I wasn't sure if I should ask this here or if i should ask in the script support. (Not really an issue with a script.)

On my small little fun private shard with only a handful of players, I occasionally will merge in changes as the SVN develops so we can try to stay with the 'latest and greatest.' On my update this morning, I noticed that there were changes to the way that [createworld is done. (Very nice. I liked being told I haven't generated something yet! That is great.)

So, that got me wondering: If things get added to spawn locations and such, so I run the [createworld command after each update to make sure anything that was added is getting generated? Or, does this lead to duplicate spawners? (Which I do not want... that's for sure.) Also, does [createworld catch all of the world generation, or are there other commands that I need to run? (I see things like: DecorateSA, DecorateML, etc. But I think those entries are in the [createworld menu,from what I can tell. I think I saw a [GenNarvey or something like that. Is there a list of those commands somewhere if they are needed separate?)

I just wanna make sure that I'm getting everything spawned that needs to be spawned and not missing anything. We are pretty much bone stock (hardly any changes) and just running this for fun, as a bunch of us used to play the real UO back in the day, and if anything it is just for a fun trip down memory lane.

Appreciate everyone's effort to keep this project going and updated. You all make guys like me a very happy person. :D
I believe when you run [createworld again it deletes what is there and replaces it if something is already generated. Someone will respond to this if its wrong. :D