
Was just wondering if someone could explain the rule set for the VIP access level. What EXTRA they can do and what was it originaly designed for. Donating players?
using Notepad++ I used the Find in Files feature
Search "VIP" (221 hits in 25 files)

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Accounting\AccountHandler.cs (1 hit)
Line 249: e.RejectReason = (m_LockdownLevel > AccessLevel.VIP ? ALRReason.BadComm : ALRReason.BadPass);

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Commands\Commands.cs (13 hits)
Line 6: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 8: public partial class VIPCore
Line 10: [Usage("VIP")]
Line 11: [Description("Opens a gump to view your VIP status and settings.")]
Line 12: private static void Command_VIP(CommandEventArgs e)
Line 18: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 18: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 18: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 22: from.SendMessage("You haven't donated to become a VIP player yet.");
Line 27: if (module.Tier == VIPTier.None)
Line 37: else if (module.Tier == VIPTier.Bronze)
Line 48: else if (module.Tier == VIPTier.Silver)
Line 59: else if (module.Tier == VIPTier.Gold)

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\Bonuses.cs (5 hits)
Line 6: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 161: new BonusInfo(2, "Basic Commands", "Access to basic VIP commands."),
Line 450: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 450: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 450: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\VIPCore.cs (24 hits)
Line 8: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 10: public partial class VIPCore : BaseCore
Line 13: public List<VIPModule> _VIPModules;
Line 13: public List<VIPModule> _VIPModules;
Line 22: public VIPCore()
Line 39: public VIPCore(CustomSerial serial)
Line 48: return @"VIP Core";
Line 55: return @"Core that contains everything for the VIP system.";
Line 169: //VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 169: //VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 169: //VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 173: // core = new VIPCore();
Line 178: public static void VIPHook_Login(LoginEventArgs e)
Line 183: public static void VIPHook_Logout(LogoutEventArgs e)
Line 188: public static void VIPHook_Disconnected(DisconnectedEventArgs e)
Line 195: Server.EventSink.Login += new LoginEventHandler(VIPHook_Login);
Line 196: Server.EventSink.Logout += new LogoutEventHandler(VIPHook_Logout);
Line 197: Server.EventSink.Disconnected += new DisconnectedEventHandler(VIPHook_Disconnected);
Line 198: CommandSystem.Register("VIP", AccessLevel.VIP, new CommandEventHandler(Command_VIP));
Line 198: CommandSystem.Register("VIP", AccessLevel.VIP, new CommandEventHandler(Command_VIP));
Line 198: CommandSystem.Register("VIP", AccessLevel.VIP, new CommandEventHandler(Command_VIP));
Line 258: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 258: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 258: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\VIPModule.cs (25 hits)
Line 5: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 7: public enum VIPTier
Line 15: public class VIPModule : BaseModule
Line 20: private VIPTier _Tier;
Line 22: public VIPModule(Mobile from, BaseVIPDeed deed)
Line 22: public VIPModule(Mobile from, BaseVIPDeed deed)
Line 38: public VIPModule(CustomSerial serial)
Line 48: return String.Format(@"VIP Module - {0}", this.LinkedMobile.Name);
Line 50: return @"Unlinked VIP Module";
Line 58: return String.Format(@"VIP Module that is linked to {0}, was linked on {1}, and expires on {2}", this.LinkedMobile.Name, 0, 0);
Line 60: return @"Unlinked VIP Module";
Line 67: return VIPCore.SystemVersion;
Line 121: public VIPTier Tier
Line 145: public void SetTier(VIPTier tier)
Line 147: if (tier == VIPTier.None)
Line 154: else if (tier == VIPTier.Bronze)
Line 162: else if (tier == VIPTier.Silver)
Line 170: else if (tier == VIPTier.Gold)
Line 193: case VIPTier.None:
Line 206: case VIPTier.Bronze:
Line 217: goto case VIPTier.None;
Line 219: case VIPTier.Silver:
Line 221: goto case VIPTier.Bronze;
Line 223: case VIPTier.Gold:
Line 225: goto case VIPTier.Bronze;

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Gumps\VIPStore.cs (17 hits)
Line 7: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 9: public class VIPStore : Gump
Line 13: public VIPStore(Mobile from)
Line 16: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 16: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 16: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 19: VIPModule module = player.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 19: VIPModule module = player.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 19: VIPModule module = player.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 39: this.AddLabel(353, 18, whiteText, @"VIP Store");
Line 107: this.AddLabel(560, 290, whiteText, @"VIP Commands");
Line 126: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 126: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 126: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 143: Item deed = new VIPFreeHouseDecorationDeed();
Line 168: from.CloseGump(typeof(VIPStore));
Line 169: from.SendGump(new VIPStore(from));

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\BaseVIPDeed.cs (32 hits)
Line 4: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 6: public class BaseVIPDeed : Item
Line 9: private VIPTier _Tier;
Line 10: public BaseVIPDeed()
Line 15: this._Tier = VIPTier.None;
Line 24: public BaseVIPDeed(Serial serial)
Line 33: return "A VIP Deed";
Line 49: public VIPTier Tier
Line 68: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 68: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 68: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 72: if (this.Tier == VIPTier.None)
Line 76: module = new VIPModule(from, this);
Line 87: if (this.Tier == VIPTier.Gold)
Line 89: module = new VIPModule(from, this);
Line 90: from.AccessLevel = AccessLevel.VIP;
Line 91: from.SendMessage("Thanks for donating to become a Gold VIP player!");
Line 94: else if (this.Tier == VIPTier.Silver)
Line 96: module = new VIPModule(from, this);
Line 97: from.AccessLevel = AccessLevel.VIP;
Line 98: from.SendMessage("Thanks for donating to become a Silver VIP player!");
Line 101: else if (this.Tier == VIPTier.Bronze)
Line 103: module = new VIPModule(from, this);
Line 104: from.AccessLevel = AccessLevel.VIP;
Line 105: from.SendMessage("Thanks for donating to become a Bronze VIP player!");
Line 133: this._Tier = (VIPTier)reader.ReadByte();
Line 142: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 142: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 142: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 145: from.SendMessage("You have been given your VIP Bonuses, they will expire in {0}.", core.ServiceTimespan.TotalDays);
Line 146: from.SendMessage("Use [VIP to view your VIP bonuses and settings.");
Line 146: from.SendMessage("Use [VIP to view your VIP bonuses and settings.");

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\Bonuses\VIPFreeHouseDecoration.cs (6 hits)
Line 3: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 5: public class VIPFreeHouseDecorationDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 5: public class VIPFreeHouseDecorationDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 8: public VIPFreeHouseDecorationDeed()
Line 15: public VIPFreeHouseDecorationDeed(Serial serial)
Line 24: return "VIP Deed - Loot Gold From Corpses, Ledger Needed";

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\BronzeVIPDeed.cs (7 hits)
Line 3: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 5: public class BronzeVIPDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 5: public class BronzeVIPDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 8: public BronzeVIPDeed()
Line 12: this.Tier = VIPTier.Bronze;
Line 20: public BronzeVIPDeed(Serial serial)
Line 29: return "A Bronze VIP Deed";

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\GoldVIPDeed.cs (7 hits)
Line 3: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 5: public class GoldVIPDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 5: public class GoldVIPDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 8: public GoldVIPDeed()
Line 12: this.Tier = VIPTier.Gold;
Line 20: public GoldVIPDeed(Serial serial)
Line 29: return "A Gold VIP Deed";

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\SilverVIPDeed.cs (7 hits)
Line 3: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 5: public class SilverVIPDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 5: public class SilverVIPDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 8: public SilverVIPDeed()
Line 12: this.Tier = VIPTier.Silver;
Line 20: public SilverVIPDeed(Serial serial)
Line 29: return "A Silver VIP Deed";

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Mobiles\VIPVendor.cs (8 hits)
Line 7: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 9: [CorpseName("VIP Dealer's Corpse")]
Line 10: public class VIPVendor : Mobile
Line 13: public VIPVendor()
Line 15: this.Name = "VIP Dealer";
Line 20: public VIPVendor(Serial serial) : base(serial)
Line 57: //player.CloseGump(typeof(VIPShop));
Line 58: //player.SendGump(new VIPShop(player));

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Gumps\AdminGump.cs (5 hits)
Line 157: case AccessLevel.VIP:
Line 174: "VIP",
Line 449: bool isLockedDown = (level > AccessLevel.VIP);
Line 2067: if (Misc.AccountHandler.LockdownLevel > AccessLevel.VIP)
Line 2079: if (level > AccessLevel.VIP)

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Gumps\WhoGump.cs (1 hit)
Line 257: case AccessLevel.VIP:

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Misc\Notoriety.cs (1 hit)
Line 287: if (target.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.VIP)

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs (3 hits)
Line 969: if (AccountHandler.LockdownLevel > AccessLevel.VIP)
Line 4392: case AccessLevel.VIP:
Line 4430: list.Add(1060658, "VIP");

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Multis\HouseFoundation.cs (5 hits)
Line 6: using CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem;
Line 1172: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 1172: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 1172: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 1182: from.SendMessage("{0} gold would have been {1} your bank if you were not a VIP player, thanks for donating!", cost, ((cost > 0) ? "withdrawn from" : "deposited into"));

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Scripts.csproj (21 hits)
Line 157: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Commands\Commands.cs" />
Line 158: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\Bonuses.cs" />
Line 159: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\VIPCore.cs" />
Line 159: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\VIPCore.cs" />
Line 160: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\VIPModule.cs" />
Line 160: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\VIPModule.cs" />
Line 161: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Gumps\VIPStore.cs" />
Line 161: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Gumps\VIPStore.cs" />
Line 162: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\BaseVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 162: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\BaseVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 163: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\Bonuses\VIPFreeHouseDecoration.cs" />
Line 163: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\Bonuses\VIPFreeHouseDecoration.cs" />
Line 164: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\BronzeVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 164: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\BronzeVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 165: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\DonatorDeed.cs" />
Line 166: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\GoldVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 166: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\GoldVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 167: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\SilverVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 167: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\SilverVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 168: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Mobiles\VIPVendor.cs" />
Line 168: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Mobiles\VIPVendor.cs" />

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Services\Help\PageQueueGump.cs (1 hit)
Line 482: 2122, //VIP

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Services\ShardControl\Settings\GeneralSettings.cs (1 hit)
Line 41: AccessLevel maxPlayerLevel = AccessLevel.VIP,

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Services\Toolbar\Core\ToolbarCore.cs (3 hits)
Line 32: CommandHandlers.Register("Toolbar", AccessLevel.VIP, Toolbar_OnCommand);
Line 40: if (e.Mobile.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.VIP)
Line 48: if (e.Mobile.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.VIP)

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Services\Toolbar\Core\ToolbarInfo.cs (2 hits)
Line 75: case AccessLevel.VIP:
Line 214: case AccessLevel.VIP:

C:\Servuo\Scripts\Services\XmlSpawner 2\XmlSpawner2.cs (2 hits)
Line 117: public static AccessLevel SmartSpawnAccessLevel = AccessLevel.VIP;
Line 230: private AccessLevel m_TriggerAccessLevel = AccessLevel.VIP;
So what is it for,. idk :confused: I mean it's all in the code all you have to do is read the code to find out.
Try setting your self to access level VIP and type [VIP
Last edited by a moderator:
A great idea would be to set a dummy character to VIP rank and then once you have done that type [help this will give you a list of all new commands you can use.

Recommend you do this before you are VIP and after you are VIP to know which ones are special and which are not :) Let us know what you come up with?

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