I am running an old shard and the player in my shard found that they cannot put the boat in the water by using a deed he bought.And I test as Owner the problem still like player.

I Checked the tileID and ItemID in Baseboat.cs.

Here is the codes:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Multis
    public enum BoatOrder

    public abstract class BaseBoat : BaseMulti
        private static readonly Rectangle2D[] m_BritWrap = new Rectangle2D[]{ new Rectangle2D( 16, 16, 5120 - 32, 4096 - 32 ), new Rectangle2D( 5136, 2320, 992, 1760 ) };
        private static readonly Rectangle2D[] m_IlshWrap = new Rectangle2D[]{ new Rectangle2D( 16, 16, 2304 - 32, 1600 - 32 ) };
        private static readonly Rectangle2D[] m_TokunoWrap = new Rectangle2D[] { new Rectangle2D( 16, 16, 1448 - 32, 1448 - 32 ) };

        private static readonly TimeSpan BoatDecayDelay = TimeSpan.FromDays( 14.0 );

        public static BaseBoat FindBoatAt( IPoint2D loc, Map map )
            Sector sector = map.GetSector( loc );

            for ( int i = 0; i < sector.Multis.Count; i++ )
                BaseBoat boat = sector.Multis[i] as BaseBoat;

                if ( boat != null && boat.Contains( loc.X, loc.Y ) )
                    return boat;

            return null;

        private Hold m_Hold;
        private TillerMan m_TillerMan;
        private Mobile m_Owner;

        private Direction m_Facing;

        private Direction m_Moving;
        private int m_Speed;

        private bool m_Anchored;
        private string m_ShipName;

        private BoatOrder m_Order;

        private MapItem m_MapItem;
        private int m_NextNavPoint;

        private Plank m_PPlank, m_SPlank;

        private DateTime m_DecayTime;

        private Timer m_TurnTimer;
        private Timer m_MoveTimer;

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public Hold Hold{ get{ return m_Hold; } set{ m_Hold = value; } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public TillerMan TillerMan{ get{ return m_TillerMan; } set{ m_TillerMan = value; } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public Plank PPlank{ get{ return m_PPlank; } set{ m_PPlank = value; } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public Plank SPlank{ get{ return m_SPlank; } set{ m_SPlank = value; } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public Mobile Owner{ get{ return m_Owner; } set{ m_Owner = value; } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public Direction Facing{ get{ return m_Facing; } set{ SetFacing( value ); } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public Direction Moving{ get{ return m_Moving; } set{ m_Moving = value; } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool IsMoving{ get{ return ( m_MoveTimer != null ); } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int Speed{ get{ return m_Speed; } set{ m_Speed = value; } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool Anchored{ get{ return m_Anchored; } set{ m_Anchored = value; } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public string ShipName{ get{ return m_ShipName; } set{ m_ShipName = value; if ( m_TillerMan != null ) m_TillerMan.InvalidateProperties(); } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public BoatOrder Order{ get{ return m_Order; } set{ m_Order = value; } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public MapItem MapItem{ get{ return m_MapItem; } set{ m_MapItem = value; } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int NextNavPoint{ get{ return m_NextNavPoint; } set{ m_NextNavPoint = value; } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public DateTime TimeOfDecay{ get{ return m_DecayTime; } set{ m_DecayTime = value; if ( m_TillerMan != null ) m_TillerMan.InvalidateProperties(); } }

        public int Status
                DateTime start = TimeOfDecay - BoatDecayDelay;

                if ( DateTime.Now - start < TimeSpan.FromHours( 1.0 ) )
                    return 1043010; // This structure is like new.

                if ( DateTime.Now - start < TimeSpan.FromDays( 2.0 ) )
                    return 1043011; // This structure is slightly worn.

                if ( DateTime.Now - start < TimeSpan.FromDays( 5.0 ) )
                    return 1043012; // This structure is somewhat worn.

                if ( DateTime.Now - start < TimeSpan.FromDays( 8.0 ) )
                    return 1043013; // This structure is fairly worn.

                if ( DateTime.Now - start < TimeSpan.FromDays( 11.0 ) )
                    return 1043014; // This structure is greatly worn.

                return 1043015; // This structure is in danger of collapsing.

        public virtual int NorthID{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int  EastID{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int SouthID{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int  WestID{ get{ return 0; } }

        public virtual int HoldDistance{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual int TillerManDistance{ get{ return 0; } }
        public virtual Point2D StarboardOffset{ get{ return Point2D.Zero; } }
        public virtual Point2D PortOffset{ get{ return Point2D.Zero; } }
        public virtual Point3D MarkOffset{ get{ return Point3D.Zero; } }

        public virtual BaseDockedBoat DockedBoat{ get{ return null; } }

        private static readonly List<BaseBoat> m_Instances = new List<BaseBoat>();

        public static List<BaseBoat> Boats{ get{ return m_Instances; } }

        public BaseBoat() : base(0x0)
            m_DecayTime = DateTime.Now + BoatDecayDelay;

            m_TillerMan = new TillerMan( this );
            m_Hold = new Hold( this );

            m_PPlank = new Plank( this, PlankSide.Port, 0 );
            m_SPlank = new Plank( this, PlankSide.Starboard, 0 );

            m_PPlank.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( X + PortOffset.X, Y + PortOffset.Y, Z ), Map );
            m_SPlank.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( X + StarboardOffset.X, Y + StarboardOffset.Y, Z ), Map );

            Facing = Direction.North;

            m_NextNavPoint = -1;

            Movable = false;

            m_Instances.Add( this );

        public BaseBoat( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

        public Point3D GetRotatedLocation( int x, int y )
            Point3D p = new Point3D( X + x, Y + y, Z );

            return Rotate( p, (int)m_Facing / 2 );

        public void UpdateComponents()
            if ( m_PPlank != null )
                m_PPlank.MoveToWorld( GetRotatedLocation( PortOffset.X, PortOffset.Y ), Map );
                m_PPlank.SetFacing( m_Facing );

            if ( m_SPlank != null )
                m_SPlank.MoveToWorld( GetRotatedLocation( StarboardOffset.X, StarboardOffset.Y ), Map );
                m_SPlank.SetFacing( m_Facing );

            int xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0;
            Movement.Movement.Offset( m_Facing, ref xOffset, ref yOffset );

            if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                m_TillerMan.Location = new Point3D( X + (xOffset * TillerManDistance) + (m_Facing == Direction.North ? 1 : 0), Y + (yOffset * TillerManDistance), m_TillerMan.Z );
                m_TillerMan.SetFacing( m_Facing );

            if ( m_Hold != null )
                m_Hold.Location = new Point3D( X + (xOffset * HoldDistance), Y + (yOffset * HoldDistance), m_Hold.Z );
                m_Hold.SetFacing( m_Facing );

        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );

            writer.Write( 3 );

            writer.Write( m_MapItem );
            writer.Write( m_NextNavPoint );

            writer.Write( (int) m_Facing );

            writer.WriteDeltaTime( m_DecayTime );

            writer.Write( m_Owner );
            writer.Write( m_PPlank );
            writer.Write( m_SPlank );
            writer.Write( m_TillerMan );
            writer.Write( m_Hold );
            writer.Write( m_Anchored );
            writer.Write( m_ShipName );


        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            switch ( version )
                case 3:
                    m_MapItem = (MapItem) reader.ReadItem();
                    m_NextNavPoint = reader.ReadInt();

                    goto case 2;
                case 2:
                    m_Facing = (Direction)reader.ReadInt();

                    goto case 1;
                case 1:
                    m_DecayTime = reader.ReadDeltaTime();

                    goto case 0;
                case 0:
                    if ( version < 3 )
                        m_NextNavPoint = -1;

                    if ( version < 2 )
                        if ( ItemID == NorthID )
                            m_Facing = Direction.North;
                        else if ( ItemID == SouthID )
                            m_Facing = Direction.South;
                        else if ( ItemID == EastID )
                            m_Facing = Direction.East;
                        else if ( ItemID == WestID )
                            m_Facing = Direction.West;

                    m_Owner = reader.ReadMobile();
                    m_PPlank = reader.ReadItem() as Plank;
                    m_SPlank = reader.ReadItem() as Plank;
                    m_TillerMan = reader.ReadItem() as TillerMan;
                    m_Hold = reader.ReadItem() as Hold;
                    m_Anchored = reader.ReadBool();
                    m_ShipName = reader.ReadString();

                    if ( version < 1)


            m_Instances.Add( this );

        public void RemoveKeys( Mobile m )
            uint keyValue = 0;

            if ( m_PPlank != null )
                keyValue = m_PPlank.KeyValue;

            if ( keyValue == 0 && m_SPlank != null )
                keyValue = m_SPlank.KeyValue;

            Key.RemoveKeys( m, keyValue );

        public uint CreateKeys( Mobile m )
            uint value = Key.RandomValue();

            Key packKey = new Key( KeyType.Copper, value, this );
            Key bankKey = new Key( KeyType.Copper, value, this );

            packKey.MaxRange = 10;
            bankKey.MaxRange = 10;

            packKey.Name = "ship key";
            bankKey.Name = "ship key";

            BankBox box = m.BankBox;

            if ( !box.TryDropItem( m, bankKey, false ) )
                m.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 502484 ); // A ship's key is now in my safety deposit box.

            if ( m.AddToBackpack( packKey ) )
                m.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 502485 ); // A ship's key is now in my backpack.
                m.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 502483 ); // A ship's key is now at my feet.

            return value;

        public override void OnAfterDelete()
            if ( m_TillerMan != null )

            if ( m_Hold != null )

            if ( m_PPlank != null )

            if ( m_SPlank != null )

            if ( m_TurnTimer != null )

            if ( m_MoveTimer != null )

            m_Instances.Remove( this );

        public override void OnLocationChange( Point3D old )
            if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                m_TillerMan.Location = new Point3D( X + (m_TillerMan.X - old.X), Y + (m_TillerMan.Y - old.Y), Z + (m_TillerMan.Z - old.Z ) );

            if ( m_Hold != null )
                m_Hold.Location = new Point3D( X + (m_Hold.X - old.X), Y + (m_Hold.Y - old.Y), Z + (m_Hold.Z - old.Z ) );

            if ( m_PPlank != null )
                m_PPlank.Location = new Point3D( X + (m_PPlank.X - old.X), Y + (m_PPlank.Y - old.Y), Z + (m_PPlank.Z - old.Z ) );

            if ( m_SPlank != null )
                m_SPlank.Location = new Point3D( X + (m_SPlank.X - old.X), Y + (m_SPlank.Y - old.Y), Z + (m_SPlank.Z - old.Z ) );

        public override void OnMapChange()
            if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                m_TillerMan.Map = Map;

            if ( m_Hold != null )
                m_Hold.Map = Map;

            if ( m_PPlank != null )
                m_PPlank.Map = Map;

            if ( m_SPlank != null )
                m_SPlank.Map = Map;

        public bool CanCommand( Mobile m )
            return true;

        public Point3D GetMarkedLocation()
            Point3D p = new Point3D( X + MarkOffset.X, Y + MarkOffset.Y, Z + MarkOffset.Z );

            return Rotate( p, (int)m_Facing / 2 );

        public bool CheckKey( uint keyValue )
            if ( m_SPlank != null && m_SPlank.KeyValue == keyValue )
                return true;

            if ( m_PPlank != null && m_PPlank.KeyValue == keyValue )
                return true;

            return false;

        private static readonly TimeSpan SlowInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.75 );
        private static readonly TimeSpan FastInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.75 );

        private static int SlowSpeed = 1;
        private static int FastSpeed = 3;

        private static readonly TimeSpan SlowDriftInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.50 );
        private static readonly TimeSpan FastDriftInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.75 );

        private static int SlowDriftSpeed = 1;
        private static int FastDriftSpeed = 1;

        private static Direction Forward = Direction.North;
        private static Direction ForwardLeft = Direction.Up;
        private static Direction ForwardRight = Direction.Right;
        private static Direction Backward = Direction.South;
        private static Direction BackwardLeft = Direction.Left;
        private static Direction BackwardRight = Direction.Down;
        private static Direction Left = Direction.West;
        private static Direction Right = Direction.East;
        private static Direction Port = Left;
        private static Direction Starboard = Right;

        private bool m_Decaying;

        public void Refresh()
            m_DecayTime = DateTime.Now + BoatDecayDelay;

            if( m_TillerMan != null )

        private class DecayTimer : Timer
            private readonly BaseBoat m_Boat;
            private int m_Count;

            public DecayTimer( BaseBoat boat ) : base( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ), TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 5.0 ) )
                m_Boat = boat;

                Priority = TimerPriority.TwoFiftyMS;

            protected override void OnTick()
                if ( m_Count == 5 )
                    m_Boat.Location = new Point3D( m_Boat.X, m_Boat.Y, m_Boat.Z - 1 );

                    if ( m_Boat.TillerMan != null )
                        m_Boat.TillerMan.Say( 1007168 + m_Count );


        public bool CheckDecay()
            if ( m_Decaying )
                return true;

            if ( !IsMoving && DateTime.Now >= m_DecayTime )
                new DecayTimer( this ).Start();

                m_Decaying = true;

                return true;

            return false;

        public bool LowerAnchor( bool message )
            if ( CheckDecay() )
                return false;

            if ( m_Anchored )
                if ( message && m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 501445 ); // Ar, the anchor was already dropped sir.

                return false;

            StopMove( false );

            m_Anchored = true;

            if ( message && m_TillerMan != null )
                m_TillerMan.Say( 501444 ); // Ar, anchor dropped sir.

            return true;

        public bool RaiseAnchor( bool message )
            if ( CheckDecay() )
                return false;

            if ( !m_Anchored )
                if ( message && m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 501447 ); // Ar, the anchor has not been dropped sir.

                return false;

            m_Anchored = false;

            if ( message && m_TillerMan != null )
                m_TillerMan.Say( 501446 ); // Ar, anchor raised sir.

            return true;

        public bool StartMove( Direction dir, bool fast )
            if ( CheckDecay() )
                return false;

            bool drift = ( dir != Forward && dir != ForwardLeft && dir != ForwardRight );
            TimeSpan interval = (fast ? (drift ? FastDriftInterval : FastInterval) : (drift ? SlowDriftInterval : SlowInterval));
            int speed = (fast ? (drift ? FastDriftSpeed : FastSpeed) : (drift ? SlowDriftSpeed : SlowSpeed));

            if ( StartMove( dir, speed, interval, false, true ) )
                if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 501429 ); // Aye aye sir.

                return true;

            return false;

        public bool OneMove( Direction dir )
            if ( CheckDecay() )
                return false;

            bool drift = ( dir != Forward );
            TimeSpan interval = drift ? FastDriftInterval : FastInterval;
            int speed = drift ? FastDriftSpeed : FastSpeed;

            if ( StartMove( dir, speed, interval, true, true ) )
                if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 501429 ); // Aye aye sir.

                return true;

            return false;

        public void BeginRename( Mobile from )
            if ( CheckDecay() )

            if ( from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster && from != m_Owner )
                if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( Utility.Random( 1042876, 4 ) ); // Arr, don't do that! | Arr, leave me alone! | Arr, watch what thour'rt doing, matey! | Arr! Do that again and I抣l throw ye overhead!


            if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                m_TillerMan.Say( 502580 ); // What dost thou wish to name thy ship?

            from.Prompt = new RenameBoatPrompt( this );

        public void EndRename( Mobile from, string newName )
            if ( Deleted || CheckDecay() )

            if ( from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster && from != m_Owner )
                if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 1042880 ); // Arr! Only the owner of the ship may change its name!

            else if ( !from.Alive )
                if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 502582 ); // You appear to be dead.


            newName = newName.Trim();

            if ( newName.Length == 0 )
                newName = null;

            Rename( newName );

        public enum DryDockResult{ Valid, Dead, NoKey, NotAnchored, Mobiles, Items, Hold, Decaying }

        public DryDockResult CheckDryDock( Mobile from )
            if ( CheckDecay() )
                return DryDockResult.Decaying;

            if ( !from.Alive )
                return DryDockResult.Dead;

            Container pack = from.Backpack;
            if ( (m_SPlank == null || !Key.ContainsKey( pack, m_SPlank.KeyValue )) && (m_PPlank == null || !Key.ContainsKey( pack, m_PPlank.KeyValue )) )
                return DryDockResult.NoKey;

            if ( !m_Anchored )
                return DryDockResult.NotAnchored;

            if ( m_Hold != null && m_Hold.Items.Count > 0 )
                return DryDockResult.Hold;

            Map map = Map;

            if ( map == null || map == Map.Internal )
                return DryDockResult.Items;

            MultiComponentList mcl = Components;

            IPooledEnumerable eable = map.GetObjectsInBounds( new Rectangle2D( X + mcl.Min.X, Y + mcl.Min.Y, mcl.Width, mcl.Height ) );

            foreach ( object o in eable )
                if ( o == this || o == m_Hold || o == m_SPlank || o == m_PPlank || o == m_TillerMan )

                if ( o is Item && Contains( (Item)o ) )
                    return DryDockResult.Items;
                else if ( o is Mobile && Contains( (Mobile)o ) )
                    return DryDockResult.Mobiles;

            return DryDockResult.Valid;

        public void BeginDryDock( Mobile from )
            if ( CheckDecay() )

            DryDockResult result = CheckDryDock( from );

            if ( result == DryDockResult.Dead )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502493 ); // You appear to be dead.
            else if ( result == DryDockResult.NoKey )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502494 ); // You must have a key to the ship to dock the boat.
            else if ( result == DryDockResult.NotAnchored )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010570 ); // You must lower the anchor to dock the boat.
            else if ( result == DryDockResult.Mobiles )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502495 ); // You cannot dock the ship with beings on board!
            else if ( result == DryDockResult.Items )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502496 ); // You cannot dock the ship with a cluttered deck.
            else if ( result == DryDockResult.Hold )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502497 ); // Make sure your hold is empty, and try again!
            else if ( result == DryDockResult.Valid )
                from.SendGump( new ConfirmDryDockGump( from, this ) );

        public void EndDryDock( Mobile from )
            if ( Deleted || CheckDecay() )

            DryDockResult result = CheckDryDock( from );

            if ( result == DryDockResult.Dead )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502493 ); // You appear to be dead.
            else if ( result == DryDockResult.NoKey )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502494 ); // You must have a key to the ship to dock the boat.
            else if ( result == DryDockResult.NotAnchored )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010570 ); // You must lower the anchor to dock the boat.
            else if ( result == DryDockResult.Mobiles )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502495 ); // You cannot dock the ship with beings on board!
            else if ( result == DryDockResult.Items )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502496 ); // You cannot dock the ship with a cluttered deck.
            else if ( result == DryDockResult.Hold )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502497 ); // Make sure your hold is empty, and try again!

            if ( result != DryDockResult.Valid )

            BaseDockedBoat boat = DockedBoat;

            if ( boat == null )

            RemoveKeys( from );

            from.AddToBackpack( boat );

        public void SetName( SpeechEventArgs e )
            if ( CheckDecay() )

            if ( e.Mobile.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster && e.Mobile != m_Owner )
                if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 1042880 ); // Arr! Only the owner of the ship may change its name!

            else if ( !e.Mobile.Alive )
                if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 502582 ); // You appear to be dead.


            if ( e.Speech.Length > 8 )
                string newName = e.Speech.Substring( 8 ).Trim();

                if ( newName.Length == 0 )
                    newName = null;

                Rename( newName );

        public void Rename( string newName )
            if ( CheckDecay() )

            if ( newName != null && newName.Length > 40 )
                newName = newName.Substring( 0, 40 );

            if ( m_ShipName == newName )
                if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 502531 ); // Yes, sir.


            ShipName = newName;

            if ( m_TillerMan != null && m_ShipName != null )
                m_TillerMan.Say( 1042885, m_ShipName ); // This ship is now called the ~1_NEW_SHIP_NAME~.
            else if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                m_TillerMan.Say( 502534 ); // This ship now has no name.

        public void RemoveName( Mobile m )
            if ( CheckDecay() )

            if ( m.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster && m != m_Owner )
                if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 1042880 ); // Arr! Only the owner of the ship may change its name!

            else if ( !m.Alive )
                if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 502582 ); // You appear to be dead.


            if ( m_ShipName == null )
                if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 502526 ); // Ar, this ship has no name.


            ShipName = null;

            if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                m_TillerMan.Say( 502534 ); // This ship now has no name.

        public void GiveName( Mobile m )
            if ( m_TillerMan == null || CheckDecay() )

            if ( m_ShipName == null )
                m_TillerMan.Say( 502526 ); // Ar, this ship has no name.
                m_TillerMan.Say( 1042881, m_ShipName ); // This is the ~1_BOAT_NAME~.

        public void GiveNavPoint()
            if ( TillerMan == null || CheckDecay() )

            if ( NextNavPoint < 0 )
                TillerMan.Say( 1042882 ); // I have no current nav point.
                TillerMan.Say( 1042883, (NextNavPoint + 1).ToString() ); // My current destination navpoint is nav ~1_NAV_POINT_NUM~.

        public void AssociateMap( MapItem map )
            if ( CheckDecay() )

            if ( map is BlankMap )
                if ( TillerMan != null )
                    TillerMan.Say( 502575 ); // Ar, that is not a map, tis but a blank piece of paper!
            else if ( map.Pins.Count == 0 )
                if ( TillerMan != null )
                    TillerMan.Say( 502576 ); // Arrrr, this map has no course on it!
                StopMove( false );

                MapItem = map;
                NextNavPoint = -1;

                if ( TillerMan != null )
                    TillerMan.Say( 502577 ); // A map!

        public bool StartCourse( string navPoint, bool single, bool message )
            int number = -1;

            int start = -1;
            for ( int i = 0; i < navPoint.Length; i++ )
                if ( Char.IsDigit( navPoint[i] ) )
                    start = i;

            if ( start != -1 )
                string sNumber = navPoint.Substring( start );

                if (!int.TryParse(sNumber, out number))
                    number = -1;

                if ( number != -1 )

                    if ( MapItem == null || number < 0 || number >= MapItem.Pins.Count )
                        number = -1;

            if ( number == -1 )
                if ( message && TillerMan != null )
                    TillerMan.Say( 1042551 ); // I don't see that navpoint, sir.

                return false;

            NextNavPoint = number;
            return StartCourse( single, message );

        public bool StartCourse( bool single, bool message )
            if ( CheckDecay() )
                return false;

            if ( Anchored )
                if ( message && TillerMan != null )
                    TillerMan.Say( 501419 ); // Ar, the anchor is down sir!

                return false;
            else if ( MapItem == null || MapItem.Deleted )
                if ( message && TillerMan != null )
                    TillerMan.Say( 502513 ); // I have seen no map, sir.

                return false;
            else if ( Map != MapItem.Map || !Contains( MapItem.GetWorldLocation() ) )
                if ( message && TillerMan != null )
                    TillerMan.Say( 502514 ); // The map is too far away from me, sir.

                return false;
            else if ( ( Map != Map.Trammel && Map != Map.Felucca ) || NextNavPoint < 0 || NextNavPoint >= MapItem.Pins.Count )
                if ( message && TillerMan != null )
                    TillerMan.Say( 1042551 ); // I don't see that navpoint, sir.

                return false;

            Speed = FastSpeed;
            Order = single ? BoatOrder.Single : BoatOrder.Course;

            if ( m_MoveTimer != null )

            m_MoveTimer = new MoveTimer( this, FastInterval, false );

            if ( message && TillerMan != null )
                TillerMan.Say( 501429 ); // Aye aye sir.

            return true;

        public override bool HandlesOnSpeech{ get{ return true; } }

        public override void OnSpeech( SpeechEventArgs e )
            if ( CheckDecay() )

            Mobile from = e.Mobile;

            if ( CanCommand( from ) && Contains( from ) )
                for ( int i = 0; i < e.Keywords.Length; ++i )
                    int keyword = e.Keywords[i];

                    if ( keyword >= 0x42 && keyword <= 0x6B )
                        switch ( keyword )
                            case 0x42: SetName( e ); break;
                            case 0x43: RemoveName( e.Mobile ); break;
                            case 0x44: GiveName( e.Mobile ); break;
                            case 0x45: StartMove( Forward, true ); break;
                            case 0x46: StartMove( Backward, true ); break;
                            case 0x47: StartMove( Left, true ); break;
                            case 0x48: StartMove( Right, true ); break;
                            case 0x4B: StartMove( ForwardLeft, true ); break;
                            case 0x4C: StartMove( ForwardRight, true ); break;
                            case 0x4D: StartMove( BackwardLeft, true ); break;
                            case 0x4E: StartMove( BackwardRight, true ); break;
                            case 0x4F: StopMove( true ); break;
                            case 0x50: StartMove( Left, false ); break;
                            case 0x51: StartMove( Right, false ); break;
                            case 0x52: StartMove( Forward, false ); break;
                            case 0x53: StartMove( Backward, false ); break;
                            case 0x54: StartMove( ForwardLeft, false ); break;
                            case 0x55: StartMove( ForwardRight, false ); break;
                            case 0x56: StartMove( BackwardRight, false ); break;
                            case 0x57: StartMove( BackwardLeft, false ); break;
                            case 0x58: OneMove( Left ); break;
                            case 0x59: OneMove( Right ); break;
                            case 0x5A: OneMove( Forward ); break;
                            case 0x5B: OneMove( Backward ); break;
                            case 0x5C: OneMove( ForwardLeft ); break;
                            case 0x5D: OneMove( ForwardRight ); break;
                            case 0x5E: OneMove( BackwardRight ); break;
                            case 0x5F: OneMove( BackwardLeft ); break;
                            case 0x49: case 0x65: StartTurn(  2, true ); break; // turn right
                            case 0x4A: case 0x66: StartTurn( -2, true ); break; // turn left
                            case 0x67: StartTurn( -4, true ); break; // turn around, come about
                            case 0x68: StartMove( Forward, true ); break;
                            case 0x69: StopMove( true ); break;
                            case 0x6A: LowerAnchor( true ); break;
                            case 0x6B: RaiseAnchor( true ); break;
                            case 0x60: GiveNavPoint(); break; // nav
                            case 0x61: NextNavPoint = 0; StartCourse( false, true ); break; // start
                            case 0x62: StartCourse( false, true ); break; // continue
                            case 0x63: StartCourse( e.Speech, false, true ); break; // goto*
                            case 0x64: StartCourse( e.Speech, true, true ); break; // single*


        public bool StartTurn( int offset, bool message )
            if ( CheckDecay() )
                return false;

            if ( m_Anchored )
                if ( message )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 501419 ); // Ar, the anchor is down sir!

                return false;
                if ( m_MoveTimer != null && Order != BoatOrder.Move )
                    m_MoveTimer = null;

                if ( m_TurnTimer != null )

                m_TurnTimer = new TurnTimer( this, offset );

                if ( message && TillerMan != null )
                    TillerMan.Say( 501429 ); // Aye aye sir.

                return true;

        public bool Turn( int offset, bool message )
            if ( m_TurnTimer != null )
                m_TurnTimer = null;

            if ( CheckDecay() )
                return false;

            if ( m_Anchored )
                if ( message )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 501419 ); // Ar, the anchor is down sir!

                return false;
            else if ( SetFacing( (Direction)(((int)m_Facing + offset) & 0x7) ) )
                return true;
                if ( message )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 501423 ); // Ar, can't turn sir.

                return false;

        private class TurnTimer : Timer
            private readonly BaseBoat m_Boat;
            private readonly int m_Offset;

            public TurnTimer( BaseBoat boat, int offset ) : base( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.5 ) )
                m_Boat = boat;
                m_Offset = offset;

                Priority = TimerPriority.TenMS;

            protected override void OnTick()
                if ( !m_Boat.Deleted )
                    m_Boat.Turn( m_Offset, true );

        public bool StartMove( Direction dir, int speed, TimeSpan interval, bool single, bool message )
            if ( CheckDecay() )
                return false;

            if ( m_Anchored )
                if ( message && m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 501419 ); // Ar, the anchor is down sir!

                return false;

            m_Moving = dir;
            m_Speed = speed;
            m_Order = BoatOrder.Move;

            if ( m_MoveTimer != null )

            m_MoveTimer = new MoveTimer( this, interval, single );

            return true;

        public bool StopMove( bool message )
            if ( CheckDecay() )
                return false;

            if ( m_MoveTimer == null )
                if ( message && m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 501443 ); // Er, the ship is not moving sir.

                return false;

            m_Moving = Direction.North;
            m_Speed = 0;
            m_MoveTimer = null;

            if ( message && m_TillerMan != null )
                m_TillerMan.Say( 501429 ); // Aye aye sir.

            return true;

        public bool CanFit( Point3D p, Map map, int itemID )
            if ( map == null || map == Map.Internal || Deleted || CheckDecay() )
                return false;

            MultiComponentList newComponents = MultiData.GetComponents( itemID );

            for ( int x = 0; x < newComponents.Width; ++x )
                for ( int y = 0; y < newComponents.Height; ++y )
                    int tx = p.X + newComponents.Min.X + x;
                    int ty = p.Y + newComponents.Min.Y + y;

                    if ( newComponents.Tiles[x][y].Length == 0 || Contains( tx, ty ) )

                    LandTile landTile = map.Tiles.GetLandTile(tx, ty);
                    StaticTile[] tiles = map.Tiles.GetStaticTiles(tx, ty, true);

                    bool hasWater = false;

                    if ( landTile.Z == p.Z && ((landTile.ID >= 168 && landTile.ID <= 171) || (landTile.ID >= 310 && landTile.ID <= 311)) )
                        hasWater = true;

                    int z = p.Z;

                    //int landZ = 0, landAvg = 0, landTop = 0;

                    //map.GetAverageZ( tx, ty, ref landZ, ref landAvg, ref landTop );

                    //if ( !landTile.Ignored && top > landZ && landTop > z )
                    //    return false;

                    for ( int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; ++i )
                        StaticTile tile = tiles[i];
                        bool isWater = (tile.ID >= 0x1796 && tile.ID <= 0x17B2);

                        if ( tile.Z == p.Z && isWater )
                            hasWater = true;
                        else if ( tile.Z >= p.Z && !isWater )
                            return false;

                    if ( !hasWater )
                        return false;

            IPooledEnumerable eable = map.GetItemsInBounds( new Rectangle2D( p.X + newComponents.Min.X, p.Y + newComponents.Min.Y, newComponents.Width, newComponents.Height ) );

            foreach ( Item item in eable )
                if (item is BaseMulti || item.ItemID > TileData.MaxItemValue || item.Z < p.Z || !item.Visible)

                int x = item.X - p.X + newComponents.Min.X;
                int y = item.Y - p.Y + newComponents.Min.Y;

                if ( x >= 0 && x < newComponents.Width && y >= 0 && y < newComponents.Height && newComponents.Tiles[x][y].Length == 0 )
                else if ( Contains( item ) )

                return false;


            return true;

        public Point3D Rotate( Point3D p, int count )
            int rx = p.X - Location.X;
            int ry = p.Y - Location.Y;

            for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
                int temp = rx;
                rx = -ry;
                ry = temp;

            return new Point3D( Location.X + rx, Location.Y + ry, p.Z );

        public override bool Contains( int x, int y )
            if ( base.Contains( x, y ) )
                return true;

            if ( m_TillerMan != null && x == m_TillerMan.X && y == m_TillerMan.Y )
                return true;

            if ( m_Hold != null && x == m_Hold.X && y == m_Hold.Y )
                return true;

            if ( m_PPlank != null && x == m_PPlank.X && y == m_PPlank.Y )
                return true;

            if ( m_SPlank != null && x == m_SPlank.X && y == m_SPlank.Y )
                return true;

            return false;

        public static bool IsValidLocation( Point3D p, Map map )
            Rectangle2D[] wrap = GetWrapFor( map );

            for ( int i = 0; i < wrap.Length; ++i )
                if ( wrap[i].Contains( p ) )
                    return true;

            return false;

        public static Rectangle2D[] GetWrapFor( Map m )
            if( m == Map.Ilshenar )
                return m_IlshWrap;
            else if( m == Map.Tokuno )
                return m_TokunoWrap;
                return m_BritWrap;

        public Direction GetMovementFor( int x, int y, out int maxSpeed )
            int dx = x - X;
            int dy = y - Y;

            int adx = Math.Abs( dx );
            int ady = Math.Abs( dy );

            Direction dir = Utility.GetDirection( this, new Point2D( x, y ) );
            int iDir = (int) dir;

            // Compute the maximum distance we can travel without going too far away
            if ( iDir % 2 == 0 ) // North, East, South and West
                maxSpeed = Math.Abs( adx - ady );
            else // Right, Down, Left and Up
                maxSpeed = Math.Min( adx, ady );

            return (Direction) ((iDir - (int)Facing) & 0x7);

        public bool DoMovement( bool message )
            Direction dir;
            int speed;

            if ( Order == BoatOrder.Move )
                dir = Moving;
                speed = Speed;
            else if ( MapItem == null || MapItem.Deleted )
                if ( message && TillerMan != null )
                    TillerMan.Say( 502513 ); // I have seen no map, sir.

                return false;
            else if ( Map != MapItem.Map || !Contains( MapItem.GetWorldLocation() ) )
                if ( message && TillerMan != null )
                    TillerMan.Say( 502514 ); // The map is too far away from me, sir.

                return false;
            else if ( ( Map != Map.Trammel && Map != Map.Felucca ) || NextNavPoint < 0 || NextNavPoint >= MapItem.Pins.Count )
                if ( message && TillerMan != null )
                    TillerMan.Say( 1042551 ); // I don't see that navpoint, sir.

                return false;
                Point2D dest = MapItem.Pins[NextNavPoint];

                int x, y;
                MapItem.ConvertToWorld( dest.X, dest.Y, out x, out y );

                int maxSpeed;
                dir = GetMovementFor( x, y, out maxSpeed );

                if ( maxSpeed == 0 )
                    if ( message && Order == BoatOrder.Single && TillerMan != null )
                        TillerMan.Say( 1042874, (NextNavPoint + 1).ToString() ); // We have arrived at nav point ~1_POINT_NUM~ , sir.

                    if ( NextNavPoint + 1 < MapItem.Pins.Count )

                        if ( Order == BoatOrder.Course )
                            if ( message && TillerMan != null )
                                TillerMan.Say( 1042875, (NextNavPoint + 1).ToString() ); // Heading to nav point ~1_POINT_NUM~, sir.

                            return true;

                        return false;
                        NextNavPoint = -1;

                        if ( message && Order == BoatOrder.Course && TillerMan != null )
                            TillerMan.Say( 502515 ); // The course is completed, sir.

                        return false;

                if ( dir == Left || dir == BackwardLeft || dir == Backward )
                    return Turn( -2, true );
                else if ( dir == Right || dir == BackwardRight )
                    return Turn( 2, true );

                speed = Math.Min( Speed, maxSpeed );

            return Move( dir, speed, true );

        public bool Move( Direction dir, int speed, bool message )
            Map map = Map;

            if ( map == null || Deleted || CheckDecay() )
                return false;

            if ( m_Anchored )
                if ( message && m_TillerMan != null )
                    m_TillerMan.Say( 501419 ); // Ar, the anchor is down sir!

                return false;

            int rx = 0, ry = 0;
            Movement.Movement.Offset( (Direction)(((int)m_Facing + (int)dir) & 0x7), ref rx, ref ry );

            for ( int i = 1; i <= speed; ++i )
                if ( !CanFit( new Point3D( X + (i * rx), Y + (i * ry), Z ), Map, ItemID ) )
                    if ( i == 1 )
                        if ( message && m_TillerMan != null )
                            m_TillerMan.Say( 501424 ); // Ar, we've stopped sir.

                        return false;

                    speed = i - 1;

            int xOffset = speed*rx;
            int yOffset = speed*ry;

            int newX = X + xOffset;
            int newY = Y + yOffset;

            Rectangle2D[] wrap = GetWrapFor( map );

            for ( int i = 0; i < wrap.Length; ++i )
                Rectangle2D rect = wrap[i];

                if ( rect.Contains( new Point2D( X, Y ) ) && !rect.Contains( new Point2D( newX, newY ) ) )
                    if ( newX < rect.X )
                        newX = rect.X + rect.Width - 1;
                    else if ( newX >= rect.X + rect.Width )
                        newX = rect.X;

                    if ( newY < rect.Y )
                        newY = rect.Y + rect.Height - 1;
                    else if ( newY >= rect.Y + rect.Height )
                        newY = rect.Y;

                    for ( int j = 1; j <= speed; ++j )
                        if ( !CanFit( new Point3D( newX + (j * rx), newY + (j * ry), Z ), Map, ItemID ) )
                            if ( message && m_TillerMan != null )
                                m_TillerMan.Say( 501424 ); // Ar, we've stopped sir.

                            return false;

                    xOffset = newX - X;
                    yOffset = newY - Y;

            Teleport( xOffset, yOffset, 0 );

            return true;

        public void Teleport( int xOffset, int yOffset, int zOffset )
            MultiComponentList mcl = Components;

            ArrayList toMove = new ArrayList();

            IPooledEnumerable eable = Map.GetObjectsInBounds( new Rectangle2D( X + mcl.Min.X, Y + mcl.Min.Y, mcl.Width, mcl.Height ) );

            foreach ( object o in eable )
                if ( o != this && !(o is TillerMan || o is Hold || o is Plank) )
                    toMove.Add( o );


            for ( int i = 0; i < toMove.Count; ++i )
                object o = toMove[i];

                if ( o is Item )
                    Item item = (Item)o;

                    if ( Contains( item ) && item.Visible && item.Z >= Z )
                        item.Location = new Point3D( item.X + xOffset, item.Y + yOffset, item.Z + zOffset );
                else if ( o is Mobile )
                    Mobile m = (Mobile)o;

                    if ( Contains( m ) )
                        m.Location = new Point3D( m.X + xOffset, m.Y + yOffset, m.Z + zOffset );

            Location = new Point3D( X + xOffset, Y + yOffset, Z + zOffset );

        public bool SetFacing( Direction facing )
            if ( Parent != null || Map == null )
                return false;

            if ( CheckDecay() )
                return false;

            if ( Map != Map.Internal )
                switch ( facing )
                    case Direction.North: if ( !CanFit( Location, Map, NorthID ) ) return false; break;
                    case Direction.East:  if ( !CanFit( Location, Map,  EastID ) ) return false; break;
                    case Direction.South: if ( !CanFit( Location, Map, SouthID ) ) return false; break;
                    case Direction.West:  if ( !CanFit( Location, Map,  WestID ) ) return false; break;

            Map.OnLeave( this );

            Direction old = m_Facing;

            m_Facing = facing;

            if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                m_TillerMan.SetFacing( facing );

            if ( m_Hold != null )
                m_Hold.SetFacing( facing );

            if ( m_PPlank != null )
                m_PPlank.SetFacing( facing );

            if ( m_SPlank != null )
                m_SPlank.SetFacing( facing );

            MultiComponentList mcl = Components;

            ArrayList toMove = new ArrayList();

            toMove.Add( m_PPlank );
            toMove.Add( m_SPlank );

            IPooledEnumerable eable = Map.GetObjectsInBounds( new Rectangle2D( X + mcl.Min.X, Y + mcl.Min.Y, mcl.Width, mcl.Height ) );

            foreach ( object o in eable )
                if ( o is Item )
                    Item item = (Item)o;

                    bool movableCorpse = false;
                    if (item is Corpse)
                        Corpse corpse = item as Corpse;
                        if (corpse.Owner != null && corpse.Owner is Mobiles.PlayerMobile)
                            movableCorpse = true;

                    if ( item != this && Contains(item) && item.Visible && item.Z >= Z && !(item is TillerMan || item is Hold || item is Plank))
                        if (movableCorpse)
                            toMove.Add( item );
                else if ( o is Mobile && Contains( (Mobile)o ) )
                    toMove.Add( o );

                    ((Mobile)o).Direction = (Direction)((int)((Mobile)o).Direction - (int)old + (int)facing);


            int xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0;
            Movement.Movement.Offset( facing, ref xOffset, ref yOffset );

            if ( m_TillerMan != null )
                m_TillerMan.Location = new Point3D( X + (xOffset * TillerManDistance) + (facing == Direction.North ? 1 : 0), Y + (yOffset * TillerManDistance), m_TillerMan.Z );

            if ( m_Hold != null )
                m_Hold.Location = new Point3D( X + (xOffset * HoldDistance), Y + (yOffset * HoldDistance), m_Hold.Z );

            int count = (m_Facing - old) & 0x7;
            count /= 2;

            for ( int i = 0; i < toMove.Count; ++i )
                object o = toMove[i];

                if ( o is Item )
                    ((Item)o).Location = Rotate( ((Item)o).Location, count );
                else if ( o is Mobile )
                    ((Mobile)o).Location = Rotate( ((Mobile)o).Location, count );

            switch ( facing )
                case Direction.North: ItemID = NorthID; break;
                case Direction.East:  ItemID =  EastID; break;
                case Direction.South: ItemID = SouthID; break;
                case Direction.West:  ItemID =  WestID; break;

            Map.OnEnter( this );

            return true;

        private class MoveTimer : Timer
            private readonly BaseBoat m_Boat;

            public MoveTimer( BaseBoat boat, TimeSpan interval, bool single ) : base( interval, interval, single ? 1 : 0 )
                m_Boat = boat;
                Priority = TimerPriority.TwentyFiveMS;

            protected override void OnTick()
                if ( !m_Boat.DoMovement( true ) )
                    m_Boat.StopMove( false );

        public static void UpdateAllComponents()
            for ( int i = m_Instances.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i )

        public static void Initialize()
            new UpdateAllTimer().Start();
            EventSink.WorldSave += EventSink_WorldSave;

        private static void EventSink_WorldSave( WorldSaveEventArgs e )
            new UpdateAllTimer().Start();

        public class UpdateAllTimer : Timer
            public UpdateAllTimer() : base( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ) )

            protected override void OnTick()

Now the BaseBoatDeed.cs

using Server.Engines.CannedEvil;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Regions;
using Server.Targeting;

namespace Server.Multis
    public abstract class BaseBoatDeed : Item
        private int m_MultiID;
        private Point3D m_Offset;

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int MultiID{ get{ return m_MultiID; } set{ m_MultiID = value; } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public Point3D Offset{ get{ return m_Offset; } set{ m_Offset = value; } }

        public BaseBoatDeed( int id, Point3D offset ) : base( 0x14F2 )
            Weight = 1.0;

            if ( !Core.AOS )
                LootType = LootType.Newbied;

            m_MultiID = id;
            m_Offset = offset;

        public BaseBoatDeed( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );

            writer.Write( 0 ); // version

            writer.Write( m_MultiID );
            writer.Write( m_Offset );

        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            switch ( version )
                case 0:
                    m_MultiID = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_Offset = reader.ReadPoint3D();


            if ( Weight == 0.0 )
                Weight = 1.0;

        public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )
            if ( !IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042001 ); // That must be in your pack for you to use it.
            else if ( from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster && (from.Map == Map.Ilshenar || from.Map == Map.Malas) )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010567, null, 0x25 ); // You may not place a boat from this location.
                if ( Core.SE )
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502482 ); // Where do you wish to place the ship?
                    from.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 502482 ); // Where do you wish to place the ship?

                from.Target = new InternalTarget( this );

        public abstract BaseBoat Boat{ get; }

        public void OnPlacement( Mobile from, Point3D p )
            if ( Deleted )
            else if ( !IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042001 ); // That must be in your pack for you to use it.
                Map map = from.Map;

                if ( map == null )

                if ( from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster && (map == Map.Ilshenar || map == Map.Malas) )
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1043284 ); // A ship can not be created here.
                    from.SendMessage( "Test Error Place One." );

                if (from.Region.IsPartOf(typeof(HouseRegion)) || BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(from, from.Map) != null)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010568, null, 0x25 ); // You may not place a ship while on another ship or inside a house.

                BaseBoat boat = Boat;

                if ( boat == null )

                p = new Point3D( p.X - m_Offset.X, p.Y - m_Offset.Y, p.Z - m_Offset.Z );

                if ( BaseBoat.IsValidLocation( p, map ) && boat.CanFit( p, map, boat.ItemID ) )

                    boat.Owner = from;
                    boat.Anchored = true;

                    uint keyValue = boat.CreateKeys( from );

                    if ( boat.PPlank != null )
                        boat.PPlank.KeyValue = keyValue;

                    if ( boat.SPlank != null )
                        boat.SPlank.KeyValue = keyValue;

                    boat.MoveToWorld( p, map );
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1043284 ); // A ship can not be created here.
                    from.SendMessage( "Test Error Place Two." );//So Here is the problem...


        private class InternalTarget : MultiTarget
            private readonly BaseBoatDeed m_Deed;

            public InternalTarget( BaseBoatDeed deed ) : base( deed.MultiID, deed.Offset )
                m_Deed = deed;

            protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object o )
                IPoint3D ip = o as IPoint3D;

                if ( ip != null )
                    if ( ip is Item )
                        ip = ((Item)ip).GetWorldTop();

                    Point3D p = new Point3D( ip );

                    Region region = Region.Find( p, from.Map );

                    if ( region.IsPartOf( typeof( DungeonRegion ) ) )
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502488 ); // You can not place a ship inside a dungeon.
                    else if ( region.IsPartOf( typeof( HouseRegion ) ) || region.IsPartOf( typeof( ChampionSpawnRegion ) ) )
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1042549 ); // A boat may not be placed in this area.
                        m_Deed.OnPlacement( from, p );

And another problem is when player want put the boat down,just like my upload file:

It won't change directions.

Really Need HELP...
I Cannot found where is or are the problem.

Thanks for helping...


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