How exactly does fame/karma work in this because when I kill a positive karma creature I still gain positive karma as well as killing a negative karma creature. Is there something I'm missing? I can manually give myself negative karma but it doesn't help if I can't get negative karma through regular means. Trying to get some of my scripts to work, also what was the purpose for changing NextCombatTime from Type DateTime to Long in Mobiles.cs? see the description and equation

as for the other, i believe it's because of the switch from DateTime.Now to UTCNow or well related to it because we changed to ServerTicks which is a higher number that needs to be tracked so it had to be changed to a Long see the description and equation

as for the other, i believe it's because of the switch from DateTime.Now to UTCNow or well related to it because we changed to ServerTicks which is a higher number that needs to be tracked so it had to be changed to a Long

Yeah I know how it's supposed to work, maybe It's something in my code that is different, I'll have to check it out. And as far as the time, I'll have to figure out a way to make it work with my code, guess I'll have to do a bit of studying. Thanks for help.
Ok, just an fyi - the server ticks you don't need to use and from what i understand should only be used if you're tracking a very short amount of time.

The script support board is always available if you need help.

take care