
So I just have a few questions everyone.

I noticed in the newest SVN that most of the duplicate quest givers were removed. If I just re-do [createworld and [xmlunload all and then re-spawn everything will it remove everything safely and then re-add it?
Yes, but also use Xmlfind and locate any other spawners in the world (some were spawned with things other than Xmlspawner). Once everything is clear, you can respawn (once) and everything should show up.
Alternatively, you could use Xmlfind to locate all the duplicate spawns (use the item type) and delete those instead.
Well even in the future as more stuff gets updated, fixed, ect I was just wondering what the best way would be to keep spawners up to date. if I just do [createworld again will it respawn deco on top of the old ones?
This is on my list of things to improve. I plan to update all of our generation systems to be able to cleanly stay up to date with updates. It's roughly #2 on my features list, if I can ever catch up on the defects impacting current content.
So what would be the best thing to do? Just wait until then, which is fine lol? I just would like to stay as up to date with spawns as possible. I do not want to do [xmlunload if it will then mess up certain systems spawned with [createworld
Just do [xmlspawnerwipeall to get rid of the XML spawners. Then to get rid of the duplicate spawners from the old decoration files, enter this command:

[global delete where Spawner

Finally do [xmlload Spawns to reload the correct spawners.
So what would be the best thing to do? Just wait until then, which is fine lol? I just would like to stay as up to date with spawns as possible. I do not want to do [xmlunload if it will then mess up certain systems spawned with [createworld
If you're entire world is 100% spawned with Xmlspawners, then you can upload them and then respawn, but if you are not 100% sure if they are ALL Xmlspawners, I would probably just wait. If nothing else, you can manually add new spawns until then.
Just to clarify the system changes I am working on won't be valuable to existing datasets. They will record what they created so they can accurately remove only what they created.
Very exited to see that special build for removing and re-adding stuff. Is it still set up though so that it will not work on already spawned worlds? I only have a few active players on my small shard so will try to to find a way to "move" their stuff somewhere safe.
Well... I was about to merge in the now fully tested [recreateworld command, but github is down at the moment. I'm sure it will be back up pretty soon.

Anywhosits, the new [createworld, [deleteworld, and [recreateworld commands will still function on your shard. However there will be a few unpleasentries for pre-existing shards. They are:
  1. Almost everything in the Doom gauntlet will be duplicated, including Nix the Variety Dealer. Be sure to go delete him. This includes a large number of server-side statics that could impact performance for clients with low bandwidth or latency issues. To resolve this, go to the Gauntlet and execute the command [region delete .
  2. The champion spawn system's delete command will not work until you go to the West Brit Bank in Felucca and delete the hidden wooden shield next to the castle moat.
  3. Don't get me started on how borked Khaldun is. Just go there and do a [region delete .
  4. The Factions system's delete command will never work. Sorry. However, factions is not likely to change in the future. If you want to disable the factions system later you can do so in Config/Factions.cfg, and manually delete the various world objects.
  5. The Primeval Lich Lever Puzzle delete command won't work until you go to that area and do a [region delete command.
  6. The MA and SA decoration delete commands are a little strange. I think all the create functions do is create duplicate teleporters. I am still working on the analysis. These should be OK.
Also, one caveat. The teleporter delete function still deletes every teleporter everywhere. This was the previous functionality and will remain in place for quite some time to give shards a while to catch up.
Just do [xmlspawnerwipeall to get rid of the XML spawners. Then to get rid of the duplicate spawners from the old decoration files, enter this command:

[global delete where Spawner

Finally do [xmlload Spawns to reload the correct spawners.
Along these lines, I have a question. I have lots of quests set up and all the quest givers (and critters) are on xmlspawners. Can I put all my quest spawners in one file so they will load on the [xml load command?
Yes, but you have to export them to a save file first. If you've named all the QuestNPC spawners QuestNPC1, QuestNPC2, etc,the command is:
[xmlsave QuestNPCs.xml QuestNPC and it will save everything named QuestNPC to that xml file.
Cool... I will have to give that a try :) I have been naming my spawners so I can keep up with them... Right now they are named for the individual quest, not sure if I would have to rename them. Not sure if a wildcard would work, or if I have to change the names a bit. I can play with it and see. (currently: NewbieQuest1, NewbieQuest2, SewerQuest1 etc)

That was easy. Just did a [xmlfind and searched for "quest". There were tons of them (most not mine). All of mine were grouped together and I simply checked the ones I wanted and saved to an xml. Now I can back that up for later disaster repair ha ha. Thanks.
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I would highly encourage you to save all of your shard's custom spawners to separate files. That way you can get changes to the standard spawn files from the ServUO repository without it conflicting with yours. All you have to do to update (assuming your custom spawn files are also in the Spawns directory) is "[recreateworld nogump" (and wait about 3 minutes :) )