break; // You cannot fly while recovering from a dismount maneuver.
            else if (Hits < 25) // TODO confirm
                SendLocalizedMessage(1112454); // You must heal before flying.
                if (!Flying)
                    // No message?
                    if (Spell is FlySpell)
                        FlySpell spell = (FlySpell)Spell;
                    new FlySpell(this).Cast();
                    Flying = false;
                    BuffInfo.RemoveBuff(this, BuffIcon.Fly);

        private class CountAndTimeStamp
            private int m_Count;
            private DateTime m_Stamp;

            public DateTime TimeStamp { get { return m_Stamp; } }

            public int Count
                get { return m_Count; }
                    m_Count = value;
                    m_Stamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

        private DesignContext m_DesignContext;

        private NpcGuild m_NpcGuild;
        private DateTime m_NpcGuildJoinTime;
        private TimeSpan m_NpcGuildGameTime;
        private PlayerFlag m_Flags;
        private int m_Profession;

        //modificado sistema de bodas mod1
        private bool m_ismarried = false;
private string m_oldname;
private string m_marriedto;
public string Marriedto {get{return m_marriedto;} set{m_marriedto = value;}}
public string OldName {get{return m_oldname;}set{m_oldname = value; }}
public bool Married{get { return m_ismarried; }    set { m_ismarried = value; }}

//fin de modificacion sistema de bodas

        private int m_NonAutoreinsuredItems;
        // number of items that could not be automaitically reinsured because gold in bank was not enough

        * a value of zero means, that the mobile is not executing the spell. Otherwise,
        * the value should match the BaseMana required
        private int m_ExecutesLightningStrike; // move to Server.Mobiles??

        private DateTime m_LastOnline;
        private RankDefinition m_GuildRank;

        private int m_GuildMessageHue, m_AllianceMessageHue;

        private List<Mobile> m_AutoStabled;
        private List<Mobile> m_AllFollowers;
        private List<Mobile> m_RecentlyReported;
        // Start FSGov Edits

        private CityManagementStone m_City;
        private string m_CityTitle;
        private bool m_ShowCityTitle;
        private bool m_OwesBackTaxes;
        private int m_BackTaxesAmount;

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public CityManagementStone City
            get{ return m_City; }
            set{ m_City = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public string CityTitle
            get{ return m_CityTitle; }
            set{ m_CityTitle = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool ShowCityTitle
            get{ return m_ShowCityTitle; }
            set{ m_ShowCityTitle = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool OwesBackTaxes
            get{ return m_OwesBackTaxes; }
            set{ m_OwesBackTaxes = value; }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int BackTaxesAmount
            get{ return m_BackTaxesAmount; }
            set{ m_BackTaxesAmount = value; }

        //End FSGov Edits
        #region Getters & Setters
        public List<Mobile> RecentlyReported { get { return m_RecentlyReported; } set { m_RecentlyReported = value; } }

        public List<Mobile> AutoStabled { get { return m_AutoStabled; } }

        public bool NinjaWepCooldown { get; set; }

        public List<Mobile> AllFollowers
                if (m_AllFollowers == null)
                    m_AllFollowers = new List<Mobile>();
                return m_AllFollowers;

        public RankDefinition GuildRank
                if (AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                    return RankDefinition.Leader;
                    return m_GuildRank;
            set { m_GuildRank = value; }

        public int GuildMessageHue { get { return m_GuildMessageHue; } set { m_GuildMessageHue = value; } }

        public int AllianceMessageHue { get { return m_AllianceMessageHue; } set { m_AllianceMessageHue = value; } }

        public int Profession { get { return m_Profession; } set { m_Profession = value; } }

        public int StepsTaken { get; set; }

        public NpcGuild NpcGuild { get { return m_NpcGuild; } set { m_NpcGuild = value; } }

        public DateTime NpcGuildJoinTime { get { return m_NpcGuildJoinTime; } set { m_NpcGuildJoinTime = value; } }

        public DateTime NextBODTurnInTime { get; set; }

        public DateTime LastOnline { get { return m_LastOnline; } set { m_LastOnline = value; } }

        public long LastMoved { get { return LastMoveTime; } }

        public TimeSpan NpcGuildGameTime { get { return m_NpcGuildGameTime; } set { m_NpcGuildGameTime = value; } }

        private int m_ToTItemsTurnedIn;

        public int ToTItemsTurnedIn { get { return m_ToTItemsTurnedIn; } set { m_ToTItemsTurnedIn = value; } }

        private int m_ToTTotalMonsterFame;

        public int ToTTotalMonsterFame { get { return m_ToTTotalMonsterFame; } set { m_ToTTotalMonsterFame = value; } }

        public int ExecutesLightningStrike { get { return m_ExecutesLightningStrike; } set { m_ExecutesLightningStrike = value; } }

        private int m_VASTotalMonsterFame;

        public int VASTotalMonsterFame { get { return m_VASTotalMonsterFame; } set { m_VASTotalMonsterFame = value; } }

        public int ToothAche { get { return BaseSweet.GetToothAche(this); } set { BaseSweet.SetToothAche(this, value, true); } }

        public bool MechanicalLife { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.MechanicalLife); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.MechanicalLife, value); } }

        #region PlayerFlags
        public PlayerFlag Flags { get { return m_Flags; } set { m_Flags = value; } }

        public bool PagingSquelched { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.PagingSquelched); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.PagingSquelched, value); } }

        public bool Glassblowing { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.Glassblowing); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.Glassblowing, value); } }

        public bool Masonry { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.Masonry); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.Masonry, value); } }

        public bool SandMining { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.SandMining); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.SandMining, value); } }

        public bool StoneMining { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.StoneMining); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.StoneMining, value); } }

        public bool GemMining { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.GemMining); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.GemMining, value); } }

        public bool BasketWeaving { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.BasketWeaving); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.BasketWeaving, value); } }

        public bool ToggleMiningStone { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.ToggleMiningStone); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.ToggleMiningStone, value); } }

        public bool AbyssEntry { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.AbyssEntry); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.AbyssEntry, value); } }

        public bool ToggleMiningGem { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.ToggleMiningGem); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.ToggleMiningGem, value); } }

        public bool KarmaLocked { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.KarmaLocked); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.KarmaLocked, value); } }

        public bool AutoRenewInsurance { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.AutoRenewInsurance); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.AutoRenewInsurance, value); } }

        public bool UseOwnFilter { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.UseOwnFilter); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.UseOwnFilter, value); } }

        public bool PublicMyRunUO
            get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.PublicMyRunUO); }
                SetFlag(PlayerFlag.PublicMyRunUO, value);

        public bool AcceptGuildInvites { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.AcceptGuildInvites); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.AcceptGuildInvites, value); } }

        public bool HasStatReward { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.HasStatReward); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.HasStatReward, value); } }

        #region QueensLoyaltySystem
        private long m_LevelExp; // Experience Needed for next Experience Level

        public long LevelExp
            get { return m_LevelExp; }
                m_LevelExp = value;

        private long m_Exp; // Experience at the current Experience Level

        public long Exp
            get { return m_Exp; }
                m_Exp = value;

        private int m_Level; // Experience Level

        public int Level
            get { return m_Level; }
                m_Level = value;

        public string m_ExpTitle; // Title based on both levels

        public string ExpTitle
            get { return m_ExpTitle; }
                m_ExpTitle = value;

        #region Plant system
        public bool ToggleClippings { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.ToggleClippings); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.ToggleClippings, value); } }

        public bool ToggleCutReeds { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.ToggleCutReeds); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.ToggleCutReeds, value); } }

        public bool ToggleCutClippings { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.ToggleCutClippings); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.ToggleCutClippings, value); } }

        private DateTime m_SSNextSeed;

        public DateTime SSNextSeed { get { return m_SSNextSeed; } set { m_SSNextSeed = value; } }

        private DateTime m_SSSeedExpire;

        public DateTime SSSeedExpire { get { return m_SSSeedExpire; } set { m_SSSeedExpire = value; } }

        private Point3D m_SSSeedLocation;

        public Point3D SSSeedLocation { get { return m_SSSeedLocation; } set { m_SSSeedLocation = value; } }

        private Map m_SSSeedMap;

        public Map SSSeedMap { get { return m_SSSeedMap; } set { m_SSSeedMap = value; } }


        #region Auto Arrow Recovery
        private readonly Dictionary<Type, int> m_RecoverableAmmo = new Dictionary<Type, int>();

        public Dictionary<Type, int> RecoverableAmmo { get { return m_RecoverableAmmo; } }

        public void RecoverAmmo()
            if (Core.SE && Alive)
                foreach (var kvp in m_RecoverableAmmo)
                    if (kvp.Value > 0)
                        Item ammo = null;

                            ammo = Activator.CreateInstance(kvp.Key) as Item;
                        { }

                        if (ammo != null)
                            string name = ammo.Name;
                            ammo.Amount = kvp.Value;

                            if (name == null)
                                if (ammo is Arrow)
                                    name = "arrow";
                                else if (ammo is Bolt)
                                    name = "bolt";

                            if (name != null && ammo.Amount > 1)
                                name = String.Format("{0}s", name);

                            if (name == null)
                                name = String.Format("#{0}", ammo.LabelNumber);

                            SendLocalizedMessage(1073504, String.Format("{0}\t{1}", ammo.Amount, name)); // You recover ~1_NUM~ ~2_AMMO~.


        private DateTime m_AnkhNextUse;

        public DateTime AnkhNextUse { get { return m_AnkhNextUse; } set { m_AnkhNextUse = value; } }

        #region Mondain's Legacy
        public bool Bedlam { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.Bedlam); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.Bedlam, value); } }

        public bool LibraryFriend { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.LibraryFriend); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.LibraryFriend, value); } }

        public bool Spellweaving { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.Spellweaving); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.Spellweaving, value); } }

        public TimeSpan DisguiseTimeLeft { get { return DisguiseTimers.TimeRemaining(this); } }

        private DateTime m_PeacedUntil;

        public DateTime PeacedUntil { get { return m_PeacedUntil; } set { m_PeacedUntil = value; } }

        #region Scroll of Alacrity
        public DateTime AcceleratedStart { get; set; }

        public SkillName AcceleratedSkill { get; set; }

        public static Direction GetDirection4(Point3D from, Point3D to)
            int dx = from.X - to.X;
            int dy = from.Y - to.Y;

            int rx = dx - dy;
            int ry = dx + dy;

            Direction ret;

            if (rx >= 0 && ry >= 0)
                ret = Direction.West;
            else if (rx >= 0 && ry < 0)
                ret = Direction.South;
            else if (rx < 0 && ry < 0)
                ret = Direction.East;
                ret = Direction.North;

            return ret;

        public override bool OnDroppedItemToWorld(Item item, Point3D location)
            if (!base.OnDroppedItemToWorld(item, location))
                return false;

            if (Core.AOS)
                IPooledEnumerable mobiles = Map.GetMobilesInRange(location, 0);

                foreach (Mobile m in mobiles)
                    if (m.Z >= location.Z && m.Z < location.Z + 16)
                        return false;


            BounceInfo bi = item.GetBounce();

            if (bi != null)
                Type type = item.GetType();

                if (type.IsDefined(typeof(FurnitureAttribute), true) || type.IsDefined(typeof(DynamicFlipingAttribute), true))
                    var objs = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FlipableAttribute), true);

                    if (objs != null && objs.Length > 0)
                        FlipableAttribute fp = objs[0] as FlipableAttribute;

                        if (fp != null)
                            var itemIDs = fp.ItemIDs;

                            Point3D oldWorldLoc = bi.m_WorldLoc;
                            Point3D newWorldLoc = location;

                            if (oldWorldLoc.X != newWorldLoc.X || oldWorldLoc.Y != newWorldLoc.Y)
                                Direction dir = GetDirection4(oldWorldLoc, newWorldLoc);

                                if (itemIDs.Length == 2)
                                    switch (dir)
                                        case Direction.North:
                                        case Direction.South:
                                            item.ItemID = itemIDs[0];
                                        case Direction.East:
                                        case Direction.West:
                                            item.ItemID = itemIDs[1];
                                else if (itemIDs.Length == 4)
                                    switch (dir)
                                        case Direction.South:
                                            item.ItemID = itemIDs[0];
                                        case Direction.East:
                                            item.ItemID = itemIDs[1];
                                        case Direction.North:
                                            item.ItemID = itemIDs[2];
                                        case Direction.West:
                                            item.ItemID = itemIDs[3];

            return true;

        public override int GetPacketFlags()
            int flags = base.GetPacketFlags();

            return flags;

        public override int GetOldPacketFlags()
            int flags = base.GetOldPacketFlags();

            return flags;

        public bool GetFlag(PlayerFlag flag)
            return ((m_Flags & flag) != 0);

        public void SetFlag(PlayerFlag flag, bool value)
            if (value)
                m_Flags |= flag;
                m_Flags &= ~flag;

        public DesignContext DesignContext { get { return m_DesignContext; } set { m_DesignContext = value; } }

        public static void Initialize()
            if (FastwalkPrevention)
                PacketHandlers.RegisterThrottler(0x02, MovementThrottle_Callback);

            EventSink.Login += OnLogin;
            EventSink.Logout += OnLogout;
            EventSink.Connected += EventSink_Connected;
            EventSink.Disconnected += EventSink_Disconnected;

            if (Core.SE)
                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.Zero, CheckPets);

        private static void CheckPets()
            foreach (Mobile m in World.Mobiles.Values)
                if (m is PlayerMobile)
                    PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)m;

                    if (((!pm.Mounted || (pm.Mount != null && pm.Mount is EtherealMount)) &&
                         (pm.AllFollowers.Count > pm.AutoStabled.Count)) ||
                        (pm.Mounted && (pm.AllFollowers.Count > (pm.AutoStabled.Count + 1))))
                        pm.AutoStablePets(); /* autostable checks summons, et al: no need here */

        public override void OnSkillInvalidated(Skill skill)
            if (Core.AOS && skill.SkillName == SkillName.MagicResist)

        public override int GetMaxResistance(ResistanceType type)
            if (IsStaff())
                return int.MaxValue;

            int max = base.GetMaxResistance(type);

            if (type != ResistanceType.Physical && 60 < max && CurseSpell.UnderEffect(this))
                max = 60;

            if (Core.ML && Race == Race.Elf && type == ResistanceType.Energy)
                max += 5; //Intended to go after the 60 max from curse

            return max;

        protected override void OnRaceChange(Race oldRace)

        public override int MaxWeight { get { return (((Core.ML && Race == Race.Human) ? 100 : 40) + (int)(3.5 * Str)); } }

        private int m_LastGlobalLight = -1, m_LastPersonalLight = -1;

        public override void OnNetStateChanged()
            m_LastGlobalLight = -1;
            m_LastPersonalLight = -1;

        public override void ComputeBaseLightLevels( out int global, out int personal )
    global = LightCycle.ComputeLevelFor( this );

// ** EDIT ** Time System

    /*if ( this.LightLevel < 21 && AosAttributes.GetValue( this, AosAttribute.NightSight ) > 0 )
        personal = 21;
        personal = this.LightLevel;*/

    if (this.LightLevel < 21 && AosAttributes.GetValue(this, AosAttribute.NightSight) > 0)
        int level = TimeSystem.EffectsEngine.GetNightSightLevel(this, 21);

        if (level > -1)
            personal = level;
            personal = 0;
        personal = this.LightLevel;

// ** END *** Time System


        public override void CheckLightLevels(bool forceResend)
            NetState ns = NetState;

            if (ns == null)

            int global, personal;

            ComputeLightLevels(out global, out personal);

            if (!forceResend)
                forceResend = (global != m_LastGlobalLight || personal != m_LastPersonalLight);

            if (!forceResend)

            m_LastGlobalLight = global;
            m_LastPersonalLight = personal;

            ns.Send(new PersonalLightLevel(this, personal));

        public override int GetMinResistance(ResistanceType type)
            int magicResist = (int)(Skills[SkillName.MagicResist].Value * 10);
            int min = int.MinValue;

            if (magicResist >= 1000)
                min = 40 + ((magicResist - 1000) / 50);
            else if (magicResist >= 400)
                min = (magicResist - 400) / 15;

            if (min > MaxPlayerResistance)
                min = MaxPlayerResistance;

            int baseMin = base.GetMinResistance(type);

            if (min < baseMin)
                min = baseMin;

            return min;

        public override void OnManaChange(int oldValue)
            if (m_ExecutesLightningStrike > 0)
                if (Mana < m_ExecutesLightningStrike)

        private static void OnLogin(LoginEventArgs e)
            Mobile from = e.Mobile;


            if (AccountHandler.LockdownLevel > AccessLevel.VIP)
                string notice;

                Account acct = from.Account as Account;

                if (acct == null || !acct.HasAccess(from.NetState))
                    if (from.IsPlayer())
                        notice = "The server is currently under lockdown. No players are allowed to log in at this time.";
                        notice = "The server is currently under lockdown. You do not have sufficient access level to connect.";

                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0), new TimerStateCallback(Disconnect), from);
                else if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Administrator)
                    notice =
                        "The server is currently under lockdown. As you are an administrator, you may change this from the [Admin gump.";
                    notice = "The server is currently under lockdown. You have sufficient access level to connect.";

                from.SendGump(new NoticeGump(1060637, 30720, notice, 0xFFC000, 300, 140, null, null));

            if (from is PlayerMobile)

        private bool m_NoDeltaRecursion;

        public void ValidateEquipment()
            if (m_NoDeltaRecursion || Map == null || Map == Map.Internal)

            if (Items == null)

            m_NoDeltaRecursion = true;
            Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.Zero, ValidateEquipment_Sandbox);

        private void ValidateEquipment_Sandbox()
                if (Map == null || Map == Map.Internal)

                var items = Items;

                if (items == null)

                bool moved = false;

                int str = Str;
                int dex = Dex;
                int intel = Int;

                #region Factions
                int factionItemCount = 0;

                Mobile from = this;

                #region Ethics
                Ethic ethic = Ethic.Find(from);

                for (int i = items.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    if (i >= items.Count)

                    Item item = items[i];

                    #region Ethics
                    if ((item.SavedFlags & 0x100) != 0)
                        if (item.Hue != Ethic.Hero.Definition.PrimaryHue)
                            item.SavedFlags &= ~0x100;
                        else if (ethic != Ethic.Hero)
                            moved = true;
                    else if ((item.SavedFlags & 0x200) != 0)
                        if (item.Hue != Ethic.Evil.Definition.PrimaryHue)
                            item.SavedFlags &= ~0x200;
                        else if (ethic != Ethic.Evil)
                            moved = true;

                    if (item is BaseWeapon)
                        BaseWeapon weapon = (BaseWeapon)item;

                        bool drop = false;

                        if (dex < weapon.DexRequirement)
                            drop = true;
                        else if (str < AOS.Scale(weapon.StrRequirement, 100 - weapon.GetLowerStatReq()))
                            drop = true;
                        else if (intel < weapon.IntRequirement)
                            drop = true;
                        else if (weapon.RequiredRace != null && weapon.RequiredRace != Race)
                            drop = true;

                        if (drop)
                            string name = weapon.Name;

                            if (name == null)
                                name = String.Format("#{0}", weapon.LabelNumber);

                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062001, name); // You can no longer wield your ~1_WEAPON~
                            moved = true;
                    else if (item is BaseArmor)
                        BaseArmor armor = (BaseArmor)item;

                        bool drop = false;

                        if (!armor.AllowMaleWearer && !from.Female && from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                            drop = true;
                        else if (!armor.AllowFemaleWearer && from.Female && from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                            drop = true;
                        else if (armor.RequiredRace != null && armor.RequiredRace != Race)
                            drop = true;
                            int strBonus = armor.ComputeStatBonus(StatType.Str), strReq = armor.ComputeStatReq(StatType.Str);
                            int dexBonus = armor.ComputeStatBonus(StatType.Dex), dexReq = armor.ComputeStatReq(StatType.Dex);
                            int intBonus = armor.ComputeStatBonus(StatType.Int), intReq = armor.ComputeStatReq(StatType.Int);

                            if (dex < dexReq || (dex + dexBonus) < 1)
                                drop = true;
                            else if (str < strReq || (str + strBonus) < 1)
                                drop = true;
                            else if (intel < intReq || (intel + intBonus) < 1)
                                drop = true;

                        if (drop)
                            string name = armor.Name;

                            if (name == null)
                                name = String.Format("#{0}", armor.LabelNumber);

                            if (armor is BaseShield)
                                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062003, name); // You can no longer equip your ~1_SHIELD~
                                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062002, name); // You can no longer wear your ~1_ARMOR~

                            moved = true;
                    else if (item is BaseClothing)
                        BaseClothing clothing = (BaseClothing)item;

                        bool drop = false;

                        if (!clothing.AllowMaleWearer && !from.Female && from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                            drop = true;
                        else if (!clothing.AllowFemaleWearer && from.Female && from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                            drop = true;
                        else if (clothing.RequiredRace != null && clothing.RequiredRace != Race)
                            drop = true;
                            int strBonus = clothing.ComputeStatBonus(StatType.Str);
                            int strReq = clothing.ComputeStatReq(StatType.Str);

                            if (str < strReq || (str + strBonus) < 1)
                                drop = true;

                        if (drop)
                            string name = clothing.Name;

                            if (name == null)
                                name = String.Format("#{0}", clothing.LabelNumber);

                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062002, name); // You can no longer wear your ~1_ARMOR~

                            moved = true;

                    FactionItem factionItem = FactionItem.Find(item);

                    if (factionItem != null)
                        bool drop = false;

                        Faction ourFaction = Faction.Find(this);

                        if (ourFaction == null || ourFaction != factionItem.Faction)
                            drop = true;
                        else if (++factionItemCount > FactionItem.GetMaxWearables(this))
                            drop = true;

                        if (drop)
                            moved = true;

                if (moved)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(500647); // Some equipment has been moved to your backpack.
            catch (Exception e)
                m_NoDeltaRecursion = false;

        public override void Delta(MobileDelta flag)

            if ((flag & MobileDelta.Stat) != 0)

            if ((flag & (MobileDelta.Name | MobileDelta.Hue)) != 0)

        private static void Disconnect(object state)
            NetState ns = ((Mobile)state).NetState;

            if (ns != null)

        private static void OnLogout(LogoutEventArgs e)
            if (e.Mobile is PlayerMobile)

            #region Scroll of Alacrity
            if (((PlayerMobile)e.Mobile).AcceleratedStart > DateTime.UtcNow)
                ((PlayerMobile)e.Mobile).AcceleratedStart = DateTime.UtcNow;

        private static void EventSink_Connected(ConnectedEventArgs e)
            PlayerMobile pm = e.Mobile as PlayerMobile;

            if (pm != null)
                pm.m_SessionStart = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (pm.m_Quest != null)

                #region Mondain's Legacy

                pm.BedrollLogout = false;
                pm.LastOnline = DateTime.UtcNow;


            Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.Zero, new TimerStateCallback(ClearSpecialMovesCallback), e.Mobile);

        private static void ClearSpecialMovesCallback(object state)
            Mobile from = (Mobile)state;


        private static void EventSink_Disconnected(DisconnectedEventArgs e)
            Mobile from = e.Mobile;
            DesignContext context = DesignContext.Find(from);

            if (context != null)
                /* Client disconnected
                *  - Remove design context
                *  - Eject all from house
                *  - Restore relocated entities
                // Remove design context

                // Eject all from house

                foreach (Item item in context.Foundation.GetItems())
                    item.Location = context.Foundation.BanLocation;

                foreach (Mobile mobile in context.Foundation.GetMobiles())
                    mobile.Location = context.Foundation.BanLocation;

                // Restore relocated entities

            PlayerMobile pm = e.Mobile as PlayerMobile;

            if (pm != null)
                pm.m_GameTime += (DateTime.UtcNow - pm.m_SessionStart);

                if (pm.m_Quest != null)

                #region Mondain's Legacy

                pm.m_SpeechLog = null;
                pm.LastOnline = DateTime.UtcNow;


        public override void RevealingAction()
            if (m_DesignContext != null)



        public override void OnHiddenChanged()

            //Always remove, default to the hiding icon EXCEPT in the invis spell where it's explicitly set

            if (!Hidden)
            else // if( !InvisibilitySpell.HasTimer( this ) )
                BuffInfo.AddBuff(this, new BuffInfo(BuffIcon.HidingAndOrStealth, 1075655)); //Hidden/Stealthing & You Are Hidden

        public override void OnSubItemAdded(Item item)
            if (AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster && item.IsChildOf(Backpack))
                int maxWeight = WeightOverloading.GetMaxWeight(this);
                int curWeight = BodyWeight + TotalWeight;

                if (curWeight > maxWeight)
                    SendLocalizedMessage(1019035, true, String.Format(" : {0} / {1}", curWeight, maxWeight));

        public override bool CanBeHarmful(Mobile target, bool message, bool ignoreOurBlessedness)
            if (m_DesignContext != null || (target is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)target).m_DesignContext != null))
                return false;

            #region Mondain's Legacy
            if (Peaced)
                //!+ TODO: message
                return false;

            if ((target is BaseVendor && ((BaseVendor)target).IsInvulnerable) || target is PlayerVendor || target is TownCrier)
                if (message)
                    if (target.Title == null)
                        SendMessage("{0} the vendor cannot be harmed.", target.Name);
                        SendMessage("{0} {1} cannot be harmed.", target.Name, target.Title);

                return false;

            return base.CanBeHarmful(target, message, ignoreOurBlessedness);

        public override bool CanBeBeneficial(Mobile target, bool message, bool allowDead)
            if (m_DesignContext != null || (target is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)target).m_DesignContext != null))
                return false;

            return base.CanBeBeneficial(target, message, allowDead);

        public override bool CheckContextMenuDisplay(IEntity target)
            return (m_DesignContext == null);

        public override void OnItemAdded(Item item)

            if (item is BaseArmor || item is BaseWeapon)
                Hits = Hits;
                Stam = Stam;
                Mana = Mana;

            if (NetState != null)


        public override void OnItemRemoved(Item item)

            if (item is BaseArmor || item is BaseWeapon)
                Hits = Hits;
                Stam = Stam;
                Mana = Mana;

            if (NetState != null)


        public override double ArmorRating
                //BaseArmor ar;
                double rating = 0.0;

                AddArmorRating(ref rating, NeckArmor);
                AddArmorRating(ref rating, HandArmor);
                AddArmorRating(ref rating, HeadArmor);
                AddArmorRating(ref rating, ArmsArmor);
                AddArmorRating(ref rating, LegsArmor);
                AddArmorRating(ref rating, ChestArmor);
                AddArmorRating(ref rating, ShieldArmor);

                return VirtualArmor + VirtualArmorMod + rating;

        private void AddArmorRating(ref double rating, Item armor)
            BaseArmor ar = armor as BaseArmor;

            if (ar != null && (!Core.AOS || ar.ArmorAttributes.MageArmor == 0))
                rating += ar.ArmorRatingScaled;

        #region [Stats]Max
        public override int HitsMax
                int strBase;
                int strOffs = GetStatOffset(StatType.Str);

                if (Core.AOS)
                    strBase = Str; //this.Str already includes GetStatOffset/str
                    strOffs = AosAttributes.GetValue(this, AosAttribute.BonusHits);

                    if (Core.ML && strOffs > 25 && IsPlayer())
                        strOffs = 25;

                    if (AnimalForm.UnderTransformation(this, typeof(BakeKitsune)) ||
                        AnimalForm.UnderTransformation(this, typeof(GreyWolf)))
                        strOffs += 20;
                    strBase = RawStr;

                return (strBase / 2) + 50 + strOffs;

        public override int StamMax { get { return base.StamMax + AosAttributes.GetValue(this, AosAttribute.BonusStam); } }

        public override int ManaMax { get
            return base.ManaMax + AosAttributes.GetValue(this, AosAttribute.BonusMana) +
                   ((Core.ML && Race == Race.Elf) ? 20 : 0);
        } }

        #region Stat Getters/Setters
        public override int Str
                if (Core.ML && IsPlayer())
                    return Math.Min(base.Str, 150);

                return base.Str;
            set { base.Str = value; }

        public override int Int
                if (Core.ML && IsPlayer())
                    return Math.Min(base.Int, 150);

                return base.Int;
            set { base.Int = value; }

        public override int Dex
                if (Core.ML && IsPlayer())
                    return Math.Min(base.Dex, 150);

                return base.Dex;
            set { base.Dex = value; }

        public override bool Move(Direction d)
            NetState ns = NetState;

            if (ns != null)
                if (HasGump(typeof(ResurrectGump)))
                    if (Alive)
                        SendLocalizedMessage(500111); // You are frozen and cannot move.
                        return false;

            int speed = ComputeMovementSpeed(d);

            bool res;

            if (!Alive)
                MovementImpl.IgnoreMovableImpassables = true;

            res = base.Move(d);

            MovementImpl.IgnoreMovableImpassables = false;

            if (!res)
                return false;

            m_NextMovementTime += speed;

            return true;

        public override bool CheckMovement(Direction d, out int newZ)
            DesignContext context = m_DesignContext;

            if (context == null)
                return base.CheckMovement(d, out newZ);

            HouseFoundation foundation = context.Foundation;

            newZ = foundation.Z + HouseFoundation.GetLevelZ(context.Level, context.Foundation);

            int newX = X, newY = Y;
            Movement.Movement.Offset(d, ref newX, ref newY);

            int startX = foundation.X + foundation.Components.Min.X + 1;
            int startY = foundation.Y + foundation.Components.Min.Y + 1;
            int endX = startX + foundation.Components.Width - 1;
            int endY = startY + foundation.Components.Height - 2;

            return (newX >= startX && newY >= startY && newX < endX && newY < endY && Map == foundation.Map);

        public override bool AllowItemUse(Item item)
            #region Dueling
            if (m_DuelContext != null && !m_DuelContext.AllowItemUse(this, item))
                return false;

            return DesignContext.Check(this);

        public SkillName[] AnimalFormRestrictedSkills { get { return m_AnimalFormRestrictedSkills; } }

        private readonly SkillName[] m_AnimalFormRestrictedSkills = new[]
            SkillName.ArmsLore, SkillName.Begging, SkillName.Discordance, SkillName.Forensics, SkillName.Inscribe,
            SkillName.ItemID, SkillName.Meditation, SkillName.Peacemaking, SkillName.Provocation, SkillName.RemoveTrap,
            SkillName.SpiritSpeak, SkillName.Stealing, SkillName.TasteID

        public override bool AllowSkillUse(SkillName skill)
            if (AnimalForm.UnderTransformation(this))
                for (int i = 0; i < m_AnimalFormRestrictedSkills.Length; i++)
                    if (m_AnimalFormRestrictedSkills[i] == skill)
                        #region Mondain's Legacy
                        AnimalFormContext context = AnimalForm.GetContext(this);

                        if (skill == SkillName.Stealing && context.StealingMod != null && context.StealingMod.Value > 0)

                        SendLocalizedMessage(1070771); // You cannot use that skill in this form.
                        return false;

            #region Dueling
            if (m_DuelContext != null && !m_DuelContext.AllowSkillUse(this, skill))
                return false;

            return DesignContext.Check(this);

        private bool m_LastProtectedMessage;
        private int m_NextProtectionCheck = 10;

        public virtual void RecheckTownProtection()
            m_NextProtectionCheck = 10;

            GuardedRegion reg = (GuardedRegion)Region.GetRegion(typeof(GuardedRegion));
            bool isProtected = (reg != null && !reg.IsDisabled());

            if (isProtected != m_LastProtectedMessage)
                if (isProtected)
                    SendLocalizedMessage(500112); // You are now under the protection of the town guards.
                    SendLocalizedMessage(500113); // You have left the protection of the town guards.

                m_LastProtectedMessage = isProtected;

        public override void MoveToWorld(Point3D loc, Map map)
            base.MoveToWorld(loc, map);


        public override void SetLocation(Point3D loc, bool isTeleport)
            if (!isTeleport && IsPlayer())
                // moving, not teleporting
                int zDrop = (Location.Z - loc.Z);

                if (zDrop > 20) // we fell more than one story
                    Hits -= ((zDrop / 20) * 10) - 5; // deal some damage; does not kill, disrupt, etc

            base.SetLocation(loc, isTeleport);

            if (isTeleport || --m_NextProtectionCheck == 0)

            /* Begin UltimaLive Mod */
            if (BlockQuery != null)
                m_PreviousMapBlock = BlockQuery.QueryMobile(this, m_PreviousMapBlock);
            /* End UltimaLive Mod */

        public override void GetContextMenuEntries(Mobile from, List<ContextMenuEntry> list)
            base.GetContextMenuEntries(from, list);

            if (from == this)
                if (m_Quest != null)

                if (Alive && InsuranceEnabled)
                    list.Add(new CallbackEntry(6201, ToggleItemInsurance));

                    if (AutoRenewInsurance)
                        list.Add(new CallbackEntry(6202, CancelRenewInventoryInsurance));
                        list.Add(new CallbackEntry(6200, AutoRenewInventoryInsurance));

                BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(this);

                if (house != null)
                    if (Alive && house.InternalizedVendors.Count > 0 && house.IsOwner(this))
                        list.Add(new CallbackEntry(6204, GetVendor));

                    if (house.IsAosRules && !Region.IsPartOf(typeof(SafeZone))) // Dueling
                        list.Add(new CallbackEntry(6207, LeaveHouse));

                if (m_JusticeProtectors.Count > 0)
                    list.Add(new CallbackEntry(6157, CancelProtection));

                if (Alive)
                    list.Add(new CallbackEntry(6210, ToggleChampionTitleDisplay));

                #region Mondain's Legacy
                if (Alive)

                    if (m_CollectionTitles.Count > 0)
                        list.Add(new CallbackEntry(6229, ShowChangeTitle));
            if (from != this)
                if (Alive && Core.Expansion >= Expansion.AOS)
                    Party theirParty = from.Party as Party;
                    Party ourParty = Party as Party;

                    if (theirParty == null && ourParty == null)
                        list.Add(new AddToPartyEntry(from, this));
                    else if (theirParty != null && theirParty.Leader == from)
                        if (ourParty == null)
                            list.Add(new AddToPartyEntry(from, this));
                        else if (ourParty == theirParty)
                            list.Add(new RemoveFromPartyEntry(from, this));

                BaseHouse curhouse = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(this);

                if (curhouse != null)
                    if (Alive && Core.Expansion >= Expansion.AOS && curhouse.IsAosRules && curhouse.IsFriend(from))
                        list.Add(new EjectPlayerEntry(from, this));

        private void CancelProtection()
            for (int i = 0; i < m_JusticeProtectors.Count; ++i)
                Mobile prot = m_JusticeProtectors[i];

                string args = String.Format("{0}\t{1}", Name, prot.Name);

                prot.SendLocalizedMessage(1049371, args);
                // The protective relationship between ~1_PLAYER1~ and ~2_PLAYER2~ has been ended.
                SendLocalizedMessage(1049371, args);
                // The protective relationship between ~1_PLAYER1~ and ~2_PLAYER2~ has been ended.


        #region Insurance
        private void ToggleItemInsurance()
            if (!CheckAlive())

            BeginTarget(-1, false, TargetFlags.None, ToggleItemInsurance_Callback);
            SendLocalizedMessage(1060868); // Target the item you wish to toggle insurance status on <ESC> to cancel

        private bool CanInsure(Item item)
            #region Mondain's Legacy
            if (item is BaseQuiver && item.LootType == LootType.Regular)
                return true;

            if (((item is Container) && !(item is BaseQuiver)) || item is BagOfSending || item is KeyRing)
                return false;

            if ((item is Spellbook && item.LootType == LootType.Blessed) || item is Runebook || item is PotionKeg ||
                item is Sigil)
                return false;

            if (item.Stackable)
                return false;

            if (item.LootType == LootType.Cursed)
                return false;

            if (item.ItemID == 0x204E) // death shroud
                return false;

            return true;

        private void ToggleItemInsurance_Callback(Mobile from, object obj)
            if (!CheckAlive())

            Item item = obj as Item;

            if (item == null || !item.IsChildOf(this))
                BeginTarget(-1, false, TargetFlags.None, ToggleItemInsurance_Callback);
                SendLocalizedMessage(1060871, "", 0x23);
                // You can only insure items that you have equipped or that are in your backpack
            else if (item.Insured)
                item.Insured = false;

                SendLocalizedMessage(1060874, "", 0x35); // You cancel the insurance on the item

                BeginTarget(-1, false, TargetFlags.None, ToggleItemInsurance_Callback);
                SendLocalizedMessage(1060868, "", 0x23); // Target the item you wish to toggle insurance status on <ESC> to cancel
            else if (!CanInsure(item))
                BeginTarget(-1, false, TargetFlags.None, ToggleItemInsurance_Callback);
                SendLocalizedMessage(1060869, "", 0x23); // You cannot insure that
            else if (item.LootType == LootType.Blessed || item.LootType == LootType.Newbied || item.BlessedFor == from)
                BeginTarget(-1, false, TargetFlags.None, ToggleItemInsurance_Callback);
                SendLocalizedMessage(1060870, "", 0x23); // That item is blessed and does not need to be insured
                SendLocalizedMessage(1060869, "", 0x23); // You cannot insure that
                if (!item.PayedInsurance)
                    if (Banker.Withdraw(from, 600))
                        SendLocalizedMessage(1060398, "600"); // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold has been withdrawn from your bank box.
                        item.PayedInsurance = true;
                        SendLocalizedMessage(1061079, "", 0x23); // You lack the funds to purchase the insurance

                item.Insured = true;

                SendLocalizedMessage(1060873, "", 0x23); // You have insured the item

                BeginTarget(-1, false, TargetFlags.None, ToggleItemInsurance_Callback);
                SendLocalizedMessage(1060868, "", 0x23); // Target the item you wish to toggle insurance status on <ESC> to cancel

        private void AutoRenewInventoryInsurance()
            if (!CheckAlive())

            SendLocalizedMessage(1060881, "", 0x23); // You have selected to automatically reinsure all insured items upon death
            AutoRenewInsurance = true;

        private void CancelRenewInventoryInsurance()
            if (!CheckAlive())

            if (Core.SE)
                if (!HasGump(typeof(CancelRenewInventoryInsuranceGump)))
                    SendGump(new CancelRenewInventoryInsuranceGump(this));
                SendLocalizedMessage(1061075, "", 0x23); // You have cancelled automatically reinsuring all insured items upon death
                AutoRenewInsurance = false;

        private class CancelRenewInventoryInsuranceGump : Gump
            private readonly PlayerMobile m_Player;

            public CancelRenewInventoryInsuranceGump(PlayerMobile player)
                : base(250, 200)
                m_Player = player;

                AddBackground(0, 0, 240, 142, 0x13BE);
                AddImageTiled(6, 6, 228, 100, 0xA40);
                AddImageTiled(6, 116, 228, 20, 0xA40);
                AddAlphaRegion(6, 6, 228, 142);

                AddHtmlLocalized(8, 8, 228, 100, 1071021, 0x7FFF, false, false);
                // You are about to disable inventory insurance auto-renewal.

                AddButton(6, 116, 0xFB1, 0xFB2, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtmlLocalized(40, 118, 450, 20, 1060051, 0x7FFF, false, false); // CANCEL

                AddButton(114, 116, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtmlLocalized(148, 118, 450, 20, 1071022, 0x7FFF, false, false); // DISABLE IT!

            public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
                if (!m_Player.CheckAlive())

                if (info.ButtonID == 1)
                    m_Player.SendLocalizedMessage(1061075, "", 0x23);
                    // You have cancelled automatically reinsuring all insured items upon death
                    m_Player.AutoRenewInsurance = false;
                    m_Player.SendLocalizedMessage(1042021); // Cancelled.

        private void GetVendor()
            BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(this);

            if (CheckAlive() && house != null && house.IsOwner(this) && house.InternalizedVendors.Count > 0)
                SendGump(new ReclaimVendorGump(house));

        private void LeaveHouse()
            BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(this);

            if (house != null)
                Location = house.BanLocation;

        private delegate void ContextCallback();

        private class CallbackEntry : ContextMenuEntry
            private readonly ContextCallback m_Callback;

            public CallbackEntry(int number, ContextCallback callback)
                : this(number, -1, callback)
            { }

            public CallbackEntry(int number, int range, ContextCallback callback)
                : base(number, range)
                m_Callback = callback;

            public override void OnClick()
                if (m_Callback != null)

        public override void DisruptiveAction()
            if (Meditating)


        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (this == from && !Warmode)
                IMount mount = Mount;

                if (mount != null && !DesignContext.Check(this))


        public override void DisplayPaperdollTo(Mobile to)
            if (DesignContext.Check(this))

        private static bool m_NoRecursion;

        public override bool CheckEquip(Item item)
            if (!base.CheckEquip(item))
                return false;

            #region Dueling
            if (m_DuelContext != null && !m_DuelContext.AllowItemEquip(this, item))
                return false;

            #region Factions
            FactionItem factionItem = FactionItem.Find(item);

            if (factionItem != null)
                Faction faction = Faction.Find(this);

                if (faction == null)
                    SendLocalizedMessage(1010371); // You cannot equip a faction item!
                    return false;
                else if (faction != factionItem.Faction)
                    SendLocalizedMessage(1010372); // You cannot equip an opposing faction's item!
                    return false;
                    int maxWearables = FactionItem.GetMaxWearables(this);

                    for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; ++i)
                        Item equiped = Items[i];

                        if (item != equiped && FactionItem.Find(equiped) != null)
                            if (--maxWearables == 0)
                                SendLocalizedMessage(1010373); // You do not have enough rank to equip more faction items!
                                return false;

            if (AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster && item.Layer != Layer.Mount && HasTrade)
                BounceInfo bounce = item.GetBounce();

                if (bounce != null)
                    if (bounce.m_Parent is Item)
                        Item parent = (Item)bounce.m_Parent;

                        if (parent == Backpack || parent.IsChildOf(Backpack))
                            return true;
                    else if (bounce.m_Parent == this)
                        return true;

                SendLocalizedMessage(1004042); // You can only equip what you are already carrying while you have a trade pending.
                return false;

            return true;

        public override bool CheckTrade(
            Mobile to, Item item, SecureTradeContainer cont, bool message, bool checkItems, int plusItems, int plusWeight)
            int msgNum = 0;

            if (cont == null)
                if (to.Holding != null)
                    msgNum = 1062727; // You cannot trade with someone who is dragging something.
                else if (HasTrade)
                    msgNum = 1062781; // You are already trading with someone else!
                else if (to.HasTrade)
                    msgNum = 1062779; // That person is already involved in a trade

            if (msgNum == 0)
                if (cont != null)
                    plusItems += cont.TotalItems;
                    plusWeight += cont.TotalWeight;

                if (Backpack == null || !Backpack.CheckHold(this, item, false, checkItems, plusItems, plusWeight))
                    msgNum = 1004040; // You would not be able to hold this if the trade failed.
                else if (to.Backpack == null || !to.Backpack.CheckHold(to, item, false, checkItems, plusItems, plusWeight))
                    msgNum = 1004039; // The recipient of this trade would not be able to carry this.
                    msgNum = CheckContentForTrade(item);

            if (msgNum != 0)
                if (message)

                return false;

            return true;

        private static int CheckContentForTrade(Item item)
            if (item is TrapableContainer && ((TrapableContainer)item).TrapType != TrapType.None)
                return 1004044; // You may not trade trapped items.

            if (StolenItem.IsStolen(item))
                return 1004043; // You may not trade recently stolen items.

            if (item is Container)
                foreach (Item subItem in item.Items)
                    int msg = CheckContentForTrade(subItem);

                    if (msg != 0)
                        return msg;

            return 0;

        public override bool CheckNonlocalDrop(Mobile from, Item item, Item target)
            if (!base.CheckNonlocalDrop(from, item, target))
                return false;

            if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                return true;

            Container pack = Backpack;
            if (from == this && HasTrade && (target == pack || target.IsChildOf(pack)))
                BounceInfo bounce = item.GetBounce();

                if (bounce != null && bounce.m_Parent is Item)
                    Item parent = (Item)bounce.m_Parent;

                    if (parent == pack || parent.IsChildOf(pack))
                        return true;

                SendLocalizedMessage(1004041); // You can't do that while you have a trade pending.
                return false;

            return true;

        protected override void OnLocationChange(Point3D oldLocation)

            #region Dueling
            if (m_DuelContext != null)

            DesignContext context = m_DesignContext;

            if (context == null || m_NoRecursion)

            m_NoRecursion = true;

            HouseFoundation foundation = context.Foundation;

            int newX = X, newY = Y;
            int newZ = foundation.Z + HouseFoundation.GetLevelZ(context.Level, context.Foundation);

            int startX = foundation.X + foundation.Components.Min.X + 1;
            int startY = foundation.Y + foundation.Components.Min.Y + 1;
            int endX = startX + foundation.Components.Width - 1;
            int endY = startY + foundation.Components.Height - 2;

            if (newX >= startX && newY >= startY && newX < endX && newY < endY && Map == foundation.Map)
                if (Z != newZ)
                    Location = new Point3D(X, Y, newZ);

                m_NoRecursion = false;

            Location = new Point3D(foundation.X, foundation.Y, newZ);
            Map = foundation.Map;

            m_NoRecursion = false;

        public override bool OnMoveOver(Mobile m)
            if (m is BaseCreature && !((BaseCreature)m).Controlled)
                return (!Alive || !m.Alive || IsDeadBondedPet || m.IsDeadBondedPet) || (Hidden && IsStaff());

            #region Dueling
            if (Region.IsPartOf(typeof(SafeZone)) && m is PlayerMobile)
                PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)m;

                if (pm.DuelContext == null || pm.DuelPlayer == null || !pm.DuelContext.Started || pm.DuelContext.Finished ||
                    return true;

            return base.OnMoveOver(m);

        public override bool CheckShove(Mobile shoved)
            if (TransformationSpellHelper.UnderTransformation(shoved, typeof(WraithFormSpell)))
                return true;
                return base.CheckShove(shoved);

        protected override void OnMapChange(Map oldMap)
            /* Begin UltimaLive Mod */
            if (BlockQuery != null)
                m_PreviousMapBlock = BlockQuery.QueryMobile(this, m_PreviousMapBlock);
            /* End UltimaLive Mod */
            if ((Map != Faction.Facet && oldMap == Faction.Facet) || (Map == Faction.Facet && oldMap != Faction.Facet))

            #region Dueling
            if (m_DuelContext != null)

            DesignContext context = m_DesignContext;

            if (context == null || m_NoRecursion)

            m_NoRecursion = true;

            HouseFoundation foundation = context.Foundation;

            if (Map != foundation.Map)
                Map = foundation.Map;

            m_NoRecursion = false;

        public override void OnBeneficialAction(Mobile target, bool isCriminal)
            if (m_SentHonorContext != null)

            base.OnBeneficialAction(target, isCriminal);

        public override void OnDamage(int amount, Mobile from, bool willKill)
            int disruptThreshold;

            if (!Core.AOS)
                disruptThreshold = 0;
            else if (from != null && from.Player)
                disruptThreshold = 18;
                disruptThreshold = 25;

            if (amount > disruptThreshold)
                BandageContext c = BandageContext.GetContext(this);

                if (c != null)

            if (Confidence.IsRegenerating(this))

            WeightOverloading.FatigueOnDamage(this, amount);

            if (m_ReceivedHonorContext != null)
                m_ReceivedHonorContext.OnTargetDamaged(from, amount);
            if (m_SentHonorContext != null)
                m_SentHonorContext.OnSourceDamaged(from, amount);

            if (willKill && from is PlayerMobile)
                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), ((PlayerMobile)@from).RecoverAmmo);

            #region Mondain's Legacy
            if (InvisibilityPotion.HasTimer(this))

            base.OnDamage(amount, from, willKill);

        public override void Resurrect()
            bool wasAlive = Alive;


            if (Alive && !wasAlive)
                Item deathRobe = new DeathRobe();

                if (!EquipItem(deathRobe))

                #region Scroll of Alacrity
                if (AcceleratedStart > DateTime.UtcNow)
                    BuffInfo.AddBuff(this, new BuffInfo(BuffIcon.ArcaneEmpowerment, 1078511, 1078512, AcceleratedSkill.ToString()));

        public override double RacialSkillBonus
                if (Core.ML && Race == Race.Human)
                    return 20.0;

                return 0;

        public override void OnWarmodeChanged()
            if (!Warmode)
                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), RecoverAmmo);

        private Mobile m_InsuranceAward;
        private int m_InsuranceCost;
        private int m_InsuranceBonus;

        private List<Item> m_EquipSnapshot;

        public List<Item> EquipSnapshot { get { return m_EquipSnapshot; } }

        private bool FindItems_Callback(Item item)
            if (!item.Deleted && (item.LootType == LootType.Blessed || item.Insured))
                if (Backpack != item.ParentEntity)
                    return true;
            return false;

        public override bool OnBeforeDeath()
            NetState state = NetState;

            if (state != null)


            if (Core.AOS && Backpack != null && !Backpack.Deleted)
                var ilist = Backpack.FindItemsByType<Item>(FindItems_Callback);

                for (int i = 0; i < ilist.Count; i++)

            m_EquipSnapshot = new List<Item>(Items);

            m_NonAutoreinsuredItems = 0;
            m_InsuranceCost = 0;
            m_InsuranceAward = base.FindMostRecentDamager(false);

            if (m_InsuranceAward is BaseCreature)
                Mobile master = ((BaseCreature)m_InsuranceAward).GetMaster();

                if (master != null)
                    m_InsuranceAward = master;

            if (m_InsuranceAward != null && (!m_InsuranceAward.Player || m_InsuranceAward == this))
                m_InsuranceAward = null;

            if (m_InsuranceAward is PlayerMobile)
                ((PlayerMobile)m_InsuranceAward).m_InsuranceBonus = 0;

            if (m_ReceivedHonorContext != null)
            if (m_SentHonorContext != null)


            return base.OnBeforeDeath();

        private bool CheckInsuranceOnDeath(Item item)
            if (Young) { return false; }

            if (InsuranceEnabled && item.Insured)
                if (XmlPoints.InsuranceIsFree(this, m_InsuranceAward))
                    item.PayedInsurance = true;
                    return true;

                #region Dueling
                if (m_DuelPlayer != null && m_DuelContext != null && m_DuelContext.Registered && m_DuelContext.Started &&
                    return true;

                if (AutoRenewInsurance)
                    int cost = (m_InsuranceAward == null ? 600 : 300);

                    if (Banker.Withdraw(this, cost))
                        m_InsuranceCost += cost;
                        item.PayedInsurance = true;
                        SendLocalizedMessage(1060398, cost.ToString()); // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold has been withdrawn from your bank box.
                        SendLocalizedMessage(1061079, "", 0x23); // You lack the funds to purchase the insurance
                        item.PayedInsurance = false;
                        item.Insured = false;
                    item.PayedInsurance = false;
                    item.Insured = false;

                if (m_InsuranceAward != null)
                    if (Banker.Deposit(m_InsuranceAward, 300))
                        if (m_InsuranceAward is PlayerMobile)
                            ((PlayerMobile)m_InsuranceAward).m_InsuranceBonus += 300;

                return true;

            return false;

        public override DeathMoveResult GetParentMoveResultFor(Item item)
            if (CheckInsuranceOnDeath(item) && !Young)
                return DeathMoveResult.MoveToCorpse;

            DeathMoveResult res = base.GetParentMoveResultFor(item);

            if (res == DeathMoveResult.MoveToCorpse && item.Movable && Young)
                res = DeathMoveResult.MoveToCorpse;

            return res;

        public override DeathMoveResult GetInventoryMoveResultFor(Item item)
            if (CheckInsuranceOnDeath(item) && !Young)
                return DeathMoveResult.MoveToCorpse;

            DeathMoveResult res = base.GetInventoryMoveResultFor(item);

            if (res == DeathMoveResult.MoveToCorpse && item.Movable && Young)
                res = DeathMoveResult.MoveToCorpse;

            return res;

        public override void OnDeath(Container c)
            //daat99 Master Looter start - keep/drop items on death
            //NO WIPE RISK!!!
            daat99.MasterStorageUtils.MoveItemsOnDeath(this, c);
            //daat99 Master Looter end - keep/drop items on death
            if (this.m_NonAutoreinsuredItems > 0)


            m_EquipSnapshot = null;

            HueMod = -1;
            NameMod = null;
            SavagePaintExpiration = TimeSpan.Zero;

            SetHairMods(-1, -1);



            MeerMage.StopEffect(this, false);

            #region Stygian Abyss
            if (Flying)
                Flying = false;
                BuffInfo.RemoveBuff(this, BuffIcon.Fly);

            StolenItem.ReturnOnDeath(this, c);

            if (m_PermaFlags.Count > 0)

                if (c is Corpse)
                    ((Corpse)c).Criminal = true;

                if (Stealing.ClassicMode)
                    Criminal = true;

            if (Kills >= 5 && DateTime.UtcNow >= m_NextJustAward)
                Mobile m = FindMostRecentDamager(false);

                if (m is BaseCreature)
                    m = ((BaseCreature)m).GetMaster();

                if (m != null && m is PlayerMobile && m != this)
                    bool gainedPath = false;

                    int pointsToGain = 0;

                    pointsToGain += (int)Math.Sqrt(GameTime.TotalSeconds * 4);
                    pointsToGain *= 5;
                    pointsToGain += (int)Math.Pow(Skills.Total / 250, 2);

                    if (VirtueHelper.Award(m, VirtueName.Justice, pointsToGain, ref gainedPath))
                        if (gainedPath)
                            m.SendLocalizedMessage(1049367); // You have gained a path in Justice!
                            m.SendLocalizedMessage(1049363); // You have gained in Justice.

                        m.FixedParticles(0x375A, 9, 20, 5027, EffectLayer.Waist);

                        m_NextJustAward = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(pointsToGain / 3);

            if (m_InsuranceAward is PlayerMobile)
                PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)m_InsuranceAward;

                if (pm.m_InsuranceBonus > 0)
                    pm.SendLocalizedMessage(1060397, pm.m_InsuranceBonus.ToString());
                    // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold has been deposited into your bank box.

            Mobile killer = FindMostRecentDamager(true);

            #region QueensLoyaltySystem
            if (killer is PlayerMobile)
                m_Exp -= (m_LevelExp / 100);
                if (m_Exp < 0)
                    if (m_Level == 0)
                        m_Exp = 0;
                        m_Exp += (long)(m_LevelExp / 1.4);
                        m_Level -= 1;
                        SendMessage("Due to your death you have lost a level of Loyalty to the Queen");
                m_Exp -= (m_LevelExp / 50);
                if (m_Exp < 0)
                    if (m_Level == 0)
                        Exp = 0;
                        m_Exp += (long)(m_LevelExp / 1.4);
                        m_Level -= 1;
                        SendMessage("Due to your death you have lost a level of Loyalty to the Queen");
            #endregion                          // End Queen's Loyalty System

            if (killer is BaseCreature)
                BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)killer;

                Mobile master = bc.GetMaster();
                if (master != null)
                    killer = master;

            if (Young && m_DuelContext == null)
                if (YoungDeathTeleport())
                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.5), SendYoungDeathNotice);

            if (m_DuelContext == null || !m_DuelContext.Registered || !m_DuelContext.Started || m_DuelPlayer == null ||
                m_DuelPlayer.Eliminated || !XmlPoints.AreChallengers(this, killer))
                Faction.HandleDeath(this, killer);

            Guilds.Guild.HandleDeath(this, killer);

            #region Dueling
            if (m_DuelContext != null)
                m_DuelContext.OnDeath(this, c);

            if (m_BuffTable != null)
                var list = new List<BuffInfo>();

                foreach (BuffInfo buff in m_BuffTable.Values)
                    if (!buff.RetainThroughDeath)

                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)

            #region Stygian Abyss
            if (Region.IsPartOf("Abyss") && SSSeedExpire > DateTime.UtcNow)
                SendGump(new ResurrectGump(this, ResurrectMessage.SilverSapling));

        private List<Mobile> m_PermaFlags;
        private readonly List<Mobile> m_VisList;
        private readonly Hashtable m_AntiMacroTable;
        private TimeSpan m_GameTime;
        private TimeSpan m_ShortTermElapse;
        private TimeSpan m_LongTermElapse;
        private DateTime m_SessionStart;
        private DateTime m_NextSmithBulkOrder;
        private DateTime m_NextTailorBulkOrder;
        private DateTime m_SavagePaintExpiration;
        private SkillName m_Learning = (SkillName)(-1);

        public SkillName Learning { get { return m_Learning; } set { m_Learning = value; } }

        public TimeSpan SavagePaintExpiration
                TimeSpan ts = m_SavagePaintExpiration - DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (ts < TimeSpan.Zero)
                    ts = TimeSpan.Zero;

                return ts;
            set { m_SavagePaintExpiration = DateTime.UtcNow + value; }

        public TimeSpan NextSmithBulkOrder
                TimeSpan ts = m_NextSmithBulkOrder - DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (ts < TimeSpan.Zero)
                    ts = TimeSpan.Zero;

                return ts;
                    m_NextSmithBulkOrder = DateTime.UtcNow + value;
                { }

        public TimeSpan NextTailorBulkOrder
                TimeSpan ts = m_NextTailorBulkOrder - DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (ts < TimeSpan.Zero)
                    ts = TimeSpan.Zero;

                return ts;
                    m_NextTailorBulkOrder = DateTime.UtcNow + value;
                { }

        public DateTime LastEscortTime { get; set; }

        public DateTime LastPetBallTime { get; set; }

        public PlayerMobile()
            m_AutoStabled = new List<Mobile>();

            #region Mondain's Legacy
            m_Quests = new List<BaseQuest>();
            m_Chains = new Dictionary<QuestChain, BaseChain>();
            m_DoneQuests = new List<QuestRestartInfo>();
            m_Collections = new Dictionary<Collection, int>();
            m_CollectionTitles = new List<object>();

            m_PeacedUntil = DateTime.UtcNow;

            m_VisList = new List<Mobile>();
            m_PermaFlags = new List<Mobile>();
            m_AntiMacroTable = new Hashtable();
            m_RecentlyReported = new List<Mobile>();

            m_BOBFilter = new BOBFilter();

            m_GameTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
            m_ShortTermElapse = TimeSpan.FromHours(8.0);
            m_LongTermElapse = TimeSpan.FromHours(40.0);

            m_JusticeProtectors = new List<Mobile>();
            m_GuildRank = RankDefinition.Lowest;

            m_ChampionTitles = new ChampionTitleInfo();


        public override bool MutateSpeech(List<Mobile> hears, ref string text, ref object context)
            if (Alive)
                return false;

            if (Core.ML && Skills[SkillName.SpiritSpeak].Value >= 100.0)
                return false;

            if (Core.AOS)
                for (int i = 0; i < hears.Count; ++i)
                    Mobile m = hears[i];

                    if (m != this && m.Skills[SkillName.SpiritSpeak].Value >= 100.0)
                        return false;

            return base.MutateSpeech(hears, ref text, ref context);

        public override void DoSpeech(string text, int[] keywords, MessageType type, int hue)
            if (Guilds.Guild.NewGuildSystem && (type == MessageType.Guild || type == MessageType.Alliance))
                Guild g = Guild as Guild;
                if (g == null)
                    SendLocalizedMessage(1063142); // You are not in a guild!
                else if (type == MessageType.Alliance)
                    if (g.Alliance != null && g.Alliance.IsMember(g))
                        //g.Alliance.AllianceTextMessage( hue, "[Alliance][{0}]: {1}", this.Name, text );
                        g.Alliance.AllianceChat(this, text);
                        SendToStaffMessage(this, "[Alliance]: {0}", text);

                        m_AllianceMessageHue = hue;
                        SendLocalizedMessage(1071020); // You are not in an alliance!
                else //Type == MessageType.Guild
                    m_GuildMessageHue = hue;

                    g.GuildChat(this, text);
                    SendToStaffMessage(this, "[Guild]: {0}", text);
                base.DoSpeech(text, keywords, type, hue);

        private static void SendToStaffMessage(Mobile from, string text)
            Packet p = null;

            foreach (NetState ns in from.GetClientsInRange(8))
                Mobile mob = ns.Mobile;

                if (mob != null && mob.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster && mob.AccessLevel > from.AccessLevel)
                    if (p == null)
                        p =
                                new UnicodeMessage(
                                    from.Serial, from.Body, MessageType.Regular, from.SpeechHue, 3, from.Language, from.Name, text));



        private static void SendToStaffMessage(Mobile from, string format, params object[] args)
            SendToStaffMessage(from, String.Format(format, args));

        public override void Damage(int amount, Mobile from)
            if (EvilOmenSpell.TryEndEffect(this))
                amount = (int)(amount * 1.25);

            Mobile oath = BloodOathSpell.GetBloodOath(from);

            /* Per EA's UO Herald Pub48 (ML):
            * ((resist spellsx10)/20 + 10=percentage of damage resisted)

            if (oath == this)
                amount = (int)(amount * 1.1);

                if (amount > 35 && from is PlayerMobile) /* capped @ 35, seems no expansion */
                    amount = 35;

                if (Core.ML)
                    from.Damage((int)(amount * (1 - (((from.Skills.MagicResist.Value * .5) + 10) / 100))), this);
                    from.Damage(amount, this);

            if (from != null && Talisman is BaseTalisman)
                BaseTalisman talisman = (BaseTalisman)Talisman;

                if (talisman.Protection != null && talisman.Protection.Type != null)
                    Type type = talisman.Protection.Type;

                    if (type.IsAssignableFrom(from.GetType()))
                        amount = (int)(amount * (1 - (double)talisman.Protection.Amount / 100));

            base.Damage(amount, from);

        #region Poison
        public override ApplyPoisonResult ApplyPoison(Mobile from, Poison poison)
            if (!Alive)
                return ApplyPoisonResult.Immune;

            if (EvilOmenSpell.TryEndEffect(this))
                poison = PoisonImpl.IncreaseLevel(poison);

            ApplyPoisonResult result = base.ApplyPoison(from, poison);

            if (from != null && result == ApplyPoisonResult.Poisoned && PoisonTimer is PoisonImpl.PoisonTimer)
                (PoisonTimer as PoisonImpl.PoisonTimer).From = from;

            return result;

        public override bool CheckPoisonImmunity(Mobile from, Poison poison)
            if (Young && (DuelContext == null || !DuelContext.Started || DuelContext.Finished))
                return true;

            return base.CheckPoisonImmunity(from, poison);

        public override void OnPoisonImmunity(Mobile from, Poison poison)
            if (Young && (DuelContext == null || !DuelContext.Started || DuelContext.Finished))
                // You would have been poisoned, were you not new to the land of Britannia. Be careful in the future.
                base.OnPoisonImmunity(from, poison);

        public PlayerMobile(Serial s)
            : base(s)
            m_VisList = new List<Mobile>();
            m_AntiMacroTable = new Hashtable();

        public List<Mobile> VisibilityList { get { return m_VisList; } }

        public List<Mobile> PermaFlags { get { return m_PermaFlags; } }

        public override int Luck { get { return AosAttributes.GetValue(this, AosAttribute.Luck); } }

        public override bool IsHarmfulCriminal(Mobile target)
            if (Stealing.ClassicMode && target is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)target).m_PermaFlags.Count > 0)
                int noto = Notoriety.Compute(this, target);

                if (noto == Notoriety.Innocent)

                return false;

            if (target is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)target).InitialInnocent && !((BaseCreature)target).Controlled)
                return false;

            if (Core.ML && target is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)target).Controlled &&
                this == ((BaseCreature)target).ControlMaster)
                return false;

            return base.IsHarmfulCriminal(target);

        public bool AntiMacroCheck(Skill skill, object obj)
            if (obj == null || m_AntiMacroTable == null || IsStaff())
                return true;

            Hashtable tbl = (Hashtable)m_AntiMacroTable[skill];
            if (tbl == null)
                m_AntiMacroTable[skill] = tbl = new Hashtable();

            CountAndTimeStamp count = (CountAndTimeStamp)tbl[obj];
            if (count != null)
                if (count.TimeStamp + SkillCheck.AntiMacroExpire <= DateTime.UtcNow)
                    count.Count = 1;
                    return true;
                    if (count.Count <= SkillCheck.Allowance)
                        return true;
                        return false;
                tbl[obj] = count = new CountAndTimeStamp();
                count.Count = 1;

                return true;

        private void RevertHair()
            SetHairMods(-1, -1);

        private BOBFilter m_BOBFilter;

        public BOBFilter BOBFilter { get { return m_BOBFilter; } }

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            switch (version)
//modificacion sistema de bodas mod 2
                case 30:
                                                m_marriedto = reader.ReadString();
                        m_oldname = reader.ReadString();
                        m_ismarried = reader.ReadBool();
                        goto case 29;
//fin modificacion sistema de bodas
                case 29:
                        //m_GauntletPoints = reader.ReadDouble();

                        m_SSNextSeed = reader.ReadDateTime();
                        m_SSSeedExpire = reader.ReadDateTime();
                        m_SSSeedLocation = reader.ReadPoint3D();
                        m_SSSeedMap = reader.ReadMap();

                        m_LevelExp = reader.ReadLong();
                        m_Exp = reader.ReadLong();
                        m_Level = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_ExpTitle = reader.ReadString();

                        m_VASTotalMonsterFame = reader.ReadInt();

                        m_Quests = QuestReader.Quests(reader, this);
                        m_Chains = QuestReader.Chains(reader);

                        m_Collections = new Dictionary<Collection, int>();
                        m_CollectionTitles = new List<object>();

                        for (int i = reader.ReadInt(); i > 0; i--)
                            m_Collections.Add((Collection)reader.ReadInt(), reader.ReadInt());

                        for (int i = reader.ReadInt(); i > 0; i--)

                        m_SelectedTitle = reader.ReadInt();

                        goto case 28;
                case 28:
                        m_PeacedUntil = reader.ReadDateTime();

                        goto case 27;
                case 27:
                        m_AnkhNextUse = reader.ReadDateTime();

                        goto case 26;
                case 26:
                    m_SickType = (SickType)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Sick = (bool)reader.ReadBool();
                    m_Contagious = (bool)reader.ReadBool();

                    goto case 25;
                case 25:
                        int recipeCount = reader.ReadInt();

                        if (recipeCount > 0)
                            m_AcquiredRecipes = new Dictionary<int, bool>();

                            for (int i = 0; i < recipeCount; i++)
                                int r = reader.ReadInt();
                                if (reader.ReadBool()) //Don't add in recipies which we haven't gotten or have been removed
                                    m_AcquiredRecipes.Add(r, true);
                        goto case 24;
                case 24:
                        m_LastHonorLoss = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
                        goto case 23;
                case 23:
                        m_ChampionTitles = new ChampionTitleInfo(reader);
                        goto case 22;
                case 22:
                        m_LastValorLoss = reader.ReadDateTime();
                        goto case 21;
                case 21:
                        m_ToTItemsTurnedIn = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
                        m_ToTTotalMonsterFame = reader.ReadInt();
                        goto case 20;
                case 20:
                        m_AllianceMessageHue = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
                        m_GuildMessageHue = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

                        goto case 19;
                case 19:
                        int rank = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
                        int maxRank = RankDefinition.Ranks.Length - 1;
                        if (rank > maxRank)
                            rank = maxRank;

                        m_GuildRank = RankDefinition.Ranks[rank];
                        m_LastOnline = reader.ReadDateTime();
                        goto case 18;
                case 18:
                        m_SolenFriendship = (SolenFriendship)reader.ReadEncodedInt();

                        goto case 17;
                case 17: // changed how DoneQuests is serialized
                case 16:
                        m_Quest = QuestSerializer.DeserializeQuest(reader);

                        if (m_Quest != null)
                            m_Quest.From = this;

                        int count = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

                        if (count > 0)
                            m_DoneQuests = new List<QuestRestartInfo>();

                            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                                Type questType = QuestSerializer.ReadType(QuestSystem.QuestTypes, reader);
                                DateTime restartTime;

                                if (version < 17)
                                    restartTime = DateTime.MaxValue;
                                    restartTime = reader.ReadDateTime();

                                m_DoneQuests.Add(new QuestRestartInfo(questType, restartTime));

                        m_Profession = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
                        goto case 15;
                case 15:
                        m_LastCompassionLoss = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
                        goto case 14;
                case 14:
                        m_CompassionGains = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

                        if (m_CompassionGains > 0)
                            m_NextCompassionDay = reader.ReadDeltaTime();

                        goto case 13;
                case 13: // just removed m_PayedInsurance list
                case 12:
                        m_BOBFilter = new BOBFilter(reader);
                        goto case 11;
                case 11:
                        if (version < 13)
                            var payed = reader.ReadStrongItemList();

                            for (int i = 0; i < payed.Count; ++i)
                                payed[i].PayedInsurance = true;

                        goto case 10;
                case 10:
                        if (reader.ReadBool())
                            m_HairModID = reader.ReadInt();
                            m_HairModHue = reader.ReadInt();
                            m_BeardModID = reader.ReadInt();
                            m_BeardModHue = reader.ReadInt();

                        goto case 9;
                case 9:
                        SavagePaintExpiration = reader.ReadTimeSpan();

                        if (SavagePaintExpiration > TimeSpan.Zero)
                            BodyMod = (Female ? 184 : 183);
                            HueMod = 0;

                        goto case 8;
                case 8:
                        m_NpcGuild = (NpcGuild)reader.ReadInt();
                        m_NpcGuildJoinTime = reader.ReadDateTime();
                        m_NpcGuildGameTime = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
                        goto case 7;
                case 7:
                        m_PermaFlags = reader.ReadStrongMobileList();
                        goto case 6;
                case 6:
                        NextTailorBulkOrder = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
                        goto case 5;
                case 5:
                        NextSmithBulkOrder = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
                        goto case 4;
                case 4:
                        m_LastJusticeLoss = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
                        m_JusticeProtectors = reader.ReadStrongMobileList();
                        goto case 3;
                case 3:
                        m_LastSacrificeGain = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
                        m_LastSacrificeLoss = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
                        m_AvailableResurrects = reader.ReadInt();
                        goto case 2;
                case 2:
                        m_Flags = (PlayerFlag)reader.ReadInt();
                        goto case 1;
                case 1:
                        m_LongTermElapse = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
                        m_ShortTermElapse = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
                        m_GameTime = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
                        goto case 0;
                case 0:
                        if (version < 26)
                            m_AutoStabled = new List<Mobile>();

            if (version < 29)
                m_SSNextSeed = m_SSSeedExpire = DateTime.UtcNow;
                m_SSSeedLocation = Point3D.Zero;

            if (m_RecentlyReported == null)
                m_RecentlyReported = new List<Mobile>();

            #region QueensLoyaltySystem
            if (version < 29)
                m_LevelExp = 1000;
                m_Exp = -1000;
                m_Level = 0;

                m_ExpTitle = "TerMur-guest";

            #region Mondain's Legacy
            if (m_Quests == null)
                m_Quests = new List<BaseQuest>();

            if (m_Chains == null)
                m_Chains = new Dictionary<QuestChain, BaseChain>();

            if (m_DoneQuests == null)
                m_DoneQuests = new List<QuestRestartInfo>();

            if (m_Collections == null)
                m_Collections = new Dictionary<Collection, int>();

            if (m_CollectionTitles == null)
                m_CollectionTitles = new List<object>();

            // Professions weren't verified on 1.0 RC0
            if (!CharacterCreation.VerifyProfession(m_Profession))
                m_Profession = 0;

            if (m_PermaFlags == null)
                m_PermaFlags = new List<Mobile>();

            if (m_JusticeProtectors == null)
                m_JusticeProtectors = new List<Mobile>();

            if (m_BOBFilter == null)
                m_BOBFilter = new BOBFilter();

            if (m_GuildRank == null)
                m_GuildRank = RankDefinition.Member;
                //Default to member if going from older version to new version (only time it should be null)

            if (m_LastOnline == DateTime.MinValue && Account != null)
                m_LastOnline = ((Account)Account).LastLogin;

            if (m_ChampionTitles == null)
                m_ChampionTitles = new ChampionTitleInfo();

            var list = Stabled;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                BaseCreature bc = list[i] as BaseCreature;

                if (bc != null)
                    bc.IsStabled = true;
                    bc.StabledBy = this;


            if (Hidden) //Hiding is the only buff where it has an effect that's serialized.
                AddBuff(new BuffInfo(BuffIcon.HidingAndOrStealth, 1075655));

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)
            //cleanup our anti-macro table
            foreach (Hashtable t in m_AntiMacroTable.Values)
                ArrayList remove = new ArrayList();
                foreach (CountAndTimeStamp time in t.Values)
                    if (time.TimeStamp + SkillCheck.AntiMacroExpire <= DateTime.UtcNow)

                for (int i = 0; i < remove.Count; ++i)




            writer.Write(29); // version old 28
//modificacion sistema de bodas mod3
            writer.Write( (string) m_marriedto);
writer.Write( (string) m_oldname );
writer.Write( (bool) m_ismarried );

//fin modificacion sistema de bodas
            // Version 29
            //writer.Write(m_GauntletPoints); comentado por el goverment system

            #region Plant System

            #region QueensLoyaltySystem



            #region Mondain's Legacy
            QuestWriter.Quests(writer, m_Quests);
            QuestWriter.Chains(writer, m_Chains);

            if (m_Collections == null)

                foreach (var pair in m_Collections)

            if (m_CollectionTitles == null)

                for (int i = 0; i < m_CollectionTitles.Count; i++)
                    QuestWriter.Object(writer, m_CollectionTitles[i]);

            writer.Write( (int) 26 ); // version

            writer.Write( (int)m_SickType );
            writer.Write( (bool)m_Sick );
            writer.Write( (bool)m_Contagious );
            // Version 28
            writer.Write(m_AutoStabled, true);

            if (m_AcquiredRecipes == null)

                foreach (var kvp in m_AcquiredRecipes)


            ChampionTitleInfo.Serialize(writer, m_ChampionTitles);

            writer.Write(m_ToTTotalMonsterFame); //This ain't going to be a small #.




            QuestSerializer.Serialize(m_Quest, writer);

            if (m_DoneQuests == null)

                for (int i = 0; i < m_DoneQuests.Count; ++i)
                    QuestRestartInfo restartInfo = m_DoneQuests[i];

                    QuestSerializer.Write(restartInfo.QuestType, QuestSystem.QuestTypes, writer);




            if (m_CompassionGains > 0)


            bool useMods = (m_HairModID != -1 || m_BeardModID != -1);


            if (useMods)



            writer.Write(m_PermaFlags, true);



            writer.Write(m_JusticeProtectors, true);




        public static void CheckAtrophies(Mobile m)

            if (m is PlayerMobile)

        public void CheckKillDecay()
            if (m_ShortTermElapse < GameTime)
                m_ShortTermElapse += TimeSpan.FromHours(8);
                if (ShortTermMurders > 0)

            if (m_LongTermElapse < GameTime)
                m_LongTermElapse += TimeSpan.FromHours(40);
                if (Kills > 0)

        public void ResetKillTime()
            m_ShortTermElapse = GameTime + TimeSpan.FromHours(8);
            m_LongTermElapse = GameTime + TimeSpan.FromHours(40);

        public DateTime SessionStart { get { return m_SessionStart; } }

        public TimeSpan GameTime
                if (NetState != null)
                    return m_GameTime + (DateTime.UtcNow - m_SessionStart);
                    return m_GameTime;

        public override bool CanSee(Mobile m)
            if (m is CharacterStatue)

            if (m is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)m).m_VisList.Contains(this))
                return true;

            if (m_DuelContext != null && m_DuelPlayer != null && !m_DuelContext.Finished && m_DuelContext.m_Tournament != null &&
                Mobile owner = m;

                if (owner is BaseCreature)
                    BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)owner;

                    Mobile master = bc.GetMaster();

                    if (master != null)
                        owner = master;

                if (m.IsPlayer() && owner is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)owner).DuelContext != m_DuelContext)
                    return false;

            return base.CanSee(m);

        public override bool CanSee(Item item)
            if (m_DesignContext != null && m_DesignContext.Foundation.IsHiddenToCustomizer(item))
                return false;

            return base.CanSee(item);

        public override void OnAfterDelete()

            Faction faction = Faction.Find(this);

            if (faction != null)



        public override bool NewGuildDisplay { get { return Guilds.Guild.NewGuildSystem; } }

        public delegate void PlayerPropertiesEventHandler(PlayerPropertiesEventArgs e);

        public static event PlayerPropertiesEventHandler PlayerProperties;

        public override void AddNameProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)

            XmlPoints a = (XmlPoints)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlPoints));

            XmlData XmlPointsTitle = (XmlData)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlData), "XmlPointsTitle");

            if ((XmlPointsTitle != null && XmlPointsTitle.Data == "True") || a == null)
            else if (IsPlayer())
                list.Add(1070722, "Kills {0} / Deaths {1} : Rank={2}", a.Kills, a.Deaths, a.Rank);

        public class PlayerPropertiesEventArgs : EventArgs
            public PlayerMobile Player = null;
            public ObjectPropertyList PropertyList = null;

            public PlayerPropertiesEventArgs(PlayerMobile player, ObjectPropertyList list)
                Player = player;
                PropertyList = list;

        public override void GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)

            #region Mondain's Legacy
            if (m_CollectionTitles != null && m_SelectedTitle > -1)
                if (m_SelectedTitle < m_CollectionTitles.Count)
                    if (m_CollectionTitles[m_SelectedTitle] is int)
                    else if (m_CollectionTitles[m_SelectedTitle] is string)
                        list.Add(1049644, (string)m_CollectionTitles[m_SelectedTitle]);

            if (Map == Faction.Facet)
                PlayerState pl = PlayerState.Find(this);

                if (pl != null)
                    Faction faction = pl.Faction;

                    if (faction.Commander == this)
                        list.Add(1042733, faction.Definition.PropName); // Commanding Lord of the ~1_FACTION_NAME~
                    else if (pl.Sheriff != null)
                        list.Add(1042734, "{0}\t{1}", pl.Sheriff.Definition.FriendlyName, faction.Definition.PropName);
                        // The Sheriff of  ~1_CITY~, ~2_FACTION_NAME~
                    else if (pl.Finance != null)
                        list.Add(1042735, "{0}\t{1}", pl.Finance.Definition.FriendlyName, faction.Definition.PropName);
                        // The Finance Minister of ~1_CITY~, ~2_FACTION_NAME~
                    else if (pl.MerchantTitle != MerchantTitle.None)
                        list.Add(1060776, "{0}\t{1}", MerchantTitles.GetInfo(pl.MerchantTitle).Title, faction.Definition.PropName);
                        // ~1_val~, ~2_val~
                        list.Add(1060776, "{0}\t{1}", pl.Rank.Title, faction.Definition.PropName); // ~1_val~, ~2_val~

            if (Core.ML)
                for (int i = AllFollowers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    BaseCreature c = AllFollowers[i] as BaseCreature;

                    if (c != null && c.ControlOrder == OrderType.Guard)
                        list.Add(501129); // guarded

            if (IsPlayer())
                #region QueensLoyaltySystem
                if (m_Exp >= m_LevelExp)
                    while (m_Exp >= m_LevelExp)
                        m_Exp -= m_LevelExp;
                        m_Level += 1;
                        m_LevelExp = (long)(1000 * (Math.Pow(1.4, m_Level)));

                if (m_Exp < 0)
                    while (m_Exp < 0)
                        if (m_Level == 0)
                            m_Exp = 0;
                            m_LevelExp = (long)(1000 * (Math.Pow(1.4, m_Level - 1)));
                            m_Exp += (m_LevelExp);
                            m_Level -= 1;

                m_LevelExp = (long)(1000 * (Math.Pow(1.4, m_Level)));
                if (m_Level == 0)
                    m_ExpTitle = "TerMur-guest";
                else if (m_Level >= 1 && m_Level <= 5)
                    m_ExpTitle = "Friend of TerMur";
                else if (m_Level >= 6 && m_Level <= 10)
                    m_ExpTitle = "Friend of TerMur";
                else if (m_Level >= 11 && m_Level <= 15)
                    m_ExpTitle = "Friend of TerMur";
                else if (m_Level >= 16 && m_Level <= 20)
                    m_ExpTitle = "Friend of TerMur";
                else if (m_Level >= 21 && m_Level <= 25)
                    m_ExpTitle = "Friend of TerMur";
                else if (m_Level >= 26 && m_Level <= 30)
                    m_ExpTitle = "A Citizen of TerMur";
                else if (m_Level >= 31 && m_Level <= 35)
                    m_ExpTitle = "A Citizen of TerMur";
                else if (m_Level >= 36 && m_Level <= 40)
                    m_ExpTitle = "A Citizen of TerMur";
                else if (m_Level >= 41 && m_Level <= 45)
                    m_ExpTitle = "A Citizen of TerMur";
                else if (m_Level >= 46 && m_Level <= 50)
                    m_ExpTitle = "A Citizen of TerMur";
                else if (m_Level >= 51 && m_Level <= 60)
                    m_ExpTitle = "A Citizen of TerMur";
                else if (m_Level >= 61 && m_Level <= 70)
                    m_ExpTitle = "A Noble of Termur";
                else if (m_Level >= 71 && m_Level <= 80)
                    m_ExpTitle = "A Noble of Termur";
                else if (m_Level >= 80 && m_Level <= 100)
                    m_ExpTitle = "A Noble of Termur";
                else if (m_Level >= 101)
                    m_ExpTitle = "A Noble of Termur";

                // Xml spawner 3.26c QueensLoyaltyTitle
                XmlData QueenTitle = (XmlData)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlData), "QueenTitle");

                if (QueenTitle != null && QueenTitle.Data == "True")
                            "Queens Loyalty Level: ",
                            String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR={0}>{1}", "#FF0000", m_Level),
                            "  ",
                            String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR={0}>{1}", "#000FFF", (int)(100 * m_Exp / m_LevelExp)),
                            " %  ",
                            String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR={0}>{1}", "#0FFF00", m_ExpTitle)));
                // Xml Spawner 3.26c QueensLoyaltyTitle

            if (AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player)
                string color = "";
                switch (AccessLevel)
                    case AccessLevel.VIP:
                        color = "#1EFF00";
                    case AccessLevel.Counselor:
                        color = "#00BFFF";
                        break; //Deep Sky Blue
                    case AccessLevel.Decorator:
                        color = "#FF8000";
                    case AccessLevel.Spawner:
                        color = "#E6CC80";
                    case AccessLevel.GameMaster:
                        color = "#FF0000";
                        break; //Red
                    case AccessLevel.Seer:
                        color = "#00FF00";
                        break; //Green
                    case AccessLevel.Administrator:
                        color = "#0070FF";
                    case AccessLevel.Developer:
                        color = "#A335EE";
                    case AccessLevel.CoOwner:
                        color = "#FFD700";
                    case AccessLevel.Owner:
                        color = "#FFD700";
                if (IsStaff())
                        1060658, "{0}\t{1}", "Staff", String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR={0}>{1}", color, GetAccessLevelName(AccessLevel)));
                    list.Add(1060658, "VIP");

            if (PlayerProperties != null)
                PlayerProperties(new PlayerPropertiesEventArgs(this, list));

        public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
            if (Map == Faction.Facet)
                PlayerState pl = PlayerState.Find(this);

                if (pl != null)
                    string text;
                    bool ascii = false;

                    Faction faction = pl.Faction;

                    if (faction.Commander == this)
                        text = String.Concat(
                            Female ? "(Commanding Lady of the " : "(Commanding Lord of the ", faction.Definition.FriendlyName, ")");
                    else if (pl.Sheriff != null)
                        text = String.Concat(
                            "(The Sheriff of ", pl.Sheriff.Definition.FriendlyName, ", ", faction.Definition.FriendlyName, ")");
                    else if (pl.Finance != null)
                        text = String.Concat(
                            "(The Finance Minister of ", pl.Finance.Definition.FriendlyName, ", ", faction.Definition.FriendlyName, ")");
                        ascii = true;

                        if (pl.MerchantTitle != MerchantTitle.None)
                            text = String.Concat(
                                "(", MerchantTitles.GetInfo(pl.MerchantTitle).Title.String, ", ", faction.Definition.FriendlyName, ")");
                            text = String.Concat("(", pl.Rank.Title.String, ", ", faction.Definition.FriendlyName, ")");

                    int hue = (Faction.Find(from) == faction ? 98 : 38);

                    PrivateOverheadMessage(MessageType.Label, hue, ascii, text, from.NetState);


        protected override bool OnMove(Direction d)
            SicknessCheck( this ); //GD13_SicknessSYS_Special_Check//
            if (!Core.SE)
                return base.OnMove(d);

            if (IsStaff())
                return true;

            if (Hidden && DesignContext.Find(this) == null) //Hidden & NOT customizing a house
                if (!Mounted && Skills.Stealth.Value >= 25.0)
                    bool running = (d & Direction.Running) != 0;

                    if (running)
                        if ((AllowedStealthSteps -= 2) <= 0)
                    else if (AllowedStealthSteps-- <= 0)

            #region Mondain's Legacy
            if (InvisibilityPotion.HasTimer(this))

            return true;

        public bool BedrollLogout { get; set; }

        public override bool Paralyzed
            get { return base.Paralyzed; }
                base.Paralyzed = value;

                if (value)
                    AddBuff(new BuffInfo(BuffIcon.Paralyze, 1075827)); //Paralyze/You are frozen and can not move

        #region Mysticism
        public override bool Asleep
            get { return base.Asleep; }
                base.Asleep = value;

                if (value)
                    AddBuff(new BuffInfo(BuffIcon.Sleep, 1080139)); //Paralyze/You are frozen and can not move

        #region Ethics
        private Player m_EthicPlayer;

        public Player EthicPlayer { get { return m_EthicPlayer; } set { m_EthicPlayer = value; } }

        #region Factions
        public PlayerState FactionPlayerState { get; set; }

        #region Dueling
        private DuelContext m_DuelContext;
        private DuelPlayer m_DuelPlayer;

        public DuelContext DuelContext { get { return m_DuelContext; } }

        public DuelPlayer DuelPlayer
            get { return m_DuelPlayer; }
                bool wasInTourny = (m_DuelContext != null && !m_DuelContext.Finished && m_DuelContext.m_Tournament != null);

                m_DuelPlayer = value;

                if (m_DuelPlayer == null)
                    m_DuelContext = null;
                    m_DuelContext = m_DuelPlayer.Participant.Context;

                bool isInTourny = (m_DuelContext != null && !m_DuelContext.Finished && m_DuelContext.m_Tournament != null);

                if (wasInTourny != isInTourny)

        #region Quests
        private QuestSystem m_Quest;
        private List<QuestRestartInfo> m_DoneQuests;
        private SolenFriendship m_SolenFriendship;

        public QuestSystem Quest { get { return m_Quest; } set { m_Quest = value; } }

        public List<QuestRestartInfo> DoneQuests { get { return m_DoneQuests; } set { m_DoneQuests = value; } }

        public SolenFriendship SolenFriendship { get { return m_SolenFriendship; } set { m_SolenFriendship = value; } }

        #region Mondain's Legacy
        private List<BaseQuest> m_Quests;
        private Dictionary<QuestChain, BaseChain> m_Chains;

        public List<BaseQuest> Quests { get { return m_Quests; } }

        public Dictionary<QuestChain, BaseChain> Chains { get { return m_Chains; } }

        public bool Peaced
                if (m_PeacedUntil > DateTime.UtcNow)
                    return true;

                return false;

        private Dictionary<Collection, int> m_Collections;
        private List<object> m_CollectionTitles;
        private int m_SelectedTitle;

        public Dictionary<Collection, int> Collections { get { return m_Collections; } }

        public List<object> CollectionTitles { get { return m_CollectionTitles; } }

        public int GetCollectionPoints(Collection collection)
            if (m_Collections == null)
                m_Collections = new Dictionary<Collection, int>();

            int points = 0;

            if (m_Collections.ContainsKey(collection))
                m_Collections.TryGetValue(collection, out points);

            return points;

        public void AddCollectionPoints(Collection collection, int points)
            if (m_Collections == null)
                m_Collections = new Dictionary<Collection, int>();

            if (m_Collections.ContainsKey(collection))
                m_Collections[collection] += points;
                m_Collections.Add(collection, points);

        public void SelectCollectionTitle(int num)
            if (num == -1)
                m_SelectedTitle = num;
                SendLocalizedMessage(1074010); // You elect to hide your Reward Title.
            else if (num < m_CollectionTitles.Count && num >= -1)
                if (m_SelectedTitle != num)
                    m_SelectedTitle = num;

                    if (m_CollectionTitles[num] is int)
                        SendLocalizedMessage(1074008, "#" + (int)m_CollectionTitles[num]);
                        // You change your Reward Title to "~1_TITLE~". 
                    else if (m_CollectionTitles[num] is string)
                        SendLocalizedMessage(1074008, (string)m_CollectionTitles[num]); // You change your Reward Title to "~1_TITLE~". 
                    SendLocalizedMessage(1074009); // You decide to leave your title as it is.


        public bool AddCollectionTitle(object title)
            if (m_CollectionTitles == null)
                m_CollectionTitles = new List<object>();

            if (title != null && !m_CollectionTitles.Contains(title))
                m_SelectedTitle = m_CollectionTitles.Count - 1;
                return true;

            return false;

        public void ShowChangeTitle()
            SendGump(new SelectTitleGump(this, m_SelectedTitle));

        #region MyRunUO Invalidation
        private bool m_ChangedMyRunUO;

        public bool ChangedMyRunUO { get { return m_ChangedMyRunUO; } set { m_ChangedMyRunUO = value; } }

        public void InvalidateMyRunUO()
            if (!Deleted && !m_ChangedMyRunUO)
                m_ChangedMyRunUO = true;

        public override void OnKillsChange(int oldValue)
            if (Young && Kills > oldValue)
                Account acc = Account as Account;

                if (acc != null)


        public override void OnGenderChanged(bool oldFemale)

        public override void OnGuildChange(BaseGuild oldGuild)

        public override void OnGuildTitleChange(string oldTitle)

        public override void OnKarmaChange(int oldValue)

        public override void OnFameChange(int oldValue)

        public override void OnSkillChange(SkillName skill, double oldBase)
            if (Young && SkillsTotal >= 4500)
                Account acc = Account as Account;

                if (acc != null)
                    // You have successfully obtained a respectable skill level, and have outgrown your status as a young player!


        public override void OnAccessLevelChanged(AccessLevel oldLevel)
            if (IsPlayer())
                IgnoreMobiles = false;
                IgnoreMobiles = true;


        public override void OnRawStatChange(StatType stat, int oldValue)

        public override void OnDelete()
            if (m_ReceivedHonorContext != null)
            if (m_SentHonorContext != null)


        #region Fastwalk Prevention
        private static bool FastwalkPrevention = true; // Is fastwalk prevention enabled?

        private static int FastwalkThreshold = 400; // Fastwalk prevention will become active after 0.4 seconds

        private long m_NextMovementTime;
        private bool m_HasMoved;

        public virtual bool UsesFastwalkPrevention { get { return (IsPlayer()) & !Flying; } }

        public override int ComputeMovementSpeed(Direction dir, bool checkTurning)
            if (checkTurning && (dir & Direction.Mask) != (Direction & Direction.Mask))
                return RunMount; // We are NOT actually moving (just a direction change)

            TransformContext context = TransformationSpellHelper.GetContext(this);

            if (context != null && context.Type == typeof(ReaperFormSpell))
                return WalkFoot;

            bool running = ((dir & Direction.Running) != 0);

            bool onHorse = (Mount != null);

            AnimalFormContext animalContext = AnimalForm.GetContext(this);

            if (onHorse || (animalContext != null && animalContext.SpeedBoost))
                return (running ? RunMount : WalkMount);

            return (running ? RunFoot : WalkFoot);

        public static bool MovementThrottle_Callback(NetState ns)
            PlayerMobile pm = ns.Mobile as PlayerMobile;

            if (pm == null || !pm.UsesFastwalkPrevention)
                return true;

            if (!pm.m_HasMoved)
                // has not yet moved
                pm.m_NextMovementTime = Core.TickCount;
                pm.m_HasMoved = true;
                return true;

            long ts = pm.m_NextMovementTime - Core.TickCount;

            if (ts < 0)
                // been a while since we've last moved
                pm.m_NextMovementTime = Core.TickCount;
                return true;

            return (ts < FastwalkThreshold);

        #region Enemy of One
        private Type m_EnemyOfOneType;

        public Type EnemyOfOneType
            get { return m_EnemyOfOneType; }
                Type oldType = m_EnemyOfOneType;
                Type newType = value;

                if (oldType == newType)

                m_EnemyOfOneType = value;

                DeltaEnemies(oldType, newType);

        public bool WaitingForEnemy { get; set; }

        private void DeltaEnemies(Type oldType, Type newType)
            foreach (Mobile m in GetMobilesInRange(18))
                Type t = m.GetType();

                if (t == oldType || t == newType)
                    NetState ns = NetState;

                    if (ns != null)
                        if (ns.StygianAbyss)
                            ns.Send(new MobileMoving(m, Notoriety.Compute(this, m)));
                            ns.Send(new MobileMovingOld(m, Notoriety.Compute(this, m)));

        #region Hair and beard mods
        private int m_HairModID = -1, m_HairModHue;
        private int m_BeardModID = -1, m_BeardModHue;

        public void SetHairMods(int hairID, int beardID)
            if (hairID == -1)
                InternalRestoreHair(true, ref m_HairModID, ref m_HairModHue);
            else if (hairID != -2)
                InternalChangeHair(true, hairID, ref m_HairModID, ref m_HairModHue);

            if (beardID == -1)
                InternalRestoreHair(false, ref m_BeardModID, ref m_BeardModHue);
            else if (beardID != -2)
                InternalChangeHair(false, beardID, ref m_BeardModID, ref m_BeardModHue);

        private void CreateHair(bool hair, int id, int hue)
            if (hair)
                //TODO Verification?
                HairItemID = id;
                HairHue = hue;
                FacialHairItemID = id;
                FacialHairHue = hue;

        private void InternalRestoreHair(bool hair, ref int id, ref int hue)
            if (id == -1)

            if (hair)
                HairItemID = 0;
                FacialHairItemID = 0;

            //if( id != 0 )
            CreateHair(hair, id, hue);

            id = -1;
            hue = 0;

        private void InternalChangeHair(bool hair, int id, ref int storeID, ref int storeHue)
            if (storeID == -1)
                storeID = hair ? HairItemID : FacialHairItemID;
                storeHue = hair ? HairHue : FacialHairHue;
            CreateHair(hair, id, 0);

        #region Virtues
        private DateTime m_LastSacrificeGain;
        private DateTime m_LastSacrificeLoss;
        private int m_AvailableResurrects;

        public DateTime LastSacrificeGain { get { return m_LastSacrificeGain; } set { m_LastSacrificeGain = value; } }
        public DateTime LastSacrificeLoss { get { return m_LastSacrificeLoss; } set { m_LastSacrificeLoss = value; } }

        public int AvailableResurrects { get { return m_AvailableResurrects; } set { m_AvailableResurrects = value; } }

        private DateTime m_NextJustAward;
        private DateTime m_LastJusticeLoss;
        private List<Mobile> m_JusticeProtectors;

        public DateTime LastJusticeLoss { get { return m_LastJusticeLoss; } set { m_LastJusticeLoss = value; } }
        public List<Mobile> JusticeProtectors { get { return m_JusticeProtectors; } set { m_JusticeProtectors = value; } }

        private DateTime m_LastCompassionLoss;
        private DateTime m_NextCompassionDay;
        private int m_CompassionGains;

        public DateTime LastCompassionLoss { get { return m_LastCompassionLoss; } set { m_LastCompassionLoss = value; } }
        public DateTime NextCompassionDay { get { return m_NextCompassionDay; } set { m_NextCompassionDay = value; } }
        public int CompassionGains { get { return m_CompassionGains; } set { m_CompassionGains = value; } }

        private DateTime m_LastValorLoss;

        public DateTime LastValorLoss { get { return m_LastValorLoss; } set { m_LastValorLoss = value; } }

        private DateTime m_LastHonorLoss;
        private HonorContext m_ReceivedHonorContext;
        private HonorContext m_SentHonorContext;
        public DateTime m_hontime;

        public DateTime LastHonorLoss { get { return m_LastHonorLoss; } set { m_LastHonorLoss = value; } }

        public DateTime LastHonorUse { get; set; }

        public bool HonorActive { get; set; }

        public HonorContext ReceivedHonorContext { get { return m_ReceivedHonorContext; } set { m_ReceivedHonorContext = value; } }
        public HonorContext SentHonorContext { get { return m_SentHonorContext; } set { m_SentHonorContext = value; } }

        #region Young system
        public bool Young
            get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.Young); }
                SetFlag(PlayerFlag.Young, value);

        public override string ApplyNameSuffix(string suffix)
            if (Young)
                if (suffix.Length == 0)
                    suffix = "(Young)";
                    suffix = String.Concat(suffix, " (Young)");

            #region Ethics
            if (m_EthicPlayer != null)
                if (suffix.Length == 0)
                    suffix = m_EthicPlayer.Ethic.Definition.Adjunct.String;
                    suffix = String.Concat(suffix, " ", m_EthicPlayer.Ethic.Definition.Adjunct.String);

            if (Core.ML && Map == Faction.Facet)
                Faction faction = Faction.Find(this);

                if (faction != null)
                    string adjunct = String.Format("[{0}]", faction.Definition.Abbreviation);
                    if (suffix.Length == 0)
                        suffix = adjunct;
                        suffix = String.Concat(suffix, " ", adjunct);

            return base.ApplyNameSuffix(suffix);

        public override TimeSpan GetLogoutDelay()
            if (Young || BedrollLogout || TestCenter.Enabled)
                return TimeSpan.Zero;

            return base.GetLogoutDelay();

        private DateTime m_LastYoungMessage = DateTime.MinValue;

        public bool CheckYoungProtection(Mobile from)
            if (!Young)
                return false;

            if (Region is BaseRegion && !((BaseRegion)Region).YoungProtected)
                return false;

            if (from is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)from).IgnoreYoungProtection)
                return false;

            if (Quest != null && Quest.IgnoreYoungProtection(from))
                return false;

            if (DateTime.UtcNow - m_LastYoungMessage > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0))
                m_LastYoungMessage = DateTime.UtcNow;
                // A monster looks at you menacingly but does not attack.  You would be under attack now if not for your status as a new citizen of Britannia.

            return true;

        private DateTime m_LastYoungHeal = DateTime.MinValue;

        public bool CheckYoungHealTime()
            if (DateTime.UtcNow - m_LastYoungHeal > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0))
                m_LastYoungHeal = DateTime.UtcNow;
                return true;

            return false;

        private static readonly Point3D[] m_TrammelDeathDestinations = new[]
            new Point3D(1481, 1612, 20), new Point3D(2708, 2153, 0), new Point3D(2249, 1230, 0), new Point3D(5197, 3994, 37),
            new Point3D(1412, 3793, 0), new Point3D(3688, 2232, 20), new Point3D(2578, 604, 0), new Point3D(4397, 1089, 0),
            new Point3D(5741, 3218, -2), new Point3D(2996, 3441, 15), new Point3D(624, 2225, 0), new Point3D(1916, 2814, 0),
            new Point3D(2929, 854, 0), new Point3D(545, 967, 0), new Point3D(3665, 2587, 0)

        private static readonly Point3D[] m_IlshenarDeathDestinations = new[]
            new Point3D(1216, 468, -13), new Point3D(723, 1367, -60), new Point3D(745, 725, -28), new Point3D(281, 1017, 0),
            new Point3D(986, 1011, -32), new Point3D(1175, 1287, -30), new Point3D(1533, 1341, -3), new Point3D(529, 217, -44),
            new Point3D(1722, 219, 96)

        private static readonly Point3D[] m_MalasDeathDestinations = new[]
        {new Point3D(2079, 1376, -70), new Point3D(944, 519, -71)};

        private static readonly Point3D[] m_TokunoDeathDestinations = new[]
        {new Point3D(1166, 801, 27), new Point3D(782, 1228, 25), new Point3D(268, 624, 15)};

        public bool YoungDeathTeleport()
            if (Region.IsPartOf(typeof(Jail)) || Region.IsPartOf("Samurai start location") ||
                Region.IsPartOf("Ninja start location") || Region.IsPartOf("Ninja cave"))
                return false;

            Point3D loc;
            Map map;

            DungeonRegion dungeon = (DungeonRegion)Region.GetRegion(typeof(DungeonRegion));
            if (dungeon != null && dungeon.EntranceLocation != Point3D.Zero)
                loc = dungeon.EntranceLocation;
                map = dungeon.EntranceMap;
                loc = Location;
                map = Map;

            Point3D[] list;

            if (map == Map.Trammel)
                list = m_TrammelDeathDestinations;
            else if (map == Map.Ilshenar)
                list = m_IlshenarDeathDestinations;
            else if (map == Map.Malas)
                list = m_MalasDeathDestinations;
            else if (map == Map.Tokuno)
                list = m_TokunoDeathDestinations;
                return false;

            Point3D dest = Point3D.Zero;
            int sqDistance = int.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
                Point3D curDest = list[i];

                int width = loc.X - curDest.X;
                int height = loc.Y - curDest.Y;
                int curSqDistance = width * width + height * height;

                if (curSqDistance < sqDistance)
                    dest = curDest;
                    sqDistance = curSqDistance;

            MoveToWorld(dest, map);
            return true;

        private void SendYoungDeathNotice()
            SendGump(new YoungDeathNotice());

        #region Speech log
        private SpeechLog m_SpeechLog;

        public SpeechLog SpeechLog { get { return m_SpeechLog; } }

        public override void OnSpeech(SpeechEventArgs e)
            if (SpeechLog.Enabled && NetState != null)
                if (m_SpeechLog == null)
                    m_SpeechLog = new SpeechLog();

                m_SpeechLog.Add(e.Mobile, e.Speech);

        #region Champion Titles
        public bool DisplayChampionTitle { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.DisplayChampionTitle); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.DisplayChampionTitle, value); } }

        private ChampionTitleInfo m_ChampionTitles;

        public ChampionTitleInfo ChampionTitles { get { return m_ChampionTitles; } set { } }

        private void ToggleChampionTitleDisplay()
            if (!CheckAlive())

            if (DisplayChampionTitle)
                SendLocalizedMessage(1062419, "", 0x23); // You have chosen to hide your monster kill title.
                SendLocalizedMessage(1062418, "", 0x23); // You have chosen to display your monster kill title.

            DisplayChampionTitle = !DisplayChampionTitle;

        public class ChampionTitleInfo
            public static TimeSpan LossDelay = TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0);
            public const int LossAmount = 90;

            private class TitleInfo
                private int m_Value;
                private DateTime m_LastDecay;

                public int Value { get { return m_Value; } set { m_Value = value; } }
                public DateTime LastDecay { get { return m_LastDecay; } set { m_LastDecay = value; } }

                public TitleInfo()
                { }

                public TitleInfo(GenericReader reader)
                    int version = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

                    switch (version)
                        case 0:
                                m_Value = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
                                m_LastDecay = reader.ReadDateTime();

                public static void Serialize(GenericWriter writer, TitleInfo info)
                    writer.WriteEncodedInt(0); // version


            private TitleInfo[] m_Values;

            private int m_Harrower; //Harrower titles do NOT decay

            public int GetValue(ChampionSpawnType type)
                return GetValue((int)type);

            public void SetValue(ChampionSpawnType type, int value)
                SetValue((int)type, value);

            public void Award(ChampionSpawnType type, int value)
                Award((int)type, value);

            public int GetValue(int index)
                if (m_Values == null || index < 0 || index >= m_Values.Length)
                    return 0;

                if (m_Values[index] == null)
                    m_Values[index] = new TitleInfo();

                return m_Values[index].Value;

            public DateTime GetLastDecay(int index)
                if (m_Values == null || index < 0 || index >= m_Values.Length)
                    return DateTime.MinValue;

                if (m_Values[index] == null)
                    m_Values[index] = new TitleInfo();

                return m_Values[index].LastDecay;

            public void SetValue(int index, int value)
                if (m_Values == null)
                    m_Values = new TitleInfo[ChampionSpawnInfo.Table.Length];

                if (value < 0)
                    value = 0;

                if (index < 0 || index >= m_Values.Length)

                if (m_Values[index] == null)
                    m_Values[index] = new TitleInfo();

                m_Values[index].Value = value;

            public void Award(int index, int value)
                if (m_Values == null)
                    m_Values = new TitleInfo[ChampionSpawnInfo.Table.Length];

                if (index < 0 || index >= m_Values.Length || value <= 0)

                if (m_Values[index] == null)
                    m_Values[index] = new TitleInfo();

                m_Values[index].Value += value;

            public void Atrophy(int index, int value)
                if (m_Values == null)
                    m_Values = new TitleInfo[ChampionSpawnInfo.Table.Length];

                if (index < 0 || index >= m_Values.Length || value <= 0)

                if (m_Values[index] == null)
                    m_Values[index] = new TitleInfo();

                int before = m_Values[index].Value;

                if ((m_Values[index].Value - value) < 0)
                    m_Values[index].Value = 0;
                    m_Values[index].Value -= value;

                if (before != m_Values[index].Value)
                    m_Values[index].LastDecay = DateTime.UtcNow;

            public override string ToString()
                return "...";

            public int Abyss { get { return GetValue(ChampionSpawnType.Abyss); } set { SetValue(ChampionSpawnType.Abyss, value); } }

            public int Arachnid { get { return GetValue(ChampionSpawnType.Arachnid); } set { SetValue(ChampionSpawnType.Arachnid, value); } }

            public int ColdBlood { get { return GetValue(ChampionSpawnType.ColdBlood); } set { SetValue(ChampionSpawnType.ColdBlood, value); } }

            public int ForestLord { get { return GetValue(ChampionSpawnType.ForestLord); } set { SetValue(ChampionSpawnType.ForestLord, value); } }

            public int SleepingDragon { get { return GetValue(ChampionSpawnType.SleepingDragon); } set { SetValue(ChampionSpawnType.SleepingDragon, value); } }

            public int UnholyTerror { get { return GetValue(ChampionSpawnType.UnholyTerror); } set { SetValue(ChampionSpawnType.UnholyTerror, value); } }

            public int VerminHorde { get { return GetValue(ChampionSpawnType.VerminHorde); } set { SetValue(ChampionSpawnType.VerminHorde, value); } }

            public int Harrower { get { return m_Harrower; } set { m_Harrower = value; } }

            #region Mondain's Legacy Peerless Champion
            public int Glade { get { return GetValue(ChampionSpawnType.Glade); } set { SetValue(ChampionSpawnType.Glade, value); } }

            public int Corrupt { get { return GetValue(ChampionSpawnType.Corrupt); } set { SetValue(ChampionSpawnType.Corrupt, value); } }

            public ChampionTitleInfo()
            { }

            public ChampionTitleInfo(GenericReader reader)
                int version = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

                switch (version)
                    case 0:
                            m_Harrower = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

                            int length = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
                            m_Values = new TitleInfo[length];

                            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                                m_Values[i] = new TitleInfo(reader);

                            if (m_Values.Length != ChampionSpawnInfo.Table.Length)
                                var oldValues = m_Values;
                                m_Values = new TitleInfo[ChampionSpawnInfo.Table.Length];

                                for (int i = 0; i < m_Values.Length && i < oldValues.Length; i++)
                                    m_Values[i] = oldValues[i];

            public static void Serialize(GenericWriter writer, ChampionTitleInfo titles)
                writer.WriteEncodedInt(0); // version


                int length = titles.m_Values.Length;

                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    if (titles.m_Values[i] == null)
                        titles.m_Values[i] = new TitleInfo();

                    TitleInfo.Serialize(writer, titles.m_Values[i]);

            public static void CheckAtrophy(PlayerMobile pm)
                ChampionTitleInfo t = pm.m_ChampionTitles;
                if (t == null)

                if (t.m_Values == null)
                    t.m_Values = new TitleInfo[ChampionSpawnInfo.Table.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < t.m_Values.Length; i++)
                    if ((t.GetLastDecay(i) + LossDelay) < DateTime.UtcNow)
                        t.Atrophy(i, LossAmount);

            public static void AwardHarrowerTitle(PlayerMobile pm)
                //Called when killing a harrower.  Will give a minimum of 1 point.
                ChampionTitleInfo t = pm.m_ChampionTitles;
                if (t == null)

                if (t.m_Values == null)
                    t.m_Values = new TitleInfo[ChampionSpawnInfo.Table.Length];

                int count = 1;

                for (int i = 0; i < t.m_Values.Length; i++)
                    if (t.m_Values[i].Value > 900)

                t.m_Harrower = Math.Max(count, t.m_Harrower); //Harrower titles never decay.

        #region Recipes
        private Dictionary<int, bool> m_AcquiredRecipes;

        public virtual bool HasRecipe(Recipe r)
            if (r == null)
                return false;

            return HasRecipe(r.ID);

        public virtual bool HasRecipe(int recipeID)
            if (m_AcquiredRecipes != null && m_AcquiredRecipes.ContainsKey(recipeID))
                return m_AcquiredRecipes[recipeID];

            return false;

        public virtual void AcquireRecipe(Recipe r)
            if (r != null)

        public virtual void AcquireRecipe(int recipeID)
            if (m_AcquiredRecipes == null)
                m_AcquiredRecipes = new Dictionary<int, bool>();

            m_AcquiredRecipes[recipeID] = true;

        public virtual void ResetRecipes()
            m_AcquiredRecipes = null;

        public int KnownRecipes
                if (m_AcquiredRecipes == null)
                    return 0;

                return m_AcquiredRecipes.Count;

        #region Buff Icons
        public void ResendBuffs()
            if (!BuffInfo.Enabled || m_BuffTable == null)

            NetState state = NetState;

            if (state != null && state.BuffIcon)
                foreach (BuffInfo info in m_BuffTable.Values)
                    state.Send(new AddBuffPacket(this, info));

        private Dictionary<BuffIcon, BuffInfo> m_BuffTable;

        public void AddBuff(BuffInfo b)
            if (!BuffInfo.Enabled || b == null)

            RemoveBuff(b); //Check & subsequently remove the old one.

            if (m_BuffTable == null)
                m_BuffTable = new Dictionary<BuffIcon, BuffInfo>();

            m_BuffTable.Add(b.ID, b);

            NetState state = NetState;

            if (state != null && state.BuffIcon)
                state.Send(new AddBuffPacket(this, b));

        public void RemoveBuff(BuffInfo b)
            if (b == null)


        public void RemoveBuff(BuffIcon b)
            if (m_BuffTable == null || !m_BuffTable.ContainsKey(b))

            BuffInfo info = m_BuffTable[b];

            if (info.Timer != null && info.Timer.Running)


            NetState state = NetState;

            if (state != null && state.BuffIcon)
                state.Send(new RemoveBuffPacket(this, b));

            if (m_BuffTable.Count <= 0)
                m_BuffTable = null;

        #region XML PVP Dismount Pet
        public void DismountAndStable()
            BaseCreature bc = Mount as BaseCreature;

            if (Mount != null)
                Mount.Rider = null;

            if (bc != null)
                bc.ControlTarget = null;
                bc.ControlOrder = OrderType.Stay;
                bc.SummonMaster = null;
                bc.IsStabled = true;


                SendMessage("Your Mount has been Stabled !.");

        public void RetrivePet()
            if (m_AutoStabled.Count < 1)

            for (int k = 0; k < m_AutoStabled.Count; ++k)
                BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)m_AutoStabled[k];

                if (Stabled.Contains(bc))
                    bc.ControlTarget = null;
                    bc.ControlOrder = OrderType.Follow;
                    bc.SummonMaster = null;

                    if (bc.Summoned)
                        bc.SummonMaster = this;

                    bc.Loyalty = BaseCreature.MaxLoyalty; // Wonderfully happy

                    bc.MoveToWorld(Location, Map);

                    bc.IsStabled = false;

                    if (m_AutoStabled.Contains(bc))

                    SendMessage("Your Mount return to You !.");

        public void AutoStablePets()
            if (Core.SE && AllFollowers.Count > 0)
                for (int i = m_AllFollowers.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    BaseCreature pet = AllFollowers[i] as BaseCreature;

                    if (pet == null || pet.ControlMaster == null)

                    if (pet.Summoned)
                        if (pet.Map != Map)
                            Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.Zero, pet.Delete);

                    if (pet is IMount && ((IMount)pet).Rider != null)

                    if ((pet is PackLlama || pet is PackHorse || pet is Beetle) &&
                        (pet.Backpack != null && pet.Backpack.Items.Count > 0))

                    if (pet is BaseEscortable)

                    pet.ControlTarget = null;
                    pet.ControlOrder = OrderType.Stay;

                    pet.SummonMaster = null;

                    pet.IsStabled = true;
                    pet.StabledBy = this;

                    pet.Loyalty = BaseCreature.MaxLoyalty; // Wonderfully happy


        public void ClaimAutoStabledPets()
            if (!Core.SE || m_AutoStabled.Count <= 0)

            if (!Alive)
                // Your pet was unable to join you while you are a ghost.  Please re-login once you have ressurected to claim your pets.

            for (int i = m_AutoStabled.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                BaseCreature pet = m_AutoStabled[i] as BaseCreature;

                if (pet == null || pet.Deleted)
                    pet.IsStabled = false;
                    pet.StabledBy = null;

                    if (Stabled.Contains(pet))


                if ((Followers + pet.ControlSlots) <= FollowersMax)

                    if (pet.Summoned)
                        pet.SummonMaster = this;

                    pet.ControlTarget = this;
                    pet.ControlOrder = OrderType.Follow;

                    pet.MoveToWorld(Location, Map);

                    pet.IsStabled = false;
                    pet.StabledBy = null;

                    pet.Loyalty = BaseCreature.MaxLoyalty; // Wonderfully Happy

                    if (Stabled.Contains(pet))
                    SendLocalizedMessage(1049612, pet.Name); // ~1_NAME~ remained in the stables because you have too many followers.

I put a lot of changers using annotations like: /*GD13 , /* Begin UltimaLive , /* Begin Captcha , //System Chance Control , //System Time Control , // ** EDIT ** Time System , //daat99 , //modificacion sistema bodas ,


  • PlayerMobile.cs
    157.9 KB · Views: 7
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Could you please edit your post and also add the code which you added into the playermobile :)
Are you saying that you did all these edits in playermobile at once with out testing one by one?
/*GD13 , /* Begin UltimaLive , /* Begin Captcha , //System Chance Control , //System Time Control , // ** EDIT ** Time System , //daat99 , //modificacion sistema bodas ,
mmm i stay cheking the console for errors or warnings, and solved, but when i go out of the game, last time. i found this problem.
close or delete this tread please, i open a new more clean for my problem, sorry for the inconvenience
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