Search "VIP" (221 hits in 25 files)
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Accounting\AccountHandler.cs (1 hit)
Line 249: e.RejectReason = (m_LockdownLevel > AccessLevel.VIP ? ALRReason.BadComm : ALRReason.BadPass);
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Commands\Commands.cs (13 hits)
Line 6: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 8: public partial class VIPCore
Line 10: [Usage("VIP")]
Line 11: [Description("Opens a gump to view your VIP status and settings.")]
Line 12: private static void Command_VIP(CommandEventArgs e)
Line 18: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 18: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 18: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 22: from.SendMessage("You haven't donated to become a VIP player yet.");
Line 27: if (module.Tier == VIPTier.None)
Line 37: else if (module.Tier == VIPTier.Bronze)
Line 48: else if (module.Tier == VIPTier.Silver)
Line 59: else if (module.Tier == VIPTier.Gold)
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\Bonuses.cs (5 hits)
Line 6: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 161: new BonusInfo(2, "Basic Commands", "Access to basic VIP commands."),
Line 450: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 450: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 450: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\VIPCore.cs (24 hits)
Line 8: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 10: public partial class VIPCore : BaseCore
Line 13: public List<VIPModule> _VIPModules;
Line 13: public List<VIPModule> _VIPModules;
Line 22: public VIPCore()
Line 39: public VIPCore(CustomSerial serial)
Line 48: return @"VIP Core";
Line 55: return @"Core that contains everything for the VIP system.";
Line 169: //VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 169: //VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 169: //VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 173: // core = new VIPCore();
Line 178: public static void VIPHook_Login(LoginEventArgs e)
Line 183: public static void VIPHook_Logout(LogoutEventArgs e)
Line 188: public static void VIPHook_Disconnected(DisconnectedEventArgs e)
Line 195: Server.EventSink.Login += new LoginEventHandler(VIPHook_Login);
Line 196: Server.EventSink.Logout += new LogoutEventHandler(VIPHook_Logout);
Line 197: Server.EventSink.Disconnected += new DisconnectedEventHandler(VIPHook_Disconnected);
Line 198: CommandSystem.Register("VIP", AccessLevel.VIP, new CommandEventHandler(Command_VIP));
Line 198: CommandSystem.Register("VIP", AccessLevel.VIP, new CommandEventHandler(Command_VIP));
Line 198: CommandSystem.Register("VIP", AccessLevel.VIP, new CommandEventHandler(Command_VIP));
Line 258: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 258: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 258: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\VIPModule.cs (25 hits)
Line 5: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 7: public enum VIPTier
Line 15: public class VIPModule : BaseModule
Line 20: private VIPTier _Tier;
Line 22: public VIPModule(Mobile from, BaseVIPDeed deed)
Line 22: public VIPModule(Mobile from, BaseVIPDeed deed)
Line 38: public VIPModule(CustomSerial serial)
Line 48: return String.Format(@"VIP Module - {0}", this.LinkedMobile.Name);
Line 50: return @"Unlinked VIP Module";
Line 58: return String.Format(@"VIP Module that is linked to {0}, was linked on {1}, and expires on {2}", this.LinkedMobile.Name, 0, 0);
Line 60: return @"Unlinked VIP Module";
Line 67: return VIPCore.SystemVersion;
Line 121: public VIPTier Tier
Line 145: public void SetTier(VIPTier tier)
Line 147: if (tier == VIPTier.None)
Line 154: else if (tier == VIPTier.Bronze)
Line 162: else if (tier == VIPTier.Silver)
Line 170: else if (tier == VIPTier.Gold)
Line 193: case VIPTier.None:
Line 206: case VIPTier.Bronze:
Line 217: goto case VIPTier.None;
Line 219: case VIPTier.Silver:
Line 221: goto case VIPTier.Bronze;
Line 223: case VIPTier.Gold:
Line 225: goto case VIPTier.Bronze;
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Gumps\VIPStore.cs (17 hits)
Line 7: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 9: public class VIPStore : Gump
Line 13: public VIPStore(Mobile from)
Line 16: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 16: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 16: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 19: VIPModule module = player.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 19: VIPModule module = player.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 19: VIPModule module = player.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 39: this.AddLabel(353, 18, whiteText, @"VIP Store");
Line 107: this.AddLabel(560, 290, whiteText, @"VIP Commands");
Line 126: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 126: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 126: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 143: Item deed = new VIPFreeHouseDecorationDeed();
Line 168: from.CloseGump(typeof(VIPStore));
Line 169: from.SendGump(new VIPStore(from));
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\BaseVIPDeed.cs (32 hits)
Line 4: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 6: public class BaseVIPDeed : Item
Line 9: private VIPTier _Tier;
Line 10: public BaseVIPDeed()
Line 15: this._Tier = VIPTier.None;
Line 24: public BaseVIPDeed(Serial serial)
Line 33: return "A VIP Deed";
Line 49: public VIPTier Tier
Line 68: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 68: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 68: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 72: if (this.Tier == VIPTier.None)
Line 76: module = new VIPModule(from, this);
Line 87: if (this.Tier == VIPTier.Gold)
Line 89: module = new VIPModule(from, this);
Line 90: from.AccessLevel = AccessLevel.VIP;
Line 91: from.SendMessage("Thanks for donating to become a Gold VIP player!");
Line 94: else if (this.Tier == VIPTier.Silver)
Line 96: module = new VIPModule(from, this);
Line 97: from.AccessLevel = AccessLevel.VIP;
Line 98: from.SendMessage("Thanks for donating to become a Silver VIP player!");
Line 101: else if (this.Tier == VIPTier.Bronze)
Line 103: module = new VIPModule(from, this);
Line 104: from.AccessLevel = AccessLevel.VIP;
Line 105: from.SendMessage("Thanks for donating to become a Bronze VIP player!");
Line 133: this._Tier = (VIPTier)reader.ReadByte();
Line 142: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 142: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 142: VIPCore core = World.GetCore(typeof(VIPCore)) as VIPCore;
Line 145: from.SendMessage("You have been given your VIP Bonuses, they will expire in {0}.", core.ServiceTimespan.TotalDays);
Line 146: from.SendMessage("Use [VIP to view your VIP bonuses and settings.");
Line 146: from.SendMessage("Use [VIP to view your VIP bonuses and settings.");
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\Bonuses\VIPFreeHouseDecoration.cs (6 hits)
Line 3: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 5: public class VIPFreeHouseDecorationDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 5: public class VIPFreeHouseDecorationDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 8: public VIPFreeHouseDecorationDeed()
Line 15: public VIPFreeHouseDecorationDeed(Serial serial)
Line 24: return "VIP Deed - Loot Gold From Corpses, Ledger Needed";
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\BronzeVIPDeed.cs (7 hits)
Line 3: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 5: public class BronzeVIPDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 5: public class BronzeVIPDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 8: public BronzeVIPDeed()
Line 12: this.Tier = VIPTier.Bronze;
Line 20: public BronzeVIPDeed(Serial serial)
Line 29: return "A Bronze VIP Deed";
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\GoldVIPDeed.cs (7 hits)
Line 3: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 5: public class GoldVIPDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 5: public class GoldVIPDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 8: public GoldVIPDeed()
Line 12: this.Tier = VIPTier.Gold;
Line 20: public GoldVIPDeed(Serial serial)
Line 29: return "A Gold VIP Deed";
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\SilverVIPDeed.cs (7 hits)
Line 3: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 5: public class SilverVIPDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 5: public class SilverVIPDeed : BaseVIPDeed
Line 8: public SilverVIPDeed()
Line 12: this.Tier = VIPTier.Silver;
Line 20: public SilverVIPDeed(Serial serial)
Line 29: return "A Silver VIP Deed";
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Custom Systems\VIP System\Mobiles\VIPVendor.cs (8 hits)
Line 7: namespace CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem
Line 9: [CorpseName("VIP Dealer's Corpse")]
Line 10: public class VIPVendor : Mobile
Line 13: public VIPVendor()
Line 15: this.Name = "VIP Dealer";
Line 20: public VIPVendor(Serial serial) : base(serial)
Line 57: //player.CloseGump(typeof(VIPShop));
Line 58: //player.SendGump(new VIPShop(player));
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Gumps\AdminGump.cs (5 hits)
Line 157: case AccessLevel.VIP:
Line 174: "VIP",
Line 449: bool isLockedDown = (level > AccessLevel.VIP);
Line 2067: if (Misc.AccountHandler.LockdownLevel > AccessLevel.VIP)
Line 2079: if (level > AccessLevel.VIP)
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Gumps\WhoGump.cs (1 hit)
Line 257: case AccessLevel.VIP:
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Misc\Notoriety.cs (1 hit)
Line 287: if (target.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.VIP)
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs (3 hits)
Line 969: if (AccountHandler.LockdownLevel > AccessLevel.VIP)
Line 4392: case AccessLevel.VIP:
Line 4430: list.Add(1060658, "VIP");
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Multis\HouseFoundation.cs (5 hits)
Line 6: using CustomsFramework.Systems.VIPSystem;
Line 1172: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 1172: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 1172: VIPModule module = from.GetModule(typeof(VIPModule)) as VIPModule;
Line 1182: from.SendMessage("{0} gold would have been {1} your bank if you were not a VIP player, thanks for donating!", cost, ((cost > 0) ? "withdrawn from" : "deposited into"));
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Scripts.csproj (21 hits)
Line 157: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Commands\Commands.cs" />
Line 158: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\Bonuses.cs" />
Line 159: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\VIPCore.cs" />
Line 159: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\VIPCore.cs" />
Line 160: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\VIPModule.cs" />
Line 160: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Core\VIPModule.cs" />
Line 161: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Gumps\VIPStore.cs" />
Line 161: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Gumps\VIPStore.cs" />
Line 162: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\BaseVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 162: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\BaseVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 163: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\Bonuses\VIPFreeHouseDecoration.cs" />
Line 163: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\Bonuses\VIPFreeHouseDecoration.cs" />
Line 164: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\BronzeVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 164: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\BronzeVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 165: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\DonatorDeed.cs" />
Line 166: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\GoldVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 166: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\GoldVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 167: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\SilverVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 167: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Items\SilverVIPDeed.cs" />
Line 168: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Mobiles\VIPVendor.cs" />
Line 168: <Compile Include=".\Custom Systems\VIP System\Mobiles\VIPVendor.cs" />
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Services\Help\PageQueueGump.cs (1 hit)
Line 482: 2122, //VIP
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Services\ShardControl\Settings\GeneralSettings.cs (1 hit)
Line 41: AccessLevel maxPlayerLevel = AccessLevel.VIP,
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Services\Toolbar\Core\ToolbarCore.cs (3 hits)
Line 32: CommandHandlers.Register("Toolbar", AccessLevel.VIP, Toolbar_OnCommand);
Line 40: if (e.Mobile.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.VIP)
Line 48: if (e.Mobile.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.VIP)
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Services\Toolbar\Core\ToolbarInfo.cs (2 hits)
Line 75: case AccessLevel.VIP:
Line 214: case AccessLevel.VIP:
C:\Servuo\Scripts\Services\XmlSpawner 2\XmlSpawner2.cs (2 hits)
Line 117: public static AccessLevel SmartSpawnAccessLevel = AccessLevel.VIP;
Line 230: private AccessLevel m_TriggerAccessLevel = AccessLevel.VIP;